The Tiger Within

Chapter 126

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:10 PMChapter 126

Clovis instantly recognized it as a contract, before his fingertips touched the paper . The power snapped against his fingers as he took it . He uncoiled it and looked at the first line . "Binding of the Silver Tigress the Shadow" he read aloud and raised an eyebrow . "I didn"t consider her because she"s so rare, I figured you wanted her for the collection?" the Emperor laughed .

"She is a beautiful addition it"s true, but that contract will be met and she will be set free . I have no intention of binding her a second time . If she is close to you it would be an advantage for us if she wishes to stay on on her own . " The Emperor replied having already thought this through . However, Clovis did not sign too quickly . His plan still seemed best . There was no telling what had happened with this Tigress over the last few weeks since the night she saved Raina . He also had to consider that no one had seen her much since then, fleeting glances near the palace occasionally but nothing substantial was known about her as of yet .
"I will keep her in mind . We have a few days till The Gathering . I intend to end my search then, when the animals show their loyalties . I do not think it would be wise to do so before, since if I choose a wolf and he bows to my brothers then I would be the fool back at square one . " Clovis explained his plan as he watched his father finish his tea and pour another cup . There were many redeeming qualities to the meek and mild Mally, but her tea skill was by for the most exceptional .

"That is a good plan, however you have never been bowed to in the history of the gathering . What if that happens again?" The Emperor asked curiously and Clovis just smiled .

"Honestly? I expect this year will be no different . If that happens then the ones who bow to the Empress or those who refuse to bow at all will be my options . I can turn the head of one loyal to my mother fairly easily . However, though it will take more work I would prefer one who did not show a loyalty . " Clovis expressed how he felt rather simply and the Emperor nodded . Overall this plan seemed well thought out and he could hardly find fault with it .

"Ahh, alright . You will have less than a year to prepare though . The Final trial will begin as soon as all four sons have their backing . Speaking of, Your Brother in Law seems to be your first backer . Have you given consideration to whom you will seek for your second?" The Emperor added and Clovis shook his head .

"Years ago I leaned on King Panna and Queen Vaxlyn as my supports but… I do not think they would be willing after their grand daughter left my side . " Clovis replied honestly having struggled with this for a few days . There was so much to prepare… the four key points before the test of will were the most difficult and tiresome . The actual trek to the temple Clovis was certain would be easy enough . The worst part would be leaving little Raina for so long and worrying for her safety .

"It couldn"t hurt to reach out to them . I do know they are not supporting Bastil or Dannon . " The Emperor added with a bit of a shrug . "You might also consider the King of Serpents Gate, he would be a decent ally . " The second suggestion was less promising than the first, but it was a option . The Serpent king, Sylas was known for staying clear of other Kingdom"s struggles but the one thing that he did care about was his nephew, Mordrin .

"I don"t want to use Mordrin as a connection more than I have to . If he offers I will not decline, but I will not ask for his help . His support is more than enough . " Clovis replied firmly . There was a connection between him and his brother in law, but he would not push it .

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