The Tiger Within

Chapter 128

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:08 PMChapter 128

The early morning light bathed the canopy, soft green light filtering through the trees and coating the earth below . Wind swirled the leaves and caressed the two women in the water . Kyera lowered herself deeper into the water, letting her hair float around her . Fish swam in the shallows near her as the current from the waterfall churned the clear water .

"Why do you like this waterfall so much, Kyera?" Mally asked curiously as the cool mountain water cleansed her skin . The tigress in skin looked over at her friend and smiled .
"Since I came here everything has been unfamiliar and scary . I don"t feel safe and there are always scents that use to mean danger back home . The land is soaked with human musk and the metallics of the metal they wear . Nothing is right, I spent my first few days wandering and trying to sleep but not being able too . Constantly terrified . " Kyera attempted to explain those first few days while running her fingers through her hair in the water . Its cooling touch relaxing her as it flowed around her .

Mally"s eyebrows creased as she realized how rough Kyera had it . Between her childhood and finding herself hereā€¦ she was always alone . A sad existence for tiger born to a large family . "I am sorry, Kyera . I wish i had sensed you sooner . "

"Mally, I am a hunter now . You wouldn"t have found me no matter what you did . I used water to hide my scent, I stayed in the shadows for the most part and hid . Watched and learned you could say . However, I did find solace here . " she added brushing her fingertips over the pebble bottom of the stream . "The water flowing here has the same life as the river by my home . It"s just older now and wiser, just as this journey has changed me it changed the stream the same . " Kyera smiled diving under again to rinse herself more thoroughly .

Mally watched as her friend enjoyed the water . Both girls natural and free to enjoy the morning air . The snap of a branch and low growl catching her attention . Mally open palm slaps the water to get Kyera"s attention as a lion approached the water . He had six lionesses with him, all seeming ready to pounce . Kyera stood up, wringing some of the excess water from her hair .

"Three shifting women and a Shifting Lion, nice to see that you are still behaving as a pride . " Kyera greeted as she was draped with shadow cloth yet again . Her body dressed in the way of the forest royals rather than the palace royalty this time . A flowing tunic that cut off mid knee, and a pair of pants tight fitting under the flowy shirt . A tow wasn"t needed because the shadows form fit to her upper torso, but flared at the waist . Her hair was swept back into a ponytail within seconds .

The lions watched this in wonder, having ever seen the shadows so obedient to a woman"s hand . Even Shaman Half Eye got sa.s.s from the spirit world but without a word, Kyera was ready to fight . The lion turned human, his light skin and dark red hair matching with the lion of moments before . His deep brown eyes were filled with caution as he looked her and Mally over .

"Malina who is this outsider?" He demanded and Mally growled lightly under her breath . "why hasn"t she been presented at the council clearing?" he continued and Kyera laughed .

"Because I refused to go . I am subject to no council here and have no interest in your laws . " Kyera replied boldly on Mally"s behalf . Her eyes were filled with fire . She could smell the condescending pride of his nature . The dominate power he was sending in her direction was met by her own push of power, batting his aura away like a ball to a cub .

"You refuse to follow the Law of the Forest?" demands the lioness on his left . She growled and stepped forward challengingly . Kyera just raised an eyebrow at her .

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