The Tiger Within

Chapter 143

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:29:54 PMChapter 143

After a short time, he took the spoon from Kyera and sat beside them . He filled it, cooled the spoon and carefully fed it to his wife . Unsurprised by his actions Kyera closed her eyes and focused on turning the soup into nutrition for her, breaking it down in her system so she could preserve energy . Luckily enough, Eve"s body accepted Kyera"s healing powers as part of her own life force .

"Why did you move behind her like that?" The Emperor asked, unaware of the energy exchange between the two women . Kyera didn"t open her eyes .

"To put years of study simply, so she doesn"t drown . " Kyera replied, choosing to explain herself in that way rather than waste energy with mechanics . A healer would recognize the exchange, but hardly understand it . How could she expect a king to be any different?
"I see, so we should ensure extra pillows are brought to feed her . " he replied and Kyera"s eyes then opened .

"Emperor, all do respect, but feeding the unconscious is more complicated than perhaps truly known . It takes a very small mistake to close the lungs . I only do this out of desperation . Her body will never wake if it has no energy to do so . " Kyera explained cooly . Her tone was respectful but full of authority . He couldn"t help but nod, seeming contemplative .

"Since it was you who revived my wife, I must trouble you for her care . We must not chance further mistakes . " he added as the last of the broth was fed to her . Kyera sighed thinking on this . There was not much she could use to persuade him and it might be nice having him owe her…

"Then I will have to trouble you to stay longer, then . " Kyera replied nodding as she slipped out from under Eve and laid her back on the bed . "She will need to sleep . I expect her to wake tomorrow, but I can not be sure . " She nodded and bowed to the Emperor .

"where will you be?" he asked her a bit suspiciously . She seemed to be preparing to leave .

"I am going to go bathe first off . Once I am clean and dressed properly, I will return to keep an eye on our Empress . A disciple cannot be left to stabilize her alone right now . " Kyera added motioning to the slightly worn dress that looked as though it had been worn for several hours too long . The dirt and evidence of the forest a testament to how quickly she had heeded the call .

"Very well then . " he nodded, pleased with her response . Kyera nodded and walked to the door, closing it quietly behind her . She walked out into the courtyard surprised to see the moon had raised and shadows danced in the forest edge .

The sally of a few dark shadows beckoned her eyes . A small smile creased her lips as a cat spirit weaved its way through her legs pulling her forward . "Alright, alright . " Kyera soothed following the tiny thing to the forest . Standing there in the shadows was a old man Kyera knew well .

He smirked at her, bowing slightly as his eye and a half closed . The jagged scar faded in the lighter touch of the moon . HalfEye appraised her, his eyes following her body and tracing her power lines . Concern creased his brow in seconds . "You used a lot of energy again . This is twice now the shadows have warned me you were weak . " he chided her carefully . There was still respect in his tones .

"Good to see you as well . Master Shaman Half Eye . Are you in fare health?" Kyera asked a touch formally and he glanced around . Sensing it as well he nodded .

"I came to check on my apprentice . Imagine my surprise to find you here, in the palace rather than the forest home . " Half eye replied raising an eyebrow . Kyera was witty enough to know his question and she smiled .

"It was a unexpected event when you sent me to visit Sister Mally . I simply stayed because I was asked to . " Kyera replied nodding at him . He smiled, chuckling .

"I never would have sent you had I known this would happen . Your a strong healer, but your inner energy still needs s.p.a.ce to grow . " Half Eye reminded her, his words partially a warning . His eyes shifted around the clearing as the shadows danced to and fro testing the area for that which hid .

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