The Tiger Within

Chapter 18

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:58 PMChapter 18

The prince walked forward, unaware the woman on her knees had a second form hidden within . Oblivious to the danger he stopped and nodded at her . "stand my Dear . Such a n.o.ble warrior maid has every right to stand before her 4th prince . " he replied coolly, offering her a hand to her feet . Kyera stood, but refused his hand .

"Thank you, but perhaps you should tell them that . " she said motioning to the brutes who forced her to the ground . He frowned .
"You have done a great service for our kingdom . How did you find Princess Raina? We were on the chase but lost them not far from here . " He offered, and she chuckled knowing his intentions better than he did himself . The princess however, looked at her father as if he was insane, but her timidness caused her to look away, aiming her eyes back at the ground .

"Your Majesty, let us be honest shall we? No confusing the forest for the trees . I was not part of a plot to kidnap the princess . I was simply in the right place, at the right time and happen to have a soft heart . " She replied, her voice both amused and rea.s.suring . The look in her eyes was bewitchingly sweet, drawing him in with her gentle mocking amus.e.m.e.nt . There was something almost brazen about this little warrioress . Something small that made him want to peel back the layers and find what makes her tick . However, that would damage her . . Perhaps a simple mind reading spell instead?

"I see . Well we will do a careful investigation . If you don"t mind, where are you staying in case we have further questions?" The fourth prince asked with a smile . It was quite the smile, it even made her heart flutter for a moment and earned a tender smile . However, it quickly pa.s.sed as she remembered the fourth prince, Clovis, had always been good with girls . Knowing what to say and when to give which look was a talent taught to all in the court, but very few became master"s of it quite the way Clovis did .

"You can find me at the Market twice a week . I sell Medicines and cloth down by the triangle . " She replied motioning toward the main bustling center of town . He raised an eyebrow and she chuckled . "Tiger"s Eye Trinkets . " He chuckled at the name, a bit in disbelief .

"Your the maiden of Tiger"s Eye? My sisters and Mother rave of your shop . Softest cloth for sleeping and such . Perhaps I"ll pay you a visit . " He added with a smirk . Knowing she worked at such a prestigious shop actually calmed him a bit . It would not be easy to see her again, not as long as he had excuses to buy presents and spare coin . Speaking of coin he remebered a slight detail . "How may I repay you?" he asked and she shook her head, rotating her less injured shoulder .

Something like a switch flipped in Kyeara"s head . Suddenly she felt like she was being paid . Like she had killed for the sake of money . It didn"t set well with her and she flashed him a pretty playful grin .

"No need . I think the matching bruises are more than enough from you . Sir . " she replies teasingly, her voice purring just a touch . Her hand settles on her hips, discreetly making sure the box of antivenom was in tact . Luckily she felt nothing wet and the edge of the box in her shirt was still sealed tight . The inch and a half thickness still hidden by her looser fitting skirts .

Her words seemed to strike a chord in the prince as he looked her over from head to toe . Her hair was a mess, but slightly sensual in its unkempt array . Her skin was flushed from the efforts but pink marks where bruises will soon turn black were scattered across her skin . Thin lines of blood here and there from a couple Jackal"s claws were clear across her flesh . He sighed, too bad he had been so far away, he couldn"t tell she was this battered at such a distance . Frankly . . He was impressed .

"I"m sorry my men caused you some discomfort . Concern for the Princess" well being is always first in our minds . Sometimes manners get left aside momentarily to tend to such worries . Afterall…" He smirked looking her in the eyes "A warrior is only a gentleman till the sword is drawn . "

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