The Tiger Within

Chapter 205

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:28:53 PMChapter 205

"You are wise beyond your years, Lady Kyera . " he replied softly, there was a warmth in his cool eyes . He had never heard someone speak kindly of the Ice Queen sincerely, and yet she seemed to understand his mother"s pain .

"Thank you, I do my best to learn . " Kyera replied with a simple smile before looking up at her host . Prince Clovis smiled and motioned to the table .

"Thank you for coming, Crown Prince Viren . I am sorry to say I did not recognize you but it has been a while . " Clovis greeted as he led Kyera to her seat and pulled it out for her . The other two men walked to the table and also took their seats .
"Not at all, your father seemed to shift away from you as his successor, and as a result I started meeting your elder brothers . " Viren replied but there was a sense of distaste in the air . Kyera could tell this Snow Leopard had zero love for the other prince"s he had met .

"Yes well, that was not purely father"s choice . I did step away and leave him to make such a decision . " Clovis replied smoothly . Viren nodded, his expression slightly amused .

"Yes, I heard . I was quite surprised by the news, but with your wife"s death and a daughter to raise it was understandable . I take it you have reconsidered?" he asked raising a brow . Clovis waved for the servants to begin setting the table .

"Yes, I have decided Raina is old enough and I have enough support to care for my family and take the throne . " Clovis replied as the plates were filled with delicious dishes . Kyera watched the two Prince"s speak, her eyes occasionally flicking to Mordrin out of curiosity . He was unreadable, if you didn"t know his ticks .

"I have a feeling there is more to it . Prince Mordrin told me that you needed support of another ally kingdom . If you had the support why would you need me?" Viren asked as he took a bite of pastry smeared with meat sauce . Clovis smiled softly, wondering how true to be .

"Prince Viren, I think you are being short sighted . Yes, Prince Clovis has all the support he needs to take the throne but not sustain it . Your kingdom has been on shaky ground with our own as of late . " Kyera pointed out with a sweet grin . Viren"s attention fell to her as he wondered where she was going with this .

"That is true . Ever since the War on kindred . " Mordrin offered nodding at Kyera "There was a lot of strife from Shadow Veil and Viren against your kingdom . "

"Exactly . The last thing Clovis wants is a weak point . Why not take advantage of this crowning and turn two near enemies to friends?" Kyera offered tilting her head a bit teasingly . Viren noticed the feline gesture and smiled . He knew she was extending a hand herself as well .

"I see . So, Prince Clovis what do you want from me?" Viren asked curiously . Her words coupled with Mordrin"s a.s.sistant points were very persuasive . Especially since supporting this prince seemed to be supporting The Shade Moon Princess .

"Well, Honestly I wish to work on a pact with you and secure it with Trading routes . Something to bring our two cultures together . " Prince Clovis offered and Kyera stopped for a moment, meeting Viren"s eyes . This was a instant deal breaker .

The kingdom of the Snow Phoenix was the only safe haven for shifter Kin, with a shifter family ruling it . They never married outside their kingdom and there were only certain towns outsiders could visit . Even then it was only for short times and completely unarmed . No merchants traveled between kingdoms, it was just too risky . If the other kingdoms ganged up go take the snow Leopard royals out… there would be nothing left of the Shifter Kin .

"No . Absolutely not . " Viren began go say but a clattering sound stopped him and drew the men"s attentions . Kyera was dusting gla.s.s off herself from her cup . The elegant Tigress had dropped her gla.s.s on the edge of the table .

"Oh my, I am so sorry Fourth Prince…" Kyera began to apologize as he waved a couple servants over . Clovis gave her a look and helped her get out of the now shard strewn chair .

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