The Tiger Within

Chapter 233

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:28:25 PMChapter 233

"My, Miss Kyera you seem to have gotten yourself into some trouble . Your aura is fractured and your bones are damaged . " he stated looking her over and reading her body . She sighed, having seen half eye do this she knew what he was doing but still had no idea how these old healers did it without touching the patient .

"I was defending the Crown, Master Tai Ken . " Kyera offered knowing it would do her little good to explain . Most of these injuries were her own fault after all . She let Bina get under her skin and break her concentration .

"Ahh, I see . Let"s take a look see . " he came to kneel at her side . Then after a moment, looked meaningfully at Lazren . The wolf coughed walking to the Prince .

"We should step outside, the Doctor needs room to work . " Lazren hinted tilting his head toward the door . Clovis looked at the s.p.a.ce around Kyera and the Doctor, noting how open it was and Lazten sighed . "Sir, all due respect, but the doctor needs to be able to see the wounds . "

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Kyera please cooperate, for Raina"s sake if nothing else . " Prince Clovis told her and she looked at him rather surprised .

Cooperate? He was the one not cooperating .

"Fourth Prince, unless you want to be held responsible for this woman, I suggest you get out . " Master Tai Ken"s patients was running out quite rapidly . Unlike the others he could see the damage deep inside that the shadows were trying to hold at bay .

"I am respons…"

"I am going to strip her naked . " Master Tai Ken cut him off and the situation dawned on Clovis, whose expression gave Lazren a laugh as he turned and left the room .

Clovis stood outside the door floored by his own stupidity . His eyes were still widened and cheeks flushed at what he had almost said . "I am responsible for her…" oh G.o.d the number of ways that could have been taken out of context .

"Lazren?" he questioned looking over at the extremely amused guard . His face now calm and composed .

"Yes, your majesty?" Lazren prompted, honestly in a good mood .

"If that sort of thing happens, and I don"t get the hit DRAG ME OUT OF THERE . " Clovis ordered before walking to the study to work . "Also, you have a extra training session every week for the next six . "

Lazren stared at the prince, racking his brain over what happened . He failed to find a single way any of this was his fault . However, that expression alone was more than worth it .


The gentle smell of incense wafted over the room . Kyera lay quietly on the pillows, her body laying as even as flat as it could . Her dress had been replaced by a open waisted robe that tied closed just under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s . The lower half split into two sides so the doctor could run his hands over the rib cage and feel the damage below .

Purple bruises from strikes glared off of her soft white skin . She felt the small pains each time his hand pressed one of those tender spots . However, one rib on her left side caused her to cry out in pain, despite expecting it . Tai Ken"s brow furrowed as he did the same again, feeling the bone shift .

"It seems as though the Miss that hit you harbored great anger against you . " Master Tai Ken stated, it wasn"t a question but Kyera knew enough about elder speak to know a explanation is needed .

"Her elder brother was one of a troupe that tried to steal the princess . I had stopped them and caused the prince to catch up . He shot the men down to rescue the Princess . Bina blames me for it . " Kyera replied honestly . There was no use hiding her past when everyone pretty much knew about the daring rescue . A light of sad understanding lit in his eyes .

"If she"s a rebel then the Prince and Princess were in more danger than we realized . " Master Tai Ken mused, but Kyera was unnerved . She couldn"t read this old man"s expression . Like the b.u.t.terfly whose delicate face told no tales .

"Not truly . If I had failed there were others ready to break in to save them . There was just no need with… ahhhhhh…" Kyera broke off in a low, breathy growl of pain . He raised an eyebrow as his hands finished setting the bone in place . His own power weaving it together enough to hold while it healed .

"I see . How do you know that for sure?" Master Tai asked and Kyera smiled softly .

"The Children of the Forest may be calloused and uncultured but they have their codes . No matter if the crown looks down on us or not, we must defend it . " Kyera explained as the incense worked their magic, slowly draining her consciousness and left her in a restful slumber .

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