The Tiger Within

Chapter 241

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:28:17 PMChapter 241

"Thank you, Father . It is kind of you to say so . " Raina replied as she began to eat a rather sweet red fruit . Kyera nodded her agreement and took a bite of the rice porridge . She made a small sound of delight before settling in more seriously to eat . She barely managed to remember her manners and eat with dignity but, she was starving .

"Thank you both . I am sorry to have intruded on your hospitality for so long . " Kyera took the time to apologize formally . She had never meant to fall asleep like that, whether it be carelessness or exhaustion . Her wounds were no excuse for bad manners .

Clovis on the other hand sat and stared at her for several long moments, stirring his porridge . He was struggling not to feel offended by her apology . Did she not realize that she mattered here? That they considered her part of the family? Then again probably not . He wasn"t even sure when it had happened .
When had she gone from a stranger tending his child"s education to family? It could have started when she rescued Raina the first time… or perhaps when she appeared at the palace tending Rasha . Perhaps when she had jumped in and dedicated herself wholeheartedly to healing The Empress? To be honest, he wasn"t sure,  and it didn"t matter . Somehow they were here .

"Kyera, you are always welcome here . Please do not feel the need to apologize . In all honesty it is I who should apologize to you . " Clovis replied dragging himself out of his thoughts . He could examine them further in private, away from prying eyes . "You tried to warn me those people were up to no good and good at trouble but I did not pay attention . That resulted in you fighting several men and a woman on your own . " he pointed out knowing full well it was his mistake . They had looked so simple and young, he never dreamed they had that much skill between them .

"It was partially my fault . Bina… do you remember when we first met and you had to kill those men?" Kyera asked motioning to Raina . Clovis" eyes darkened as he remembered that day, he had almost lost Raina . It had been yet another failure while the queens watched the children . "Bina"s elder brother was one of their number . She blames me for stalling them because if I hadn"t got in the way he would be alive . "

"And My daughter, your princess would have been dead or worse . " Clovis replied anger boiling in his heart at these peoples logic . Afterall, she is just a child . Why does everyone aim at the child?  

"Yes, I know . That is precisely why I don"t feel guilty . I did what needed to he done . " Kyera replied soothingly, her tone careful . She could feel his anger as could Raina who honestly seemed concerned . This sounded like more dangerous grown up talk than she was accustomed to .  

"Good . She will be dealt with as will those other 2 we brought back . You need to focus on getting better . " Clovis replied calmly . His body had dissipated the anger as he remembered his composure . "That being said the ball was pushed back, so it will be in 4 days time . Do you think you will be in shape to attend?" he asked, his composure carefully in place, but Kyera almost felt as though she sensed a hopefulness in those eyes . It was gone so quickly she truly couldn"t be sure .

"Yes, in all honesty I think I will be fine in a couple days . Master Half Eye wants me to go with him for a day or so and try to recenter myself . " Kyera admittedly left out that she needed to go be a beast for a bit because her muscles were starting to ache . Clovis nodded understandingly .

"Of course, he must have had a reason to come all this way . We had not sent for him as of yet . " Clovis replied and Raina looked curious then .

"Then will you be teaching me when you get back?" Raina asked hopefully and Kyera smiled brightly .

"Practice "Come little Fairies" until I get back and I will teach you the sister song "Fall Fairy Fling" . " Kyera promised with a bit of a chuckle at the child"s excitement . It was so refreshing to be around one so pure with her motives .  

"Yes, Mistress Kyera . " Raina agreed with a bright smile . It was infections and quickly infected both Clovis and Kyera with joy .

"Then it is settled . I will be back in two days . " Kyera a.s.sured them both before standing to reenter the house . Half eye would no doubt be waiting for her up front .

"Be safe . " Clovis whispered as she disappeared through the door, leaving him to his thoughts while the sound of fairies dancing played nearby .

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