The Tiger Within

Chapter 252

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:28:06 PMChapter 252

"No . These men were murdered . The true culprit was the man who escaped . " Mordrin replied shaking his head "Prepare all three for the crypt . The Elder will be received by his student… but till then have them preserved . " Mordrin"s eyes were sad as he looked toward the moon . His men would not understand, after all only three living knew the truth .

Years before, before the four brothers had pa.s.sed, before his own father had died, Mordrin had indeed been been engaged to Princess Kyera Shade of the Moon . He had been her brother"s commander, a ally to her people, and in time her dear friend .

Times were simpler then . He trained to be a warrior in the morning, a ruler in the afternoon, and a host and people person in the evening . Kyera had been part of all three lessons since she saved his life . She was only seven when she a.s.sisted Half eye with that procedure . Sharp eyes and graceful even at the tender age .
Though she turned Ten as his friend, and was starting to blossom into a beauty he had always seen her as someone to protect, a sibling he had never been blessed with .

He arrived back in his rooms to find his wife awake, standing at the window . Vella"s long dark braid messy from her restless sleep . Mordrin frowned, wrapping gentle arms around her waist and pulling her back against his chest .

"why are you not asleep, My dear?" he whispered into her ear . In response she took his hand and placed it over her round stomach . There was movement in her womb, a restless child . Signs of life that brought a grin to his lips . No one would take this from him .

"The child seems to be taking after the father . Sleepless and restless on such a beautiful moon drenched night . " Vella replied wistfully her eyes drawn to the silver edged tree tops below . Mordrin smiled softly caressing her stomach, trying to sooth the little soul inside .

"Hey now little one, stop tormenting your Mother . " He purred in a gentle but deep teasing growl . Vella looked back at him and smiled .

"You my dear have been up to something . Why are there three bodies being carried away from our courtyard?" Vella asked turning to look back at him . Most would see it as curious but he could read the underlying, wife tone that hinted she knew something was up and he couldn"t get out of telling her what . He sighed taking her hand and gently leading her to the bed .

"You sit, I"ll explain . " He replied taking a deep breath . This was going to be a very interesting conversation . She nodded sitting down on the bed, scotting back till she was comfortable in her spot . Vella"s patient eyes focused on his face expectantly .

"So, let"s start with there are some secrets here and mysteries that I haven"t quite unraveled . So the three bodies you saw were brought in by a man claiming that they were . They had a letter on them claiming to be after me over marrying you . " He explained hte high notes and she took the letter from his hand reading it . Her eyebrows raised .

"You never told me you were engaged when we met?" Vella asked and he sighed falling back on the bed beside him .

"I wasn"t Vella . Well that"s not quite true . It was a contractual relationship with a Princess of the Forest . In all honesty we were engaged on paper only . " Mordrin explained turning onto his side to look at his beautiful wife .

"What does that mean?" She asked still a bit wary .

"So there was a man who was trying to marry her, and her brothers were worried he would start a war between their clans if they couldn"t find a way to decline tastefully . In the end My father and I discussed and offered that I would be her fiance until she could find her mate or I found mine . " He explained reaching out and gently brushing her hair behind her ear . There was a tender love in his gaze that made her wonder why she was being silly . There would never be another woman in his heart .

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