The Tiger Within

Chapter 27

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:49 PMChapter 27

"Since this matter has been clarified, I must say I had higher hopes for the jackals . Let us not hold grudges and move forward . " Daxin spoke firmly, leaving no questions to be asked . He believed this was the best way to handle it . Bina nodded, too embarra.s.sed to raise her eyes more or less speak . Kyera gave a sweeping bow at the waist and bared her neck to the elders .

"Thank you for being willing to hear my words . All due respect Daxin, Werol, as my teacher did I behave according to your teachings?" Kyera asked still bowing to the elderly Owl . Werol smiled . It was the soft smile with loving eyes of a grandfather to a obediant child . Her eyes did not see it, but she felt the warm glow of affection envelop her .

"Kyera Shade of the Moon behaved as I have come to expect from her . She did well and obeyed the law protecting us as we have all seen time and time again . I do not believe she should be labeled as a Traitor nor did she deserve the punishment she received . " Werol"s sharp gaze landed on Bina"s form . The implications were clear, being as Kyera was wronged, she should be able to repay the wrong . Bina"s eyes rose, a fearful wildness in her eyes like a trapped animal . Kyera stood straight again and raised an eyebrow .
"Thank you, Elder . However, this once, I wish to show mercy . She"s a child after all . " Kyera replied graciously and he smiled with delight . Repaying kindness was a wonderful virtue, but being able to repay evil with good… was a trait to be revered .

So while the Elders smiled and nodded approvingly, Kyera turned to Bina and offered a handshake . The Jackal took it and shook the Tiger"s hand . "Bina, learn to control those emotions, the only thing that saved you this time is you aren"t worth the effort . " Kyera whispered into her ear . Anger surged through Bina at the humiliation of this remark even if only she could hear it .

Kyera smiled sweetly and leaned in kissing Bina"s cheek in the traditional sign of forgiveness, the barest graze of lips to skin sent a shiver down the younger woman"s spine, but she held her apologetic smile . Fear sparked in her eyes . There was more to that kiss than the onlookers could see .

As Bina watches Kyera walk away, her hand raises to her cheek . The soft skin was undamaged, despite the lingering feeling of fangs dragginging lightly against her skin . A threat, not lost on the Jackal .


The Empress Awakens

The palace was a serene place in the mornings . Birds chirped, the royal garden forest was filled with sleepy life . Lions, tigers, wolves a few of each lived in the woodlands, tamed to the royal hand . Mornings, long before feeding was always the time the king and his wives would begin the day in the garden and receive their 6 beautiful grandchildren . Queen Kira and Queen Fae, the favored ladies of the court enjoyed their son"s children each morning, Kira"s son Bastil had 2 handsome sons, twins only 5 years of age . Fae"s 2 sons Alexi and Damar had each gifted her with a grandsons as well, 3 in all . Empress Evealyn however, her son had but one child, and she was the only one not to present herself this morning .

Queen Kira and Queen Fae smiled and doted on their grandchildren, while Evealyn watched quietly from her swing under the tree . In her hands a little doll made of porcelain and dressed in silk resting beneath her hand on her lap . The King watched his queens, and spared a few glances for his Empress who was quiet and forloren alone . Her long black hair falling in a braid over her shoulder, adorned with simple silver and purple ribbons woven into the strands . Her skirts lightly brushing across the ground as she allowed the swing to sway with the wind . The thoughtfulness in her silver eyes and the soft pout to her rose lips made him curious as to what was going through his lady"s head .

However, as he went to investigate, one of his grand sons grabbed his hand and tugged it toward the garden center . "Emperor, I saw a Leopard! I saw a leopard! Quick come see . " The child begged with a bright smile . His name was Keen, the eldest of the twins . Bright inquisitive eyes melted his heart and without another glance at Evalyn, the Emperor followed his grandson .

"Let"s see if we can get a better look shall we?" He asked picking the child up and following him into the woods .

Evalyn watched him go without a word . She knew what had happened . It had been going on for years . Seeing the emperor showed interest in her, Kira had become jealous and sent the pride and joy of the nation to steal her husband away . A rueful smile curved Evalyn"s lips . Little did that foolish queen know, that the empress had gotten what she wanted from the king long ago .

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