The Tiger Within

Chapter 298

"Talis, it is kind of you to say but…" she never got to finish that statement before a finger pressed to her lips. His eyes were firm and unmoved by her attempt to correct him. She looked back, her lips quivering against the pad of his finger. He slowly pulled back, breaking the contact but staying close to her.

"Kyera, you are not to blame. You were stolen from us because you were saving me.How is that your fault? You gave your life and asked us to take care of each other till you returned. We failed to do so." Talis explained to her with a bit of a smile. She couldn"t help but frown, seeing where this was going. "Kyera, I should be the one apologizing to you."

"You do not owe me an apology, I swore to protect my clan, I promised my brothers. No matter what happens, you are still part of that clan I fight so desperately to protect, as was Verone. It was my failure. Talis you don"t understand, I should have been there. He felt like it was his duty to defend my honor. If I hadn"t been so proud." She trailed off softly still looking away and Talis couldn"t help but chuckle. She was trying so hard and yet missed everything he was saying to her. He felt a sight pang of pity for her, if only she could see what he did.

"Kyera, you uphold the pride of our nation. That traitor could have killed any of our people if he had not ran into him and got him off tack. Verone died a hero, you and I have to let go of the past and move forward." Talis replied soothingly. His hand slid down her neck to grip either of her shoulders making her look up at him. Her eyes met his searching him for answers now.

"I know, I want to move forward but, Talis if it isn"t Verone why are you so against my marriage?" Kyera asked honestly getting back to the whole reason she was here. He shook his head, releasing her and dragging a clawed hand through his hair. He turned in a slow circle before leaning against the wall looking back at her. His eyes were soft and conflicted as he tried to organize his thoughts. Kyera sat down on the wall of the entrance, waiting for him to continue. Her dress swirling around her legs as if it was living. She settled into place and rubbed her arms a bit gently.

"Kyera, You have given me every reason in the world why you want to marry him except the one I need to hear to support this." Talis replied, folding his arms and Kyera paused. She tried to think of something he was wanting to hear, but she was drawing a blank. She was doing this for their people and she wasn"t betraying Verone…

"Talis, I don"t understand. What am I missing here?" Kyera asked when she had waited long enough to decide she didn"t know. Talis waited wondering if she would puzzle it out herself. There was a certain probability she would realize it. The problem was it had the same chance as a warrior forgetting his helm in war.

"Kyera you put these people first before everything out of the promise you made your brothers. However, I also made a promise that I hold very dear to my own brother." Talis replied with a soft smile. "When we lowered him down, I swore I would take care of the woman he left behind. You, My lady, are my charge. Can you tell me you want to marry him for you? Can you tell me you care about him?" He asked.

"Talis, I… I am not ready to love again…" She replied feeling that stir in her heart again. That odd sensation that seemed to cause conflict in her head over the feelings in her beating heart.

"Kyera, I didn"t ask if you love him. I asked if you cared." Talis replied seriously. Kyera felt the tears welling up in her eyes.

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