The Tiger Within

Chapter 307

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:27:10 PMChapter 307

"Talis, is this why you got so defensive when you saw me with him? You know I would not needlessly put myself in a situation that would be unsafe or miserable . " Kyera chided, trying to side step that question . To be honest, she didn"t know how to answer it .

"My dear, That was not what I asked . Do you care about him? Has he expressed care about you? Give me a solid reason to entrust you to his care . " Talis replied firmly, his gaze holding hers, not allowing her to escape .

"I can"t speak for the Fourth Prince . . " Kyera began .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"I can however . " Clovis replied, walking out from the doorway . He came to stand beside Kyera, his expression careful .

"Well then, be my guest, Fourth Prince . " Talis allowed, obviously surprised to see him here . There were such obvious signs of relief on his face when he had seen Kyera unharmed, that he almost didn"t need the clarification . Almost .

"Your Princess, My Lady Kyera has already claimed a significant portion of my affection . Should she choose to place herself in my hands, she will be tended to and cared for as a true Empress and wife . I will defend her just as I defend my Mother, my sister, and my daughter . " Clovis rea.s.sured him clearly . It was the best way he could come up with to make his feelings known . She mattered to him, very much, but how to word that feeling eluded him .

"I see . Kyera is a warrior and a guardian first . It sounds to me as though you hope to put her on a pedestal . A pretty kitten on a leash . " Talis replied and Kyera frowned but Clovis took her hand, squeezing lightly . He had this .

"No, I intend to support the Tigress and provide shelter when she feels tired of weak . Even the best warriors need somewhere they find safe to rest their wearied heads . " he replied smoothly . His eyes darting to look at Kyera, a bit sheepishly . That emotion there for only a moment, before it disappeared like a spark in the night . "In all honesty I hope she those warrior Princess ideals to my daughter . "

"Talis, you know I care about him or I wouldn"t have taken that arrow in my palm . Though I will say, at least, for once, it wasn"t my shoulder . " Kyera pointed out looking at her bandaged hand . Yes wounding her hand sucked, yes it hurt like h.e.l.l, but at least it wasn"t a repeat for her shoulder . Then again . . . eating would be difficult .

While she was having this internal monolog of pros and cons, the two men shared a glance . Talis was quite confused, but Clovis kinda understood and tried to exclaim . "I am not sure how but she seems to keep injuring her right shoulder . I"ve noticed her both as Moon and Kyera favoring it . " he explained with a bit of a shrug . Talis sighed deeply .

"I know at one point it was my fault . When she saved me from the trap, she collided her shoulder into my ribs . I had broken ribs and knew her damage had to be bad, but being as she was stolen away, I had no way of knowing how bad . " Talis explained and Clovis was suddenly curious .

"Kyera never did tell me how she got captured . " Clovis hinted and Talis nodded, understandably . It wasn"t much of a surprise, she probably didn"t like talking about it . Kyera came back from her thought process as Clovis" question dropped a bolder on her carriage of thought . *

"Talis, please . I want you at my side, even with this wedding . I still see you as my brother, will you support my match?" Kyera pushed again . She was worried they would get too far off topic . There was only so long they could stay out before they were missed .

"I give you my blessing Kyera, on the condition I can have a word with your groom to be . " Talis replied and Kyera eyed him critically .

"Perhaps we should move to that stage . Kyera has had very little sleep in two days . Its best the both of us get some rest . " Clovis added, having noticed the dark circles becoming more prominent . Kyera nodded her agreement, though honestly she just prefered the time those two spent together be brief, at least till she was sure they wouldn"t kill each other .

"I will make it quick . " Talis agrees .

(Hey everyone, sorry about shortage of chapters . I have caught a virus and been trying to recover . thank you all for reading,


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