The Tiger Within

Chapter 313

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:27:05 PMChapter 313

The Palace of the Four Storms

The sunlight was warming the garden paths as the servants set about bringing out meals . The Emperor and the Empress were seated under her favorite Willow tree . The branches cascaded over in a flowy curtain around the table, casting gentle shadows across the meal table . She was relaxing in her wooden wheelchair . A warm green blanket tucked around her legs . Her hands were folded lightly on her blanket as she watched for her son and Granddaughter to arrive .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Eve, my love, can you believe it? Our son is wishing to get married . He actually picked a woman that I think will be wonderful for him . Strong and talented . " The Emperor commented smiling at his lovely wife . The Empress smiled .

"I can . I remember his first wife . She was beautiful but fragile . I was worried about her surviving in a harem . Kyera however, I think she will do much more than survive . She will command the harem and hopefully, learn from my mistakes . " Evelyn replied nodding her head as well in approval . She still kept a decent amount of her emotions and personal approval in Kyera deep within . Though she had to lean on the Emperor for survival right now, she had no intentions of being more vulnerable than she had to be .

His eyes darkened a bit as he looked over at her . "You made no mistakes . Empress, we have the most harmonious harem of this dynasty . There is nothing for you to feel disappointed in yourself over . " The Emperor corrected her but the Empress had to restrain a laugh . If he only knew how much she had suffered, how much her children had suffered because this was how he felt . He refused to see the pain his lack of attention had caused . Yes, he had become better to her now, he seemed to truly care, but she would not allow herself to put her faith in it yet .

"That right there proves how many I did . " Eve replies softly as she watched her Granddaughter enter the glen . Before he had a chance to ask what that meant, Raina ran over to her grandmother and quickly curtsied to her before hugging her tightly around the neck .

"Empress, did you hear! I am getting a Mommy!" Raina told her excitedly . Evelyn couldn"t help but laugh at her child"s excitement . That alone made everything worth it .

"Yes, I did, little one . Where is your Mother to be and your Father?" The Empress asked with a smile . She looked over the child"s head and out over her head . She was surprised not to see the adults close behind .

"They will be along in a moment, h.e.l.lo Emperor . " Raina greeted, curtsying to her grandfather . He smiled and opened his arms, kneeling down to hug her . The child smiled and hugged him back, having completed her Princessly duties .

"It is good to see you, little Princess . I hope you slept well last night . " The Emperor added gently smoothing her hair . The cloth that had been hiding the bruise had been gone a while now but he found himself looking at her cheek for signs of that trama it left . All that was there was smooth skin but he remembered how purple and swollen it had been . He glanced at the Empress, perhaps there was more than he saw to his little family . A dark underbelly to a beautiful white Leopard .

"I slept well, Grandfather . I was excited to see you today . I hope your health has been well and your mind bright . May I take my seat or should I wait for father and Lady Kyera?" Raina asked waiting behind her seat . He smiled at her and nodded .

"Yes of course, take your seat dear . " He agreed, and a maid servants stepped up to try and push the empress into place, but he raised a hand to stop her .  The Emperor personally moved behind the Empress and rolling her closer to the table, her hands were lifted a bit, to catch the edge of the table should he push her in too far . To her surprise he placed her perfectly so she was comfortable in her seat . He took his seat beside her and smiled at her .

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