The Tiger Within

Chapter 330

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:26:47 PMChapter 330

The day of the wedding was approaching faster than anyone had expected . The shadows of the snow clouds sailed across the lands . Kyera sat in the gardens reading over the papers the Empress had sent over . Most of them were just notes and things she should know about how the palace worked . Very little of it was news to Kyera, but still she poured over them diligently . It had never occurred to her to be less than perfect as their Third Princess .

Raina was reading as well, it was a slightly older book she had been given by Daxin . No matter how many times the Emperor"s tudors tried to correct his curriculum for the princess, they got no where . Even now the book in front of her was on the history of the kingdom as written by the monks on the mountain . It was older but explained it in a much simpler terms than the newer texts .
Kyera leaned back as she set the last scroll on the pile . Her eyes fell on the child that was soon to he her daughter . A smile creased her lips as she remembered the days they have spent together, learning or playing it didn"t matter it was perfect .

"Raina, why don"t we go for a walk? We have both been buried in books all morning . " Kyera suggested standing and dusting off her skirt . However, she failed to notice Daxin walking out into the garden .

"My lady, I am afraid Princess Raina has her horseback lessons this afternoon . I am sure one of the guard would love to walk with you . " He offered as Raina closed her book and stood at her teacher"s side . Kyera offered a smile and nodded .

"Of course lessons are first . Thank you, Master Daxin . I trust you will have no trouble of my tiny Princess . " Kyera a.s.sured before giving Raina a conspiratorial wink . Daxin felt a slight bit uneasy, knowing the ladies did very well when they chose to torment him . Luckily those days are few and far between .

Teacher and student moved off one way and Kyera took a different trail, wandering through the gardens . She knew the paths quite well whether she wander as human or tiger . The flowers grew in small groups allowing her to trace their map through the land . Mind wandering, she chose to pa.s.sively ignore the woman who was walking with two maids through the garden .

They however, had no intention if ignoring her . The maid pointed and whispered about the stories surrounding the upcoming marriage . Their lady however, the First Princess Feya watched as the woman who had interloped on her territory walked along the paths she once frequented with Clovis . How dare this white haired devil get designs on a man whose heart would always belong to Feya alone? It was her bad luck to be walking here now, alone .

She was beautiful but those looks would never win her his heart . "How dare she not greet the lady, First Princess . Does she not know how to behave?" One maid demanded glaring in Kyera"s direction as the woman moved along the white oak trees smiling as she caressed the bark .

"Obviously not . She is obviously just a forest s.l.u.t, there"s no way The Third Prince has such poor taste . She must have tricked  him into her bed . " The second maid added with a look of disgust in her eyes . Feya frowned softly, honestly feeling the same way .

"Well, we shall go teach her then, shall we? Come along girls . " Feya replied smoothing the blue satin over her stomach and hips . Her crimson hair bounced in its it"s high bun with each step she took . There was a sense of superiority to her walk that was shockingly strong . Kyera smeed her scene and frowned deeply . She knew it from somewhere, not all of it but just some small notes of hereditary lines

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