The Tiger Within

Chapter 361

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:26:16 PMChapter 361

"You misunderstand, we have no proof you are who you say . We must be cautious . " The leopardess chided gently but Kyera laughed, wich in her current form sounded quite malicious .

"Then I shall provide proof . " with that Kyera turned her head to present her shadow crest for the woman to see . The earpiece still secure against her hair . The purple stones shimmered with power . As they looked at this, shadows began to dance into existence around Kyera"s paws . The shadows seemed so serene and moved so slowly around her paws that one would think them docile . However every now and again one would lash just slightly quicker outside the circle, to remind of their hidden liveliness .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntThe Snow leopardess bowed as she realized exactly who Kyera was . The even seemed tense now as she stood . "Welcome Warrior Maid Kyera Shade of the Moon, and Prince Clovis of the Dancing winds . Forgive us for our customers for it is not our own fault trust was broken . " The leopardess began formally . "I am Crystalsis Is the second greatest grand Niece of Our Lady Queen . " the leopardess introduced herself as she stood at full height .

"Thank you for the Welcome Crystalsis . You will have to excuse my behavior . A Tigress doesn"t like to be ignored . " Kyera replied before she morphed back into human form . The furs and shadow cloth covering her body once again .

"Of course not, nor does a leopard . " Crystalsis agreed and Kyera smiled now friendly .

"Clovis and I seek an audience with the old one, if I am still welcome here?" Kyera asked raising a elegant brow to go with that beautiful smile . Crystalsis nodded . There seemed to be a look of concern on her face as she looked Kyera over .

"Yes of course . Grand Aunt would love to see you . However… forgive me for asking, but are you not a skilled healer?" she asked and Kyera nodded, suddenly feeling off center .  There was a look in this girl"s eyes she had seen before . A sense of urgency and suppressed desperation .

"Yes, that I am . Is there something wrong with the Lady Queen?" Kyera asked suddenly a bit tense . Afterall, if the lady was ill she had no idea who would succeed her, and not to mention the power of the flower would die with her . The great tree tied to the very fabric of her existence . It would be devastating for the soul tree to die .

"No, though Grand Aunt is well into the third digit her health flourishes . Perhaps when your business is done you could take a look at someone for me?" Crystalsis asked carefully . It was as though she was timid despite the fire she had shown moments before .

"Of course, a healer never turns their back on someone in need . " Kuera replied smiling softly . To Clovis"s complete surprise she wove a arm gently around his waist . The amount of physical contact so openly was a bit of a shock . Yet he noticed some of the people seemed to look at them gentler . Even the guard seemed less annoyed and more surprised . It was pleasant to have so much tension disappear .

"I wish that was how all healers lived . " Crystalsis sighed as she nodded at Clovis and the wild ones in acknowledgement . "I will take you to a palace room to clean up and get warm, then you will see Grand Aunt . " she replied smoothly and Kyera nodded .

"That sounds very pleasant . Warmth has been lacking as of late, except what little we have between ourselves . " Kyera replied smoothly . Her eyes looked up at Clovis filled with trust and love . His heart skipped a beat and he had to remind his body now was not the time .

"Follow me then . " Crystalsis ordered before leading the way back through the crowd . Kyera followed without hesitation, Clovis only a step behind her . The sea of people seemed to part though they craned necks and lifted onto their toes to get a look of this foreign group . Whispers that the beauty was a tiger white as snow with stripes of moonlight spread fast .

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