The Tiger Within

Chapter 400

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:25:37 PMChapter 400

"Kyera, are you sure this is what you want? We can find another way?" Bryson asked, and Myra looked at him as though he betrayed her . Kyera stood and moved to hug her cousin close to her, and comfort her with the love she felt within . So many years and missed moments had pa.s.sed between them . Kyera tried to make up for every one of them with that single embrace .

"Uncle, there are no other options . There is not just me to consider . If Clovis dies, his daughter will have no one . I can not take a father from his child as mine was taken from me . In the end, the fates knew what choice I would make if they placed it before me . I have no question that this is what I was meant to do . I love you Myra, but please understand . I must do this . " Kyera released her and gently guided her cousin"s hair from her face, placing a kiss to her temple . She slowly turned to her other cousin, who stood beside the roaring fire . His eyes were trained on her, his expression grim as he met her eyes .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"You turn to me, my dear as though there is more to say . I do not wish to see you dead . Your fate can not be so simple . " Sansor whispered, his arms still folded over his chest . His eyes looked her over with gentle sadness in them, but no pity . He couldn"t bring himself to disgrace her with his pity .

"I need a favor of you, My Knight . You once promised me that should I die before you, you would give your hand to lead my people . To Protect the forest and lead my knights . Will you do so today?" Kyera asked and he sighed kicking off the wall before him . He knelt on one knee at her feet and bowed his head to her as though a knight to his lady .

"I will be your loyal knight, my Lady . As I promised you once long ago, so shall it be now . " He replied and Kyera set her hand on his shoulder, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to the crown of his head . Before standing tall again .

"Thank you . " She reached up, her hand gently removing the purple crystal earpiece from her ear . She carefully slipped it over his ear . "Please keep it well . They placed their trust in us . I ask you keep it as I have till my daughter comes of age to protect it herself . Princess Raina will one day be the Princess of the Forest, I only ask you serve her in my stead . "

"Your will be done . " He replied standing slowly . He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her once more . Kyera accepted it, hugging back before moving away and turning back to the Matriarch mother .

"Mother, I beg of you . Do not make me be the reason our people fall . " Kyera whispered and The Matriarch mother could only nod .

"My dearest child, no one shall ever forget the pain you have suffered for us my dearest child . I regret nothing more than allowing your mother to take you and the boys away from here . At least now you will be reunited once more . " Crystalsa whispered as a tear fell from her eyes, following her eyes corner elegantly, falling to the petals of the flower in her chest . Kyera lowered down, hugging her Grandest mother close to her chest . She kissed her cheek, the salty wet tears coating her lips . Kyera kissed each eyelid gently and whispered something softly into her ear, the final whispers, too intimate to be shared .

She stood and turned walking to Bryson, looking up into his warm eyes, filled with sorrow . He restrained his tears, knowing this moment was not one where surrounding her with tears would do any good . She needed strength and he could at least provide her his support if nothing else .

"Reever, will you please, help me? I can not take my own life or I will destroy my spirit . You and I have never been close, but you at least know exactly why I must do what must be done . " Kyera asked taking the sword from her side . She flipped the blade so she offered the hilt to him, the blade pointed toward herself . A large strong hand took it from her instead .

"No, Kyera I shall take your life if it must be done . As much as I do not want your blood spilt on my hand, I wish for it to be spilt by my kin even less . Will you allow me this honor, Grand Daughter?" Bryson whispered gently as he took the blade . Kyera met his eyes and nodded slowly . She had hoped he would give her her peace, but in truth there was no telling what would truly happen . She couldn"t bare to ask him to take such a responsibility onto his shoulders .

"Yes… Thank you, Bryson . I… I love you . " She whispered softly . She stood tall before him, as he pulled her into a embrace . He whispered a few final words into her ear before placing the sword at her rib cage prepared to end her life in a single quick motion . Effortlessly, and painlessly she would leave this world behind for the death she had once dreamed of . Kyera was shocked to find that now, when she must die she didn"t" want to . She wanted to be tucking Raina into bed or cuddling with her husband . Yet it couldn"t" be helped…

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