The Tiger Within

Chapter 410

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:25:27 PMChapter 410

"I see . You were afraid they would hurt her had they known the truth…" She whispered frowning softly as she read her brother"s thoughts . His fears were not hidden from her eyes, though he wished they were .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Yes, that or she would become a Sparrow in a cage . " He replied and she nodded slowly . Myra stood up and stepped forward, toward the two .

"Do you mean you can heal grandmother?" She asked her voice a bit shaky . Her face was still stained with tears . The G.o.ddess noticed her for the first time, and she tilted her head in curiosity . There was a angelic beauty in her face, and yet her eyes and expression were a bit unnerving as she looked the child over .

"What a pretty child…" The G.o.ddess whispered as she walked over to Myra . Her pale, slender hand raised so only her fingertips touched Myra"s cheek . She lightly drug the chilled tips down to her jaw, making Myra look up into her eyes . The tear trails on her cheeks glittered in the fire light . "Such a pure soul… no secrets… no lies… such a pretty child . " She whispered as her eyes searched Myra"s eyes . Nothing could hide from her prying, and honestly Myra was too surprised to try . "Yes, child, I can help your Grandmother… it is mere child"s play . However I can no do that without a price . Unlike my brother, there are limits to what I can do on a whim . " The Reaper G.o.ddess explained softly . She moved her hand to the other side and continued to touch Myra"s face .

"Price?" Myra whispered feeling a gentle finger tip trace the curve of her brow and slowly, as if realizing her lips were there, trailed down to her lips tracing them . Everyone in the room watched as this ethereal G.o.ddess seemed entranced by Myra"s face . Ramsey stood slowly, moving to his Wife"s back, his entire body on edge . He wanted to protect her, but then again this woman had shown no real intent to harm her . Besides, he was fairly sure if she had wanted to hurt anyone in this room it would be mere child"s play . Her eyes flicked toward him as he moved .

"Calm yourself, young alpha, I mean no harm to your lovely omega . " She a.s.sured him, her voice soft and soothing, more so than he had expected . Her attention turned back to Myra . "Yes, a price dear one . One you would pay after your life is fulfilled and you seek pa.s.sage into the shadow realm . "

"After my death? What . . would you have of me?" Myra asked softly, her eyes looked up to meet the Reaper G.o.ddess in a rather unguarded innocents . Her lips trembled just slightly from the tension and emotions that the G.o.ddess" touch evoked .

"Why does that sound as though you expect me to take something from you, child? I am the Reaper, but those who do not sow do not reap a bountiful harvest by only taking from the land . One must nurture and tend its field to see a beautiful healthy fruit of its labor . " She replies gently moving Myra"s bangs from her face . "I would see you ride with me and my children, free the souls of the fallen and carry them home to the shadows for judgement . Your soul is too pure to simply be left to drift within the realms beyond, aimless and to be returned to this world of torment . Your heart has been wounded enough, and these eyes have shed many tears for the injustice of the world . I would see no more on those pretty cheeks, as lovely as those glistening tear trails may be . "

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