The Tiger Within

Chapter 462

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:24:35 PMChapter 462

The guard seemed to bristle at that . "By order of the Emperor you Must present the names of ALL people riding in hour coach . Nameless is by definition not a name . " The gaurd told him, his voice filled with indignation . Clovis chuckled .

"I do not see what is funny . Disrespect of the guard is disrespect for the crown . " The man growled and Clovis raised a lazy brow .

"My my how things have changed . Lazren, when you were a guard did you get this worked up over a animal?" Clovis asked and Lazren was fighting to keep a straight face . This poor guard had no idea who he was dealing with .
"No, Sir . Perhaps there is a misunderstanding? I can"t see the honorable palace guards being petty enough to cause trouble over such things . " He replied and the guard turned red in the face .

"Following the orders of the Crown is not Petty . It is the job, and I can not let you past . " He replies forcing himself to calm and stand at full as attention, hand on his sword and all .

"The creature your making such a fuss over is my horse, whose name is "Frumusete Fara Nume Or Beauty without a Name . " He replied, but Lazren winced slightly, being as he hadn"t said it quite right . Misp.r.o.nunciation being the main cause of discomfort . The Guard however glared, aware he was being had .

"That being said, you, Princess Raina and your guard may enter . I am not at liberty to allow a hand maid into the palace . " He replied smirking as he remembered the Queens words . Kyera was banned .

"You will not refer to my wife as such you impotent fool . " Clovis spoke quietly so not to alert Kyera to his anger .

"I am afraid she is not accepted as the fourth Princess, dear brother . I hope the outside has treated you well . " Bastil interrupted whatever else Clovis had to say . Clovis turned on his brother, his eyes filled with fire . The older boy was rather shocked that his fairy brother looked muscled and nimble . It was clear the weekling had built some strength . Too bad it was all in vain . Bastil swung down from on top of his horse .

"She is my wife, consummated and accepted by the Lady Empress and our law . " Clovis replied coolly . He stood tall before his brother ready to do battle if he must . Bastil offered a pitying expression .

"Let us set her up in the town in . You may speak to father and mother about this and perhaps they will relent . However, we can not let her into the palace at this time . " Bastil replied and Clovis set his jaw . He could see the delight in his eldest brother"s face . This strengthened his resolve, this man could not become the Emperor .

"I will return to town then, with my wife and daughter . When the once proud Emperor and his QUEEN decide to accept the truth, we will be there till the hunt . " Clovis spoke clearly as he walked back to the carriage . In all truthfulness, he didn"t mind staying in town . At least there the snakes had to work harder to get the drop on them .

"I am afraid the Acting Empress wishes to see You and Raina . I can not permit you to leave when summoned . " Bastil replied as he walked toward the carriage .

"Do not approach my carriage . " Clovid warned him in a low voice . The purple bruise ON Raina cheek that had long since healed flashed in his mind . This brother of his would NOT lay a hand on his daughter again . Bastil blew him off, Clovis had never been one to make a stand with anything other than words . Before he could reach for the door handle to gather Raina, the first prince was knocked to the ground . Bastil"s cheek throbbed in pain instantly . The edge of his lip split from the force of that punch . Clovis stood over him, glaring down . He crouched next to his brother, eyes like ice and fire .

"You were warned . That carriage and its contents belong to me, and are protected by my hand and several others even father can not afford to offend . Consider that a warning . " Clovis spoke softly, yet venom dripped from every word . He stood again, and turned to get into his carriage while Bastil began to sit up .

Several guards moved in, it was obvious they intended to take Clovis into custody . Yet, the fourth prince didn"t seem to care . His eyes were focused on the woman who had just alighted from the carriage . Kyera stood in front of the doorway, on the low step used to get into And out of the carriage .

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