The Tiger Within

Chapter 484

"Alexi and Clovis speak true. It isn"t your wife out there, It is ours. I for one prefer not to give up on any of our princess"s lives. If Melania is still alive, I would prefer her back in our bed as soon as possible and back to our sons." Damar agreed leaning back against the wall beside him. As his eyes glanced around the room he noticed a tiny presence near the door.  

"Father, Shut up. You lost your right to Emperor long ago. Let the Empress Vivian speak. I d.a.m.n sure am not going to take advice from you on how to care for my wife." Alexi growled glaring at him, and Clovis nodded his agreement. The Emperor turned angry eyes on his son, the fire in them bright. He turned to strike his son, when a hand wrapped around his wrist, stopping him. The Emperor turned back to look at his middle son"s burning black eyes.

"For all we know Kyera and Lalia might already be dead." The Emperor shouted at both his sons, his voice loud and filled with malice. Akira, Clovis, and Alexi each glared daggers at their father, even as Damar held his wrist firmly so he could not strike.

"Enough! Perhaps we should all be aware of little eyes looking up to us." he warned drawing everyone"s attention to little Raina, Daniel and Nathaniel who stood near the door. "Boys, I asked you to guard the door." He pointed out and Daniel nodded his eyes a bit wide as he struggled to form the next few words.

"Yes, Sir but, Princess Raina said she needed to speak to her father Urgently. We didn"t think it best to deny her that right." Daniel replied as he smiled gently at his younger cousin. Where Daniel stood slightly off in front of her, his brother, Nathaniel was holding Raina"s hand. She was looking around sheepishly and the tense air had her staying close to her cousin. Clovis walked over and knelt by his daughter.

"Raina, hon you should be with Talis…" Clovis told her gently guiding her bangs out of her eyes. Those blue pools were filled with tears as she looked back at him. Raising a hand, she wiped her eyes.

"My Mother is not dead, and I can prove it." Raina whimpered fear in her eyes. She knew deep down that Kyera was still alive. She had just spoken with her, nothing could have happened. Nothing. She desperately needed to believe that but her grandfather"s words had shaken that resolve.

"Baby, everything is going to be okay. Your grandfather was just angry because of something Uncle and I said, he wasn"t wishing ill will on your mother." Clovis gently soothed her shooting a sideways glare at his father. The older man coughed slightly realizing the trouble here and lowered his arm so he didn"t look so menacing.

"You said you could prove it child, Grandfather is sorry he scared you. I"m sure your Mommy is just fine." He tried to smooth it over but the child saw right through his patronizing words. Grandfather Mordakai never spoke to her like that, and she knew it was because he respected her intelligence.

"Mommy spoke to me this morning, shes fine. I know she is." Raina replied pulling herself to full height and meeting his eyes with fire. The warrioress expression brought out the beauty in her young face. No one in the room that wasn"t blind knew at that moment she was going to be a fierce and capable princess.

"Spoke to you?" Alexi asked as he joined his brother infront of his neice. "What do you mean lovely? Did she come back?"

"No, Mommy… I found Daddy." Raina spoke aloud, but not to anyone in the room. Everyone stared at her in confusion, but her expression was confident. After several long seconds everything made sense.

"I heard Raina, thank you. Clovis, if you are listening, I am fine, and according to Cora, so is the baby. I took the survivors from camp and we used the portal. All of us are in the Frost Lands, at the Snow Drop Palace." Kyera began to explain and Clovis couldn"t help but chuckle. Of course they were, where else would she go if she had to run and Shadow Veil wasn"t an option?

"Is Melania with you?" Damar asked as Alexi shouted the same about Lalia.

"Yes, all the Princesses made it with me. We are safe. I am asking that you postpone the ball for a day. We need time to hunt and return. I will explain what happened when we get back." Kyera explained and Clovis looked at the Empress, there were tears in the older woman"s eyes as she took a deep breath. They were not going to have to lay the four princesses of her kingdom to rest. This was enough reason to be elated.

"Take all the time you need, Princess Kyera. We will hold the ball day after tomorrow. I will send out notices to everyone that there has been a delay." Empress Vivian replied as a smile cracked her lips.

"Thank you, My lady Empress. I would be lying if I said we were not tired. Queen Crystals will be sending us back tomorrow in time for the ball. Clovis, have you seen the twins?" Kyera asked and Damar looked at his sons who looked at eachother then their father with concern.

"The boys are here with Raina…" Clovis replied and there was a pause on the other end.

"The Storm Twins." Kyera corrected herself, there was a slight edge to her voice.

"No, I haven"t I figured they were with you or back at the Peak." CLovis replied.

"Alright… I was just curious. I need to go take care of the girls and make sure everyone is settled down to eat. We will be home soon." Kyera replied and the stone slowly dulled to its normally deep purple hue.

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