The Tiger Within

Chapter 558

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:57 PMChapter 558

His guard didn"t hesitate to carry Talis away . Shaman Half Eye hesitated, looking back at Kyera who was still emotionally unstable in Bryson"s arms . He wasn"t sure what to do and took a step toward her only for her to point wordlessly after the fallen tiger .

Realizing what she meant, Half Eye followed the guards to take care of his charge . Raina hid her tiny face in her father"s neck . Kan watched both women helplessly, his expression grim and quiet .

"What happened?" Empress Evelyn asked looking at the blood on the ground and the clothing off to the side .
"I came out for some air and a man attacked me . Before it could strike, Talis intercepted him . They fought pretty hard, but Talis was smaller . I went for my sword but before I could he clawed Talis" throat open . " Clovis replied rocking his daughter his free hand rubbing her back gently .

"We need a sketch artist for the attacker . We must hunt him down and he must answer for the atrocities committed here . Maybe someone will recognize him . " The Emperor offered seeing his daughter"s pain .

"Verone Softpaw . 28 years old, and Talis never had a chance . " Kyera replied as she let go of Bryson and wiped the tears from her eyes . She pulled herself to full height and met the Empress Vivian"s eyes .

"What do you mean?" She asked and Kyera took a deep breath, slowly composing herself .

"Verone is one of the most lethal individuals Talis could have met . He was a knight of the forest and his skill is as good as my own . I trained him . " She replied forcing all the emotion back . Confusion seemed to blend in the air as the captain of the guard looked at her .

"Talis"s last name…" he began but Kyera raised her hand to silence him .

"That"s because Verone is Talis" elder brother . Now if you excuse me, I need to send for sir and lady Softpaw . " Kyera turned, letting her dress swirl around her decisively . The room watched as their Belle of the hunt pa.s.sed through, her brilliant dress splattered with crimson stains that would never wash out .

Kyera would have normally felt some amount of sadness, afterall it was one of Ella"s greatest masterpieces . At the present, however she could feel nothing . A chilling numbness pa.s.sed through every nerve in her body from her head to her feet . The crying left her eyes feeling swollen, and the front of her brain aching in borderline agony .

The ball would have to continue without its main guest . An attempt gone wrong was being whispered by the crowd . A guard lost his life doing what his job . Kyera scoffed at their words . A guard . That"s all her n.o.ble brother had been reduced to . He was a Forest knight . A man who was still breathing and they already condemned him to his fate . Maybe she was being too optimistic, but she had to believe he would pull through . Daxin followed her on all fours, like a puppy after its master .

These people and their fancy dresses didn"t understand… didn"t care who was dying . They only cared that it was good gossip . Her stomach rolled as she stepped outside, and looked at Daxin .

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"Send up the Howl . General Softpaw"s youngest son had been injured . Send for the family . " Kyera spoke softly and Daxin nodded trotting off in the direction of the forest . She turned back toward the palace and glimpsed herself in the mirror .

She looked ridiculous . Her hair was beautifully woven still, though a bit out of place . The long elegant dress was spattered with wet blood as were the elegant gloves that matched it . She still looked like a queen and yet felt like a fool . She struck out, breaking the mirror, shards of gla.s.s tearing into her fist but she didn"t care . Tears p.r.i.c.ked her eyes again but she held them back .  

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