The Tiger Within

Chapter 588

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:22:28 PMChapter 588

Talis needs to heal . Raina, sometimes, when a soldier puts everything he has into his job and protecting his charge, they die . Talis knew the risk baby, and he was willing to take that chance for your father . Keep the hope alive in your heart, pray he returns to you . The best thing we can do is make him proud, if he reaches Moria, he will want to watch over his perfect Princess . " Kyera replied gently tapping her nose gently . Raina"s young eyes were sad as she nodded with renewed determination .

"Why must death exist?" Raina muttered softly, and Kyera knelt down, ignoring the flowy dress she was wearing . This lesson was too important to be given from different heights .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt"Raina, death is necessary . Though they leave us, they are never truly gone . They leave this earth, to a plane where the damage and pain stops . Talis spent his entire life defending the laws of the forest, he will be welcomed as a hero at the gates of Moria, honored for his service to the Shadow King . Sometimes, as much as we want our loved ones to be with us always, we must remember it is a selfish wish . In death is sometimes the only time some people feel peace . Talis will return to you, if he is ready, if not he will watch over you from above . " Kyera smiled softly and cupped her cheek with her hand .

"With my real Mommy?" Raina asked and Kyera tensed . She knew what she had smelled on that woman . There was more to this topic than Kyera knew . That didn"t change the sting when Raina used the word "real" . She was right though, Kyera wasn"t her birth mother but that only sharpened the painful ache in Kyera"s heart . She forced a sweet smile, and appeared confident .

"With your father"s first wife, yes . " Kyera replied carefully and Raina nodded . Kan swept a bow for them both, drawing Raina"s attention . Her eyes lit up . Kyera breathed a sigh of relief as Kan rescued her from those probing eyes .

"Your dressed as a Knight, Kan! Congratulations!" Raina smiled, cheering . He smiled softly but more truly than she had ever seen before . Kan Knelt and bowed his head to the young princess . It was clear he was pledging loyalty to the child he considered the future Princess of the Forest .

"Yes My lady, thank you . I will protect you well until Talis can return to his place as a guard . " Kan replied with a serious expression, his tone gentle but determined . The child seemed to be caught in a complicated wave of emotion as he spoke . The words she needed were just out of reach, she knew she had read about this before in her books from Daxin .  
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"Then I am in your care . " Raina replied finally, She finalized it by crossing one foot over the other and dipping into a curtsey . Kyera smiled proud of her for accepting her second knight . Eventually she prayed Raina would be surrounded by knights she trusted just as much as Kyera trusted the Forest Knights .

"Good to see everyone is dressed and ready . " Clovis greeted as he walked out into the courtyard smoothing his tunic out a bit, and straightening his belt . Kyera sighed and walked over to adjust his clothing so he looked more than just presentable, and more like a prince .

"We have been for a little while . " Kyera replied as she finished adjusting him . Once he looked presentable she smiled . "There . " Just as she looked up he planted  a light kiss on her lips .

"What would I do without my lady wife?" He asked and Kyera chuckled at his teasing smile, there was a pa.s.sion smoldering in his eyes that made her blush slightly . That hunger for her never seemed to leave him, and to be honest she knew how that felt . Her soul burned for more of him, for the pa.s.sion and safety he provided like an all consuming fire .

"You would be utterly lost . " Kyera purred before stepping back and smiling at their daughter . Raina was busy talking to Kan about his tunic pattern . The forest knight uniform was embroidered with purpose, each st.i.tch and shape was made for a reason, with significance . Now that Rania had discovered this, she was asking Kan all sorts of questions that he was more than capable of answering . He knew the history of the knights as well as anyone else, and perhaps better than some of their young bloods .  

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