The Tiger Within

Chapter 63

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:13 PMChapter 63

"I see . Well let"s see what I can do . However I need you to do me a favor, little One . " Kyera said softly still picking her steps carefully . Raina nodded looking at the tigress with trusting eyes . It was surprising just how much this little one trusted her . Kyera almost couldn"t believe the affect that afternoon had on this child . "Climb onto my back . We can make better time . " Kyera explained leaning down into a crouching position . Her pain was tollerateable, but the child was exhausted and wouldn"t be able to make it too far .

Uncertainly, the little girl bit her lip and looked at Kyera for a long moment . After seeming to argue with herself for a few moments the child seemed to let exhaustion win out . She carefully climbed onto Kyera"s back and let her body lay against her soft, warm fur . "Thank you… What are you called?" The girl asked and Kyera thought for a moment .

"Shade of the Moon . You can call me Shade or Moon, whichever you prefer . " Kyera replied as she shifted her weight and began down the path again . The muscles of her shoulder hurt under the extra strain, but she shifted and pushed forward . It was nothing more than she could handle, pain wise . The little girl seemed to think as Kyera slowly picked up speed leading through the woodlands .

At the Palace Treasury

The Elders of the high families, the generals and the merchants all sat around a table arguing their plans . They were fighting over the budget while Prince Clovis sat quietly, waiting for a chance to speak . A little maid poured him tea and he thanked her quietly, the first thing he had spoken all morning .

When he had suggested taking over the kingdom"s budget for something to do he had no idea these vultures could be so shameless . No wonder the Emperor bad been so happy to give up this duty . Clovis had finally had enough, and set his tea cup down . He cleared his throat and the men ignored him .

"Enough . " Clovis spoke clearly, but without yelling out at them . The men continued to bicker and yell at each other over his protest . The Fourth Prince"s eye began twitching as he realized how engrossed in this they were .

The door to the servants stair opened and Mally ran to his side . She bowed low once and his eyes instantly lit with concern . "Why are you here? I sent you to watch the garden meeting?" he asked his heart beating hard in his chest .

"The Princess is missing . " Mally uttered between shallow ragged breaths . He pushed Mally gently into a chair .

"Take my place, it"s not like they are listening anyway . " Clovis was gone seconds later . Mally picked up a brush and started out taking notes . However when the discussion turned into the same people spouting the same arguments in circles she began to draw humorous little sketches of the generals and merchants bickering like children . It took nearly 2 hours for the gathered men to realize a pet.i.te little woman had taken the place of their crown prince .

Clovis walked down the hall at a brisk pace, motioning his two bodyguards to fall into step beside him . "Send out the feelers . Find out if she was taken out of the palace . I swear to all that is divine that if something happened to my daughter on that Witch"s watch…" he growled letting the words hang on the air . The bodyguard dressed in black nodded and ran off toward the court yard . The second man looked at his master waiting for instructions .

"Go speak to my mother, she knows Raina best . Maybe she knows where she was taken . " he ordered him without pause continuing to the garden gates . The sun was starting to set now . And most the search party had returned .

The Grandsons were sent home, and the Emperor was standing in the Garden talking with several of his men . The two lions at his side and a little fairy in a cage . Clovis was noticed by a guard who pointed him out to his father . The Emperor"s face turned pale .

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