The Tiger Within

Chapter 69

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:07 PMChapter 69

At the Cold Palace

Empress Evelyn sat quietly by the fire, rocking her precious cargo to sleep . As soon as Raina had entered her home, Evelyn had scooped her up and cradled her close . She acknowledged her son but was slightly surprised to see the Empress Dowager, but welcomed them all inside happily .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntHaving Adie set out a few more bowls, Empress Evelyn offered them food and coaxed Raina to eat . Her little cherry blossom ate obediently and snuggled into her grandmother"s warmth . This was a small consolation to how horridly the day had gone . She quickly fell asleep to the gentle rocking .

"You have done well for yourself, Mother . this place truly feels like a cozy home . " Clovis commented looking st the drapes of warm colored cloth, and the way things had been cleaned and arranged to seem more cozy and homely . The table and four beautiful chairs from the garden had been brought in to replace the sad wooden ones that had been here before . Evelyn smiled a touch of pride in her expression .

"Between Adie and my loyal Guard we were able to dress it up enough to be comfortable . The Garden still needs work . " Empress Evelyn praised her dear servants . Adie smiled and blushed slightly as Clovis and The Empress Dowager nodded at her .

"It is wonderful . You seem to be doing well enough here . I must say i"m impressed Evelyn . " The Empress Dowager admitted smiling approvingly at her . Ever since Evelyn had married her son, The Empress Dowager had always favored her . As a sweet obedient girl, she was quiet the appealing Daughter in Law, but once she showed her abilities in the court, she had become the clear cut Empress .

"Thank you, Mother . " Evelyn replied respectfully still rocking her Granddaughter . "So what happened with Raina? Where was she?" The Empress asked, unable to wait for someone else to bring up the true reason they hadn"t left when the baby fell asleep .

"Well, She apparently lost in the woods . A fairy Spirited her away to the Phoenix Falls . Though how exactly she ended up at the Empress Dowager"s palaceā€¦ I"m not quite sure . " clovis admitted still concerned . His gaze settled on his grandmother"s face to find she was slightly contemplative herself . She moved so her forearms rested on the table, her hands peeking out from under the long, draping sleeves .

"I suppose it is my turn to explain what I saw . You see I found out she was missing around high sun . I had just received word she hadn"t been found when I heard a chuffing sound, similar to my Shi when she is trying to get my attention . When I looked up a white tigress with silver stripes had collapsed in my garden with Raina on her back . " The Empress Dowager explained rather absently, her mind still lost on the details of that meeting .

The Empress had known the Empress Dowager since she was little, and grew up at the Dowager"s side . She could sense the older woman had more on her mind and waited a few long moments for her to continue . When she did not, Clovis spoke up .

"Why did she save the princess and then disappear?" Clovis asked, not quite sure what to think of all this . Tigers were intelligent, he acknowledged that just as he acknowledged the lions and the bears had instinct and free thinking but this was not something he had heard of before . Vigilante tigers? Whats next, a banking Bear?

"I honestly don"t think she intended to leave Raina"s side . The Tigress was pretty badly wounded . Her shoulder was rather mangled . However, as soon as Shi came out to greet her guest, the Tigress freaked out . She fled, I guess she didn"t think she could take her injured . " The Empress Dowager explained with a bit of a shrug, but her eyes bore into her companions, waiting to see if either would respond . So much of that moment didn"t make sense, but neither of them had seen it . The complex emotions and then Shi speaking to the tigress . It was rare even for the Empress Dowager who had allowed Shi to follow her for 12 long years to hear the great cat"s voice .

Tears raised her head and waited for a moment, her eyes seemed curious as she tilted her head to the side . Standing, she walked over and nuzzled the Princess, taking in her sent . Her ears perked up as the Empress absently reached down and ran her fingers over the top of the leopard"s head . After she quit petting, Tears slipped away into the night as the conversation continued without missing a beat .

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