The Tiger Within

Chapter 71

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:06 PMChapter 71

Mally slowed her pace as the pair reached a grove of trees deep in the woods . She turned to a leopard and leapt onto the first branch, looking back at Kyera slightly concerned . The tigress changed shape and with a powerful bound, jumped onto the branch Mally just vacated despite the pain . Playing a game of chase, Kyera followed Mally up the tree and onto a rather thick trunk .

Kyera was surprised to find in the fork where several trees met and tangled, large halved logs were laid across the branches, forming a makeshift floor . It wasn"t a large s.p.a.ce, perhaps Five or Six could sleep comfortably, with little room for anything else . A table that looked as though it might have been stolen from the palace sat in the center . A large log had been cut into small sections to form little round chairs . It looked like the village at the center of the forest, high above the humans heads .

It was well known that humans did not particularly like sleeping in trees, and hardly ever looked up for civilization . Huts like these, built into large trees were incredibly easy to hide . Mally spun around with both hands out as if presenting her masterpiece .
"Welcome to The Hallow . This is the main meeting house for the Rebellion . " Mally told her proudly but Kyera tilted her head to the side completely lost . Mally chuckled at her friend . "I will explain more later . Come on, lets get some Sav rubbed on that arm . " she led Kyera to the table and had her sit down .

Mally busied herself with tugging on and untiring vines until a brown leather bag fell into her hands . "Haha got it!" she explained walking over . "i keep it hung here in case i get stuck in the palace and someone gets hurt . " she continued chattering aimlessly about the ingredients in the salv and Kyera let her mind wander . Normally she would be completely engrossed in any new medicine but… Mally forgot who had taught her the salv .

Kyera noticed there were other scents in this home, different animals mingled into the s.p.a.ce with the strong pine scent . There was a hint of smoke and blood, but not violence . "The blood was probably from cooking a meal . " that thought trailed off as she remembered the little girl . "I wonder if she ate anything when she got home…" she wondered, finding herself just slightly concerned . It made her a tad restless but since Mally was applying salv that should have stung, it blended into the moment .

Kyera decided still seeking any details in the room, occasionally nodding or responding appropriately to comments . At least . . . until she caught on .

"Okay . " Kyera responded a second before her mind caught up . Her eyes shifted over to the gleaming eyes of the leopardess . Mally was biting her lip to keep from laughing hysterically and Kyera knew she had agreed at the wrong time .

"Where is your mind wandering too?" Mally asked, it left no room for denial, since the cat was already out of the bag . Kyera sighed,she didn"t necessarily want to come out and say "I"m wondering if the princess ate . " that would sound ridiculous .

There were a hundred servants in that palace, someone would feed her . Then again, by that logic she never should have ended up in the forest alone, or the market either for that matter . She rubbed her temples wondering if these humans just had no instinct with young ones .

"You know, when your trying to work around a problem, you still bite your lip . Only instead of being cute, its become seductive you little temptress . " Mally teased and Kyera was surprised . She released her lip, having just realized her teeth had captured the bottom one in such a way .

"Sorry, Mally . I am just wondering what you have been doing . This place is magical but… it isn"t home . " Kyera pointed out with a concerned note . Mally smiled and sat down .

"Well, mostly working at the Palace and helping the woodland animals that are captured here . " Mally replied motioning to the gardens below . Kyera nodded, waiting, sensing the continuation . "I missed home a lot at first . You and Verone, the village . My teacher . " her eyes misted over a bit as she remembered all the things she had been so long without .

"Why didn"t you come home?" Kyera asked tilting her head to the side . Mally looked ashamed .

"I couldn"t . " Mally replied, slowly rolling up her sleeve . As she did, Kyera spotted the faint golden lines on her wrist . A magic binding…

"What… How?"

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