The Tiger Within

Chapter 72

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:31:04 PMChapter 72

"When I came here as a doctor, the First Prince, Bastil took a liking to me . He had me come to dinner with him . I was young and naive . I thought he really liked me . " Mally tried her best to defend herself, even though there was no need . Kyera could see where this was going without the need for a map .

"He bedded you and you became a beauty . " Kyera finished explaining for her, but to Mally"s surprise there was no anger in her words . Her face didn"t show disappointment, but there was a touch of pity in those amber eyes . "still doesn"t explain this . " kyera reminded her bringing her attention back to the magic lines on her wrist .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntMally nodded tracing the lines with a forefinger . "Every Beauty has one . It"s called a Beauty Mark . If we ever get lost, the Emperor can send guards to rescue us . " she said the words in a sing song voice and Kyera felt the anger in her heart . "Rescue" . . . that was laughable .

"So if you came home, you would have lead them right to us . " Kyera sighed shaking her head slowly . She pulled the leopard into her arms and pet her hair . Mally nodded, feeling safe again in her old friend"s arms . "Do you still serve Bastil?" Kyera asked, even though she was fairly sure she knew the answer .

"No . I sometimes keep Clovis company now, and play with his little girl . I mainly tend wild ones and help treat the injured or the sick . At least that"s what I do officially . " Mally added with a bit of a grin . Kyera smiled as well, the mischievous pleasure was infectious .

"Unofficially?" Kyera asked, playing along with her friends antics . Mally grinned, it was a look not unlike the fabled Cheshire cat . It hinted at all the wicked and playful things she had zipping and buzzing around that darling brain of hers .

"I have been leading a Rebellion!" Mally exclaimed seeming entirely too proud of herself . Kyera once again caught off guard, she offered a imploring look at Mally . The leopardess laughed "Alright Alright . It"s time I explain . " she conceded as she walked to the stone slab and began building a tiny fire . Kyera joined her, carefully arranging sticks to make a safe little flame .

"Yea, you"ve mentioned it twice now and I am still not sure what treasonous act I am now parlay to . " Kyera replied with a chuckle . Mally smiled fondly, setting a kettle on the fire . She stopped and stared at Kyera"s face taking in the joyus details of her face .

Though she hadn"t seen her in nearly 5 years, the happy glow in her eyes had been missing much longer than that . Kyera glanced up, sensing she was being watched and gave her a concerned smile . "Something wrong?" Mally shook her head quickly .

"No . Not at all . I just missed this . I mean Jamir and Fama are great people as are our other mates but… I missed you, Ky . They aren"t like us . They were never wild . " Mally explained as she began to prep herbs for the water . There was a affectionate tone to her voice as she spouted off names Kyera had never heard .

"I see, they were born here then, in this gilded cage?" Kyera asked and Mally chuckled, the look in her eyes extremely appreciative . There was something about two these woman that could form a bond deeper than blood ever touched .

"You know, we have looked for a way to explain this place for years . You"ve been here what, 2 days and already have the perfect suggestion . " Mally all bit scoffed in disgust . Kyera had always had a way with words . "At any rate about the rebellion . It is nothing treasonous, well depending on who you ask . "

The word choice there didn"t escape Kyera as she took a deep breath and let it out as a sigh . The tigress turned, placing her back to the stone slab and leaned against the pillar it sat on . "So who are you undermining the authority of now?" she asked, knowing Mally"s tendency to bow to no one, no matter if she truly should . Wild and headstrong it was a wonder she had survived this long among the unforgiving humans .

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