The Tiger Within

Chapter 895

Prim watched in horror as the shadows battled against the light so much more powerfully than she had thought possible. What she didn"t know was her downfall. The Warriors of Moria had waited 24 years to answer to Kyera"s call… and the brothers she had sent to the grave led them. Prim saw her cousin ripping her way through the crowd. Anyone who dared get in Kyera"s way was put down mercilessly her eyes locked with Prim"s own. "Send in the three." Prim ordered as she turned to face Kyera keeping eye contact.

Three hyena"s launched their attack and were blown back by an unseen force. Nothing could get close enough… Her power pulsing black around her as Kyera made her way through. Her leathers were blood stained, her hair wild as it whipped around her, no longer pulled into its high ponytail. Snow and sweat made steam rise from her, and into the air adding to the magic aura swirling around her. There was a split second when Prim felt fear… cold and sharp travel up her spine.

Prim transformed into a tiger and stood her ground, ready to face off against Kyera, the golden light of the G.o.ddess shimmering in the air around her. Kyera stopped, maybe 15 feet away, completely focused on the tigress before her. She was built to fight, that was true but her beast was not nearly as confident as Kyera"s own heart. She transformed, the tall  human general morphing into her tiger form, perhaps for the last time. If Prim survived, it would only be through Kyera"s death, she made that vow to herself as she faced Primrose down. 
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"You finally seek Revenge Kyera?" Prim Growled as the pair began to slowly circle each other in the ways of the forest beast. Neither allowing the other to get behind them.

"Primrose, you have been found guilty of breaking the Forest Law. How do you plead." Kyera replied firmly, her eyes unnervingly purple, with the tiniest sliver of gold around the outer edge.

"Oh don"t play games. This is good, old fashioned revenge. I stole your lover, I had him kill your friends and I wore their hide like they were nothing more than dirt." Taunted Prim as she circled Kyera, the battle around them had come to a stand still as the shadows and the light separated following their respective mistress in the slow circle above their heads. The power crackling in the air distracted the soldiers bringing their eyes to the center… the Alpha females facing off.

"You are accused of slaughter of your own kin, dishonor of the guard, returning from banishment without pardon, punishing children for their parent"s mistakes, and bringing celestial to fight mortals. How do you plead." Kyera replied her voice powerful and monotone. Her emotions carefully gauged within her heart.

"Ha, flowery words for I didn"t do what you told me to. Tell the truth… your angry because I took your brothers lives. I used your mother to steal your son then your lover to kill him." Primrose growled insisting that this was an act of hatred. She refused to let Kyera go into this battle level headed.

"These two statements are confessions of the atrocities you have committed against the forest. Prepare to receive punishment for your crimes." Kyera replied unruffled by the attempts at angering her. Primrose laughed.

"I declare you the one who has committed the crimes against the forest. You followed these rules given by the G.o.d of Death while your people were persecuted and stolen. They were killed. Even after you were taken you became their house cat. Now you lead those Princes whose brother threw knights to their deaths to battle your own kind. I will take your life and with it, demolish this Coward"s law!" Roared Prim and her men roared as well before she launched herself at Kyera.

The white tigress doged the red batting her paw away. The pair circled for a brief moment before Kyera pounced at her. Prim tried to leap at her and the pair clashed, roars of anger and cries of pain as the sounds of tiger"s fighting filled the air. The dark and light swirled and clashed trying to dominate one another while the tigress pair battled with the intent to kill. None of the soldiers could see nor aid in the battle.

Clovis watched as his heart beat in his throat praying to whatever G.o.d or G.o.ddess may be listening to heed his call, protect his wife. The sparks that flew from the fight were felt across the world. Every G.o.d and G.o.ddess could feel the war between fate"s Champion and the Challenger. It shook the very core of the world as the G.o.ddess of Earth reached out to led The Shadow king her power. Even the old ones felt Moria break free of their control.

The battle was rough, blood could be seen staining the stones of the stairs as the war continued within the sphere. Within that magic ma.s.s, Prim felt Kyera"s claws sink deep into her side once more, unable to see anything for the shadows blocking the light, but she felt fiery pain through her body. Lashing out blindly, she got lucky. Her claws connected with the white fur grazing across one eye, causing a roar of pain. She felt satisfaction but it was short lived as Kyera suddenly made her move. Prim felt the claws sink in on either side of her rib cage, before the teeth sank into her neck. This could easily be the end… "Now." Prim screeched in pure terror. 

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