The Tiger Within

Chapter 99

Publishedat 3rd of September 2019 01:30:38 PMChapter 99

Kyera walked out of the poison Master"s room, having left him the traps she had found . Eleven imetal traps in total, each coated in similar poison . However, two of the traps bothered Kyera . The poisons were translucent red and smelled more natural . It was almost sweet scented and tempting . She didn"t like that at all .

She also didn"t like that she couldn"t find the trap Rashan actually fell into . So, there was at least 1 more trap that she hadn"t found and if there"s one hidden that well, chances are there are more .

As kyera was lost in this thought process, she failed to notice the little feet tiptoeing along behind her . Raina was waiting for the right moment to pounce on her, but it seemed her prey seemed to be deep in thought . After a while of trying to decide, 5 seconds in real time but eternity in little girl time, Raina grabbed her hand .
Kyera started and nearly went into attack mode but her body stopped . The warm spice and water sent filling her mind . Sure enough when she looked down Raina"s adorable little face stared straight ahead as if nothing had happened . Kyera"s mood lifted as she gently squeezed the child"s hand making her look up with a overly innocent expression . "Lady Kyera?" Raina asked as they walked along the garden path, luckily no one else seemed to be around . Kyera wasn"t in the mood for misunderstandings and glares she didn"t understand .

"Nothing, Princess Raina . How can I be of a.s.sistance?" Kyera asked with a smile . Raina"s little eyes froze for a moment as she realized the flaw in her plan . She had no reason to seek Kyera out . She floundered for a moment for a appropriate response and a conversation with the little fairy in her pretty cage .

"I wanted to go look for fairies at the stream but they are tricky . I hoped you would go with me . " Raina replied quickly, hoping she didn"t sound too eager . However her little face gave it all away and Kyera struggled not to grin .

"As you wish, Princess . May I ask why your interested in the Water Fae?" Kyera asked curiously as the pair continued down the way to the stream . Her golden eyes keeping on the trail beneath their feet and the undergrowth around them . Raina thought for a moment and Kyera could sense her indecision . "Be honest with me, Princess . You don"t have to be a royal in the woods . "

"I want to see them dance . My fairy friend said that they are some of the prettiest dancers alive . " Raina admitted a touch sheepishly . Kyera was baffled for a moment . "Why would this cause the child so much embarra.s.sment?" she wondered looking her over . Then a thought flashed across her mind .

"Do you like dancers, Princess?" Kyera asked as they neared the water . Raina nodded enthusiastically and Kyera couldn"t help but chuckle . This little one was so vibrant and full of life . It was a ray of sunshine in a world filled with darkness marks and traps .

"So where do we find the fairies?" Raina asked and Kyera looked at the river . Dancing swirls of bubbles twirled on the surface . Most the foam a direct result of the Phoenix Ash waterfall she had taken a nap on previously . The smooth rocks glimmered in the sunlight as the water glowed over them . The bubbles swirling and occasionally popping told Kyera all she needed to know .

"They are here little one, but they are hiding . " Kyera replied, kneeling down to her level . She pointed at the swirling bubbles "The Fae like to dance on bubbles . That"s why they spin . Now we just need to ask them politely to show themselves . " Kyera replied showing her the clues she herself had found . Endless patience was a virtue with children and Fae alike .

"Okay, pretty fairies will you please show yourselves so we can watch you dance?" Raina asked sweetly and Kyera smiled as the bubbles stopped spinning . The stagnant form was a little unnerving in such a pretty moving stream . You never realize how natural that spin looks till it no longer does . Raina looked up sadly . "Did they leave?"

"No Princess… they are deciding if they should or not . " Kyera replied taking a small satchel from her bag . She tipped it into her palm, a few small pebbles fell into her hand . She had intended to trade them for fairy water but there were plenty more in the forest and they only had power if given as a gift from non fae folk . She took two light blue stones and handed them to Raina . "Toss these into the water . "

Raina nodded obediently and tossed the stones toward the water . She was careful to throw them away from the oven dancing bubbles . As the stones arched toward the water each was snapped out of the air by tiny sets of pale ivory hands .

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