"Please don"t do this”

Sayuri said as two bold hands were forcibly inserted into her kimono, the rich b.r.e.a.s.t.s of Sayuri were revealed.

"I can stop it, but Sayuri should know that the contract will also be cancelled.

It will definitely sadden Masashi, are you sure?"

"Oh that, but the contract has not been established. So please calm down Mr.Ohashi"

Then Ohashi pulled his hands away from Sayuri"s b.r.e.a.s.t.s, and sat down on the sofa.

Sayuri, who was brought up as a perfect young lady was feeling unpleasant as Ohashi unscrupulously looked a her.

On the contrary Ohashi always knew about Sayuri"s elegance and had a secret admiration.

So when the sacrifice agreement was brought in by Matsuda, he immediately agreed.

"You don"t have any compulsion to accept this contract. This contract was drafted up by Mr.Takaoka himself. Only after your consent will this contract be established. And thus the historic Goroka Trading will be saved"

Matsuda with a refreshing atmosphere hands Sayuri the contract.

She runs her eyes over the contract.

However, being not too educated, Sayuri cannot understand the contracts terms.

"Will it really save the company if I sign this?"

Sayuri asks Matsuda to reconfirm

"Of course the contract is as heavy as it is, we will never break our promise after we do it once"

"I understand"

For every person working at the company and Masashi, Sayuri signs the contract with total determination

At that time she didn"t know that she was entering the gates of h.e.l.l with no return available

When Matsuda takes the contract and leaves the room, Ohashi could no longer control himself as he attacked Sayuri.

He pushes Sayuri down on the sofa; he tries to tear of the kimono and pushes his hands into it

Sayuri usually doesn"t wear any kind of underwear inside her kimono

If his hands go any further he will reach the sanctuary of her body that has never been touched by anyone other than her husband

"Don"t, please stop it"

"What are you talking about; the contract has already been signed"

"No, but…"

Sayuri tries to desperately resist

But to no avail her limbs stiffen from fear

Suddenly the door opened

"Let"s stop with the violent actions, Mr.Ohashi"

When Ohashi and Sayuri looked towards the voice, Matsuda was standing there.

He closed the doors and sat down opposite to the two

"Excuse me"

While breathing roughly Sayuri corrects her disoriented hair and kimono, then she attempts to leave the room

But the door was locked and it did not open

Matsuda was standing right behind Sayuri

He put his hands on her shoulders


To the chocked Sayuri Matsuda speaks

"Calm down slave"

There was no man who wasn"t charmed by her, and it was no exception with Matsuda

"Slave, if you leave now it will be a violation if the contract. Not only you but also a lot of people will be inconvenienced"

Sayuri moves her gaze away

"Mr.Matsuda, I…….I was thinking I was prepared when I signed the contact, but I will not do it in a rough way like before with Ohashi"


Ignoring the confused Sayuri Matsuda keeps on speaking

"My slave is a wonderful adult, due to you everyone who works for Masashi will be saved. It is wonderful, wonderful"


When Matsuda heard the satisfied Sayuri he sat down on the sofa

"Well then, let"s see the goods. Shall we?


Sayuri who was listening while facing down, raised her face and looked at the two

The vulgar and the calm gaze of Ohashi and Matsuda were on her

Her body immediately fell stiff, she felt like an animal was staring at her in a similar way to a prey

Sayuri squeezed her body at those words

She looked at Matsuda with grim eyes, but on the contrary she saw cold eyes similar to ice

Finally she gave up her last ounce of hesitation

Why is such a thing happening to me?

Sayuri lamented her misfortunes; she fell into the grasp of Matsuda and Ohashi"s adultery without even knowing the reason

However, she was not aware of the tingling pleasure that was pulsing in her mind and the depths of her body

With the sound of a shurushuru the band was unraveled, revealing her body

In that same moment a tear slowly dripped down from her eye

"Show me everything Slave"

Ohashi"s vulgar voice echoed

Taking of the remaining clothes. Like a skin graft took place her limbs were revealed behind the thin falling cloth

Two rich bulging b.r.e.a.s.t.s and similarly two pale pink colored buds were on top of them

Below her waist, a plump patch of hair grew. And a soft bulge was seen inside it


Matsuda and Ohashi raised their voices as strange feeling emerged in their bodies

Sayuri casually squatted down

"Please forgive me"

"It’s okay for us to stop here, if it not done properly it would be bad"

Matsuda slowly came beside Sayuri and crouched down. She gently raised her face and shook it

"I will fulfill the contract"



"But, do not ask with your body what you want to say with your heart"

Matsuda gently speaks

Sayuri only nods

I may be forgiven

Sayuri felt her hope returning, but the next words from Matsuda crushed her hope into dust

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