“Let go!” The girl"s voice was full of panic, her ever delicate charming face was also pale.

Standing opposite her was a youth in navy blue robes, his phoenix eyes were slightly raised and his bright red thin lips were lightly hooked. At his waist was tied a piece of jade. He greatly resembled the son of a n.o.ble clan. At the moment, he grasped Jin Ling-er by the hand, his face bearing a touch of disdain.

Behind Jin Ling-er followed several young disciples of Yueqing Sect. Seeing what she was being subjected to by this person, their eyes were red with urgency. They wanted to step forward and a.s.sist Jin Ling-er, but were stopped by the youth"s entourage blocking their path on either side and could not move forward in the slightest.

“s.h.i.+xiong!” There was a sharp-eyed disciple who saw Qin Mo approaching slowly from the side, his face betraying his joy as he called out.

A single snowy clothed youth was seen, his complexion like jade. Clad in pure white from head to toe, he slowly approached.

Hearing someone call him, the teen"s gaze lifted slightly and he momentarily glanced at the crowd, his eyes immediately focusing on Jin Ling-er at the front.

“s.h.i.+xiong….” Seeing Qin Mo, Jin Ling-er"s eyes reddened and her tone brimmed with grievances.

“En.” Hearing Jin Linger"s voice carry such a mournful tone, Qin Mo frowned and his dark pupils flashed with annoyance.

Qin Mo had received the memories of s.h.i.+xiong, equally, he"d also received his sentiments. Although it didn"t at all resemble s.h.i.+xiong"s fondness of Jin Ling-er, she still existed in Qin Mo"s heart like a younger sister.

Those who knew Qin Mo knew that although he was coldly detached and indifferent, he was extremely guarded when it came to his shortcomings. Perhaps because of the early death of his parents, he greatly cherished his remaining relatives and friends, even to the point of paranoia.

s.h.i.+fting his line of sight to the youth beside Jin Ling-er, the cold severity in the colour of his eyes seemed to be capable of drowning the boy. Just seeing him, Qin Mo"s pupils flashed and he faintly opened his mouth saying: "Let go."

When he saw Qin Mo, the boy first stared blankly. However, immediately after hearing Qin Mo"s words the sneer at the corner of his mouth intensified. “Why?” he said, extending the other hand to lightly lift Jin Ling-er"s chin, throwing Qin Mo a provoking glance.

Qin Mo"s long and narrow phoenix eyes slightly rose and his right hand softly curved. In it, a dazzling orb of purple light formed. His right arm lifted lightly and the purple orb was thrown exactly at the youth"s arm.

Seeing the purple lightning charging towards him, the boy"s pupils shrank slightly and the hand holding Jin Ling-er released as he hastily retreated. However, the edge of his robe"s hem was still scorched by the lightning.

Qin Mo tidied up his own clothes as his eyes swept over the youth"s hem. His face didn"t change, but in his heart, he felt that is was somewhat of a pity. His control over his power was still lacking, else he would not have only burnt his clothes.

The youth looked at the burnt corner of his clothes, not angry, on the contrary, he rejoiced. His thin lips gently rose and for the first time he revealed a simple smile: “Not bad, truly worthy of your n.o.ble sect Qin Mo!”

As he spoke his pupils flickered with splendour. He took out a folding fan from an unknown place and opened it with a "brus.h.i.+ng"-like sound saying, "I1 am Zhengyang Sect"s Kong Xiao."

Kong Xiao originally believed that after hearing his name, Qin Mo would say something. He hadn"t expected him to merely give an indifferent glance without a single word. It appeared Qin Mo hadn"t attached the slightest degree of importance to him.

Kong Xiao couldn"t help but be enraged. With a "pop" he slammed the folding fan closed in his hand and stared at Qin Mo"s face. Stressing each syllable: “This young master is Zhengyang Sect"s Kong Xiao!”

The second time, Qin Mo actually had a reaction, but only his brow slightly rose. Seemingly, he didn"t understand what this Kong Xiao was bulls.h.i.+tting from the start.

On the contrary, Jin Ling-er, who had already hidden behind Qin Mo, quietly expressed her surprised and tugged at Qin Mo"s sleeves: “Ah, He"s Kong Xiao. I"ve heard that he"s a young genius as equally famous as s.h.i.+xiong.”

Saying this, Jin Ling-er wrinkled her nose as she sized up the youth before her from top to bottom. Her face betraying her displeasure as she stated: “I didn"t expect him to be so spoiled, actually enjoying bullying others. He"s can"t be compared to s.h.i.+xiong even a bit !”

Upon hearing this, Kong Xiao"s expression became somewhat irritable. Glancing at Jin Ling-er, he fumed: "What is bullying! It"s obvious that your n.o.ble sect"s disciple has robbed us of our, Zhengyang Sect"s, spirit gra.s.s!"

“Hmm, it was clearly found by our n.o.ble sect"s disciple. It"s your Zhengyang Sect that is relying on your numbers to forcibly rob us!” The disdain on Jin Ling-er"s face grew deeper. Pulling on Qin Mo"s sleeves and pointing to the corner, she said: “s.h.i.+xiong, this is the spirit gra.s.s he found!”

Qin Mo followed the direction in which Jin Ling-er had pointed. When he saw the silhouette of a person, his brow wrinkled slightly.

The figure was wearing an ordinary albeit somewhat messy Yueqing outer sect robe. The boots on his feet were also extremely worn. The hair on his temples was dishevelled, his face was covered in dust. Standing upright and staring at him blankly was Lin Zizheng.

Qin Mo was somewhat doubtful. He remembered that in the novel it was mentioned that the days Lin Zizheng had spent in the outer sect had been quite good. How else would he develop the character of a Holy Father? At present, however, it seemed that Lin Zizheng"s life was not at all going well. Is this the special treatment the protagonist received?

Thinking about it, Qin Mo walked towards Lin Zizheng.

Lin Zizheng watched expressionlessly as Qin Mo approached, his heart feeling somewhat strained. In the few months he"d spent at the outer sect, he was tormented by the other disciples every day. He was no longer as simple as before; he clearly understood the difference between Qin Mo and himself.

He was merely a five spirit root good-for-nothing, while Qin Mo was the entirely worthy pride of the sky.

Qin Mo stopped in front of Lin Zizheng. Looking at the cuts spread across his face, his brow creased slightly. Spirit knowledge swept across his Qiankun bag and his fingers moved slightly. A silk handkerchief appeared in the crook of his hand.

“Here.” Qin Mo handed the handkerchief to Lin Zizheng. Lin Zizheng took it blankly even though he didn"t understand what he meant by the gesture.

“Wipe your face.” He said. Once more, in his hand appeared a small jade bottle, containing wound medicine given to him by Jin Linfeng, and he pa.s.sed it to Lin Zizheng.

Lin Zizheng only then understood Qin Mo"s intentions and with somewhat of a s.h.i.+ver, took the jade bottle from Qin Mo"s grasp, tightly clasping it in his own.

On the side, Kong Xiao watched as Qin Mo continued to focus his gaze on the filthy boy, not paying him the slightest mind, and his heart grew angrier. He quickly walked over to Lin Zizheng and pointing his forehead with the fan scornfully said. “You are the one who robbed our Zhengyang Sect? Tsk. Despite not even being in the Qi refining layer, you still dared come to the Misty Ridge.”

Lin Zizheng felt extremely exhausted and, being so little, he actually dropped to the ground.

Qin Mo"s brow tensed and he reached out to lower Kong Xiao"s hand and the fan which hung in the air.

Kong Xiao was somewhat embarra.s.sed. He didn"t know why, but when faced with Qin Mo, he didn"t want his bad temper displayed any further.

Lin Zizheng, who"d fallen holding the handkerchief and jade bottle tightly in his embrace, looked at Kong Xiao"s arrogant expression facing him and his eyes flashed darkly. Then he slowly stood up.

“You took something from Zhengyang Sect?” Lin Zizheng was only ten years old now and at this moment he only stood up to Qin Mo"s chest. Seeing him like this, Qin Mo"s speech became much slower.

Upon hearing this, Lin Zizheng"s fist clenched tightly. His blinking, drooping eyes, concealed his emotions. He said quietly: “No."

Without waiting for Qin Mo to say something, from the side a dark shadow immediately sprang forth and knelt uprightly in front of Kong Xiao crying, “Kong s.h.i.+xiong2, you must speak on my behalf. This repulsive boy s.n.a.t.c.hed my spirit gra.s.s!” Saying this he turned his head and glanced at Lin Zizheng.

“You…” Before Kong Xiao could finish speaking, Qin Mo interrupted him with a wave of his hand. His gaze intensified as he looked directly at the man kneeling on the ground and he said coldly: “Since you say that you found the spirit gra.s.s, then where exactly did you find it?”

Qin Mo, from the start, wasn"t convinced that Lin Zizheng had stolen the spirit gra.s.s. Not to mention Lin Zizheng"s Holy Father character, his status as the protagonist also meant he"d have a few more strokes of luck than others did.

Under Qin Mo"s gaze, the man"s body couldn"t help but shake. After all, Qin Mo"s cold gaze possessed extremely daunting strength. Immediately evading the look, he stuttered: "I… I just found it on the road!”

“Hmm!” Qin Mo snorted and looked at Lin Zizheng: “What about you?”

Lin Zizheng"s clenched fists loosened. Looking up at Qin Mo, his eyes burned: "I found it in a cavern."

Hearing this, Kong Xiao was also no more a fool and immediately understood the truth of the matter. His face sank and he threw a kick at the chest of the man on the ground shouting: “You"ve got quite the nerve, having the impertinence to deceive me!” "

The man hadn"t antic.i.p.ated such an action from Kong Xiao and didn"t have the time to react. He was unexpectedly suddenly sent flying by the kick. Blood spewed from his mouth, but looking at Kong Xiao"s dim expression, he dared not do anything to resist in the slightest. After all, Kong Xiao"s violent temper was notorious in Zhengyang Sect.

Having kicked him, Kong Xiao casually arranged his clothes. Still looking like the son of a n.o.ble, with a smile on his face, he collected himself and faced Qin Mo on the side, saying: “Today it"s my Zhengyang Sect mistake. Still, we ask that you understand.”

Qin Mo nodded slightly, not having anything to say. On the side, Jin Ling-er, however, raised her chin and taunted: “Know your mistake!”

Although Kong Xiao"s face bore a smile, in his heart he was still furious. That d.a.m.ned guy, in spite of everything, dared to deceive him and make him lose face in such a way. When they got back, he"d properly lecture him.

This in mind, he couldn"t help but say: "In that case, we"ll be taking our leave. Hope to see you again next time!" Not waiting for them to answer, he led Zhengyang Sect"s people away.

Seeing this, Qin Mo turned his attention to Jin Ling-er. Frowning, he spoke with indifference but his tone had an extremely oppressive strength: “Why are you here?”

Jin Ling-er rolled her eyes a few times. She"d found out that s.h.i.+xiong was coming to the Misty Ridge and decided to follow closely behind, but seeing s.h.i.+xiong"s cold expression, somewhat defiantly replied: “I just came to play that"s all!”

Although he didn"t know what she was thinking, Qin Mo"s eyes flashed with severity and he spoke with a chilled tone: "Go back."

Jin Ling-er pulled on Qin Mo, casting a tender moment. Finding him unmoved, she pouted and departed leading most of the Yueqing Sect disciple"s behind her.

Seeing Jin Ling-er disappear with them, Qin Mo"s heart only then calmed. Since Jin Ling-er was only at the third layer of Qi refining, it was extremely dangerous for her to be in the Misty Ridge.

Taking out the flying fan from his Qiankun bag, Qin Mo was ready to leave. Facing the heart of the Misty Ridge he was captivated and moved forward. But feeling his sleeve being tugged on by someone, he stopped and turned his head slightly surprised, only to find Lin Zizheng somewhat restlessly pulling him.

Sensing Qin Mo"s gaze, Lin Zizheng couldn"t help but tighten his grasp on the sleeve and his ink-coloured pupils flashed with urgency. He spoke slowly: "Actually… that cavern was somewhat particular.”

Finally done. I"m dying this chapter brought me to my knees and you know what"s the best part: the next few chapters are just as long  _(´ཀ`」 ∠)_

I mean comparatively there isn"t too much action in them and reading over them I don"t feel like they are long so I really don"t want to split the chapters up. So I guess I"ll just bear with it. Also, poor baby Lin Zizheng I feel so sorry for him. Can"t wait to see more of his interactions with Qin Mo.

1Kong Xiao introduces himself humbly if it matters.

2Kong Xiao and Qin Mo are both senior martial brothers in their respective sects, thus both are s.h.i.+xiong.

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