Dark Prison

When Qin Mo awoke again, he was disoriented for a moment, then immediately got up from the floor to survey his surroundings.

His eyebrows wrinkled. He remembered being in a stone chamber where he heard that strange noise, and suddenly, he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he appeared right here.

Looking at his current situation, it was most likely some prison. However, what was their purpose of capturing him? And what were the eerie shadows in the secret room and the picture on the wall?

"Qin Mo?" As he was pondering, a faintly familiar voice came from the side.

He turned and saw a familiar figure in the single cell next door.

"Old Man Wen?" Qin Mo"s tone carried a hint of doubt. It was unexpected to meet Old Man Wen here.

Old Man Wen"s clothes were messy and dirty. If not for his friendly face, Qin Mo might not have recognized him.

Old Man Wen had only thought the figure in the other cell looked familiar and asked hesitantly. But he didn"t expect the man to be really Qin Mo. When he heard Qin Mo"s voice, his face suddenly became difficult to look at. He grabbed the iron fence between the two cells with both hands and asked, "Why are you here?"

Qin Mo didn"t reply where he stood as the lights in his eyes flickered. He didn"t know why he was here.

When Qin Mo didn"t reply, Old Man Wen sighed. As if remembering something, he sat on the ground in low spirits.

Watching the old man like this, Qin Mo narrowed his eyes. He looked around the simple and crude environment, then slowly opened his mouth, "What on earth is this place?"

"The is Tomb Palace"s Dark Prison." Old Man Wen"s voice was low, a deep despair hidden in his tone.

As he heard this, Qin Mo walked several times around his cell. He looked ahead and gathered an invisible attack of nascent spiritual power, aiming for the iron railings before him. But when the attack hit, the nascent spiritual power suddenly disappeared into thin air.

Feeling the fluctuation of Qin Mo"s nascent spiritual energy in the air, the old man looked at him. He shook his head, "It"s no use. This Dark Prison was built particularly for nascent spiritual power users. The iron railings here have been specially handled. Once you"ve entered this place, there"s no chance to get out."

"Really?" An unclear meaning sounded from Qin Mo, but he locked his gaze on the iron gate. There was a light s.h.i.+ning in the depth of his pupils.

Even in danger, Qin Mo still carried his usual indifferent expression, not a trace of nervousness at all. When he saw him like this and thought about the reason he was caught, Old Man Wen impulsively blurted out, "I will teach you how to refine medicine."

Qin Mo"s calm eyes s.h.i.+fted onto him, making Old Man Wen realize what he"d just said, but he didn"t regret it. He focused his sight on him with a persistence that Qin Mo had never seen before. Old Man Wen continued to ask, "How about it?"

After a moment, Qin Mo finally nodded slowly, "Alright." Then his eyebrows rose slightly upward and his eyes shone with a brilliant light. "I found your son in the Black Cavern."


The items that the old man had just scooped up fell to the ground again. He froze and stared at Qin Mo before he swallowed and carefully asked, "Really?"

Under Old Man Wen"s expecting gaze, Qin Mo gently nodded.

There was no light in the Dark Prison, so Qin Mo and Old Man Wen couldn"t feel the pa.s.sage of time.

The old man was taken out of the prison once a day at a fixed time to make some prescribed medicines for the Tomb Palace. He once said that his strong level of refining medicine wasn"t a lie, otherwise, the Tomb Palace wouldn"t catch him to specifically refine medicine for them.

Every time he returned from the outside, the old man would be very weak and tired. But he was very serious about teaching Qin Mo how to refine medicine. Even if he wasn"t energetic enough, he would watch Qin Mo accomplish his daily task with his own eyes.

There were four main elements in the process. The first was to refine medicine with an array on the iron plate; the next was the grade of nascent stone used in refining; the third was the quality of the raw herb materials used, and the last was the refiner"s degree of nascent spiritual power control.

The array method had been lost in the Dark Tomb for a long time, and the old man only had a low-grade nascent stone with a limited amount of herbs. So Qin Mo could only improve the fourth point, which was the ability to control nascent spiritual power.

Fortunately, his poor talent in refining pills didn"t affect his ability to refine medicine. With the careful guidance of the old man and many days of practice, he managed to produce a variety of medicinal liquid.

After several days, Qin Mo felt that there were some faint improvements in his nascent spiritual power.

"Not bad." Looking at the red medicinal liquid Qin Mo made, Old Man Wen nodded satisfactorily. He took out a small-brown booklet, and pa.s.sed it to Qin Mo through the gap between the railings. There was a deep sorrow in his tone as he spoke, "Keep it. It"s from all of my years of experience. This is not much for what you have done."

After receiving the thick booklet, the corner of Qin Mo"s lips curved up slightly, "Thank you." After so many days of interaction, he already realized that the old man had a hard exterior with a soft heart.

In the distance, there was a movement in the silence. Picked up by the old man"s ears and he realized that it was time for his daily pick up. Looking at Qin Mo"s opposite of him, his expression changed slightly. But when Qin Mo noticed it, the expression returned to normal.

Suddenly he grinned and said in a solemn tone, "Today the Tomb Palace requested me to make some simple medicine liquid. You go with them and take it as an exercise."

"Eh?" Retrieved the medicine liquid in his hand, tone filled Qin Mo"s tone. Although he didn"t know the reason, the Tomb Palace captured him. He didn"t think they would let him out.

In an instant, the old man understood Qin Mo"s thought. He extended his right hand, a jade bottle appeared in his hand. There was a kind of yellow liquid in it which constantly swirling from the hand movement.

There was a triumphant smile on his face, "I had unintentionally produced this special liquid, which has only one effect. To allow two people to take this liquid to exchange appearance for a certain period."

Looking at the expression on Old Man Wen"s face, Qin Mo"s face remained unchanged. Without hesitation, he took the medicine liquid with his hand and drink it.

The old man laughed twice, apparently very satisfied with his initiative, and drink the liquid following Qin Mo"s movements.

A pale yellow light flashed through Qin Mo and the old man, and when the light slowly dissipated, the appearance of Qin Mo and Old Man Wen had changed.

Looking at the familiar and cold face opposite of him, Qin Mo reached out and touched his cheek, and sure enough, he found rough wrinkles. Looking at his clothes, which changed with his face.

"Old Man Wen, come out." Following this roar, they heard heavy footsteps. Then two figures appeared. They are the people from the Tomb Palace that escort the old man out.

They looked at Qin Mo and Old Man Wen and had a moment of blank yet confused expression. At first, they felt vague that something was wrong, but they always disdained on paying attention to these people locked in the Dark Prison, so they didn"t think about this carefully.

One of them opened Qin Mo"s prison door and shouted, "Come out, time is up,"

Qin Mo paused his movement and saw the old man secretly nodded to him. He somewhat ignored the people from the Tomb Palace by straightening out his clothes, then went out of the house where he had been trapped for a long time.

"If you can get out of here, I hope you can take good care of Wen Qing."

At that moment, Qin Mo turned around with Old Man Wen"s soft voice rang in his ears. The voice was wrapped in the old man"s nascent spirit power and spread to Qin Mo. The two people beside Qin Mo didn"t hear it.

He paused his footsteps and furrowed his eyebrows tightly. He looked back at the old man with some doubts in his heart. Old Man Wen still smiled at him warmly. Qin Mo nodded back, maybe it was in his imagination.

With that in mind, Qin Mo followed the two men and continued forward.

After the three men, Old Man Wen watched Qin Mo"s retrieving back and slowly put away his smile. Qin Mo never saw the solemn expression on his face. After a long time, he sighed lowly and murmured. "This old man would not live long anyway."

Maybe because it is the Dark Prison, but it is quiet throughout the way. Qin Mo also saw many others in prison. They crouched in the corner of their cell and looked at them with empty eyes. They were lost all hope for a life outside of their cell.

Seeing these people, Qin Mo felt pity but not sympathy If they lost all hope in themselves, then no one else could help them.

Once out of the Dark Prison, the two men led Qin Mo straight into a room and handed the materials to him, then they stopped paying any attention to him.

They sat in front of the door and chatted freely.

Translator(s): Teo
Editor(s): Dark

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