Lin Zizheng sat on one side, an incessant tensity griping his heart. It turned out that the immortals really could fly. He stared at the three people in front of him, his gaze finally coming to rest on the figure clothed in white; Qin Mo. Despite the fact that Qin Mo had yet to speak a single word to him, he"d already become aware that there was something distinct about him. Although he"d only ever been taught by his mother from a small book and though he did not know much, he was still certain that he knew that that person just standing there alone, possessed great beauty. If all immortals bore this manner, he thought, then even if he had to undergo a thousand hards.h.i.+ps, he would become an immortal.

Qin Mo didn"t notice that he"d become the target of the protagonist"s admiration. His attention was currently focused on the Qiankun bag in his hand. The Qiankun bag was the cultivating world"s equivalent to a storage bag, allowing its owner to carry multiple items with them. When Yue Zhongling had taken out the mystic flying item from his, Qin Mo had noticed a faint glowing yellow mist flow through his fingertips and around the Qiankun bag. He speculated that this was spirit energy. He wasn"t sure if other people could see it, however, he couldn"t ask as it should"ve been common sense in this world.

The sleeves of Qin Mo"s robe were quite long, just enough to cover his hands. His slender fingers ceaselessly fumbled with his Qiankun bag. It had been hung around his waist and was roughly only the size of a generic pouch. Embroidered on it was a small lotus.

After having played with it for a long time, Qin Mo still hadn"t succeeded in finding a way to open the Qiankun bag. In the novel, it was mentioned that it required knowledge of cultivation to be used. Frowning, Qin Mo cast his gaze on the Qiankun bag. If it demanded divine knowledge, then he would concentrate all of his efforts on it!

His eyes had darkened, the Qiankun bag showed no changes at all. Qin Mo could not help but be somewhat discouraged. In his original world, he was considered quite intelligent. No matter the task he"d always achieve the best results in everything he did, but in this world, even trivial things such as this posed great difficulty to him. Although he hadn"t planned to live here forever, Qin Mo was arrogant by nature. As his current body was innately highly talented, he naturally didn"t want to fall behind.

Yue Zhongling looked at Qin Mo"s noticeably thin frame and then s.h.i.+fted his gaze to the side where the obviously bored Jin Ling-er was standing. His brow wrinkled slightly, today Xiao1 Mo was somewhat unusual. Although he had always been indifferent, he would still treat Jin Ling-er quite well and would never have let her get so bored on her own.

At that moment, the mystic flying item underneath their feet suddenly swayed. Yue Zhongling couldn"t figure what could have caused it. He looked up to the front and could not help but express a sense of shock. Irritably, he shouted: “How are there Thunderbirds here!“

Seeing Yue Zhongling"s eyes, Qin Mo"s hand tightened around the Qiankun bag, the flash in his eyes betrayed his nervousness.

Two giant birds circled around them, their beaks were about half a meter long, with extremely sharp fronts. From time to time they"d fly closer and peck at the mystic flying item"s underside.

Yue Zhongling clenched his long sword, the expression on his face had become quite unsightly. The mystic flying item they were using at present was just an ordinary instrument of the Yueqing Sect - the Cloud Boat. It was only used to bring new disciples to the Sect and although its flight ability was excellent, it lacked greatly in terms of defence. If the Thunderbirds were to attack, it wouldn"t hold up against them.

Gritting his teeth, Yue Zhongling immediately made up his mind and landed the Cloud Boat on the ground. He stood to the front protecting Lin Zizheng, who hadn"t the slightest bit mana2, and Jin Ling-er, who had low mana. Injecting his spiritual power into the sword, he flew towards the Thunderbird.

Of the two Thunderbirds, one had only reached the strength of the ninth layer of Qi Refining, while the other had the strength of the Foundation Building phase. Of course, Yue Zhongling would engage in combat with the Thunderbird in the Foundation Building phase. He turned in a blink of an eye, but seeing that Qin Mo had yet to move he couldn"t help yelling out: “Xiao Mo, take the sword!”

Noticing the giant bird flying towards him, Qin Mo"s heart tightened. The fingers holding the Qiankun bag could not undo the tight knot. When all was said and done how would he open it? Was today really the day he"d die? Never mind the fact that he"d been the transmigrated into the cannon fodder, he was going to die on his first day here! He was not willing to accept this!

Fervent anger surged in his heart. At that moment, Qin Mo felt something bloom before his eye. In front of him, a collection of disorderly patterns expanded and shrunk in a seemingly lifelike manner. In his hand appeared a long, glowing sword. Instinctively, Qin Mo reached out and grasped the sword, striking the Thunderbird before him.

In his past life he had been a doctor in the surgical department and often operated on patients, so his fingers were extremely flexible. Furthermore, the longsword seemed to perfectly fit in his hands. It could be a.s.sumed that it had been specifically made for this body.

The longsword pierced into the Thunderbird, causing a burst of lightning. The Thunderbird seemed to have felt the injury, as it raised its beak into the air and screeched in pain. The sound rung in Qin Mo"s ears. At that moment, a large amount of lightning was released in the direction of Qin Mo. With this, he finally understood the true meaning behind the name "Thunderbird".

Yue Zhongling"s cultivation was obviously of a higher calibre than that of the Thunderbird in front of him, so he dealt with it easily. While fighting, he took the time to a.s.sess the situation of everyone behind him. Seeing that Jin Ling-er was protecting Lin Zizheng in the distance, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a comforting smile. Immediately, his gaze s.h.i.+fted to Qin Mo"s side, and he couldn"t help but be feel shocked at the sight. “What"s the matter Xiao Mo? Pour your spiritual power into Bi Youjian3!”

Qin Mo was now slightly embarra.s.sed. He"d only just barely been coping with the thunderbird"s attacks with the long sword in his hand. While the Bi Youjian was a tool of cultivation, in his hands it played no such role, at best he"d only used it as a kitchen knife.

Yue Zhongling was highly experienced, so noticed at a glance, that Qin Mo"s body was not using any spiritual power. Thinking of this, he knit his brows tightly. What happened to Xiao Mo? He"d felt something was slightly off before, but now this feeling had become more serious. Before he could think through it, Qin Mo"s body was struck by lightning. His white robe was suddenly charred brown, it"s silk stained with fresh blood.

Yue Zhongling"s hand tightened around his long sword. He refused to think any more about it. Wanting to go support Qin Mo, he sped up his offensive.

“s.h.i.+xiong!” Seeing Qin Mo get injured, Jin Ling-er could not help but anxiously scream out.

A sharp pain pa.s.sed through his body. Qin Mo frowned, but he did not have time to tend to the wound as he proceeded to turn the sword in his hand and attack the most vulnerable part of the thunderbird"s eye. He also wanted to pour spiritual power into Bi Youjian. Unfortunately, he had just arrived and couldn"t direct his spiritual power yet.

The thunderbird"s eye had been hit. It became obviously frantic, shaking its wings violently and flying towards Qin Mo"s head. In the blink of an eye, it attacked. Qin Mo"s grasp tightened around the long sword in his hand, his eyes exposed traces of perseverance.

Just as the giant beak was about to strike him, a large wall of earth appeared in front of him, blocking the violent blow. Meanwhile, a long sword came from behind the Thunderbird and in a flash of white, the Thunderbird was split into two halves by the extremely st.u.r.dy blade.

Blood splattered, a few drops landing on Qin Mo"s face. He grasped the handle of Bi Youjian nervously. After a while, he slowly relaxed and stood wiping away the blood from his face.

Jin Lingerstared at the s.h.i.+xiong before her. His pure white robes stained with blood, and in one hand hung a sword. Even if he was injured, his expression remained indifferent. She didn"t know why, but at this moment her heart beat rapidly outside her control.

Behind the thunderbird"s body, Yue Zhongling"s face was not pleased. Stepping forward, he grabbed Qin Mo"s hand. His eyes were sharp as they fixated on Qin Mo"s face as if trying to see what was behind it. In a low tone, he asked: “Who are you?”

Qin Mo‘s face remained unchanged, but in his heart was a凸4. Was he being suspected? The tips of his fingers shook slightly, and with a stiff tone he spoke: “s.h.i.+shu, I"m… just a little nervous.” However, his face didn"t reveal the slightest bit of nervousness.

Seeing that he had his usual expression on, Yue Zhongling"s couldn"t help but loosen the hand which held Qin Mo, his face growing slightly gentler, his heart somewhat eased. Indeed, this was Qin Mo"s first time in battle. He"d only ever cultivated alone at the Sect before, moreover, Yue Zhongling had from the start been by his side as he travelled the path of a cultivator. He couldn"t have been taken without him noticing. He looked once more at Qin Mo"s exhausted expression. Yue Zhongling"s heart darkened. It seemed that when they returned, he should propose to the Head that Qin Mo be allowed to go out and gain experience. Otherwise, when faced with battles, he would be unable to release his spiritual power. This wasn"t good.

Seeing Yue Zhonglinglet go of his hand, apparently believing his words, Qin Mo could not help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief. However, as his heart relaxed, blood suddenly shot out of his mouth. The injury he"d sustained just a moment ago from the Thunderbird had not been light.

Seeing Qin Mo spit out fresh blood, Jin Ling-er quickly stepped forward to support his body and asked with concern: “s.h.i.+xiong, are you okay?”

On the side, Yue Zhongling"s face also revealed a look of concern. Sheathing his long sword, he looked up at the sky. His brow wrinkled tightly. Fiery red clouds coloured the sky, it was already very late. He said: “Move, we should return as soon as possible!”

“Hahaha! Since you"re here, you must not want to go back. Stay here and be my puppets!” Yue Zhongling"s voice dropped. Filled with malice, a husky voice echoed from the side, making the faces of the four people present s.h.i.+ft.

As the sound rang around them, a sudden thick black mist enveloped their bodies.

Thank G.o.d these chapters are relatively short. I greatly underestimated how difficult this would be, but I can"t deny I"m having fun. I have a crazy amount of free time for the next few months so I guess I may as well take the opportunity to release as many chapters as I can. Hope you all enjoy, can"t wait to see where the story goes.

Btw off-topic but while translating this I had the chance to hear Halsey"s new song thanks to youtube"s autoplay function and d.a.m.n am I hooked. Like no this is literally the only thing I"ll be listening to for the rest of the week. I"ll add a link here for those who haven"t heard it and are interested.


1Xiao: means "small/young". Appended to a person"s given name to show familiarity & affection. 2Mana: I ran into a little trouble translating this as its literal translation is Magic power (法力) and at this point, I"m not quite sure how it differs from Spiritual power so I"ll just stick with mana for now. 3Bi Youjian: Jian translates to sword so I"m taking a "wild" guess that Bi You (Jade Journey) is the name of the sword but I feel like saying Bi You sword sounds awkward so I"ll be using Bi Youjian to refer to his sword. You know, every time I read the word sword I"m always reminded of Freud"s hypothesis that swords, guns, (any other "penetrating object") etc are all subconscious symbols for d.i.c.ks. Sorry for the tangent in the footnotes. 4凸: Think emoji for the middle finger. I don"t even know man. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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