To Contend For

Qin Mo"s tone was ordinary, but the people he observed unconsciously started to panic.

One of them went pale, his eyes flas.h.i.+ng as he spoke, "As long as you can beat us…"

Some of Yueqing Sect disciples" eyes revealed shameful feelings, but before they could say anything Qin Mo waved his long sleeves.

"Alright!" He looked at the longsword in his hand. Even though it hadn"t recognized a master yet, it could still be used now. "Everyone can come at once."

Qin Mo"s tone remained even, but his att.i.tude made his words arrogant.

The people opposite of him first hesitated then flushed red with fury.

The man who had spoken earlier raised the weapon in his hand and shouted, "Qin Mo, don"t be so arrogant!" His face serious, he turned to the crowd and called, "My fellow cultivators, make him understand how powerful we are!"

Qin Mo raised his eyebrows as he pushed several Yueqing Sect disciples behind him.

The other side had several more people and attacks that could leave everyone dazed.

Qin Mo"s face remained unchanged. With a twist of his wrist, spirit power was drawn into the longsword. It swirled in the air, creating an invisible barrier around him, and blocked every attack.

The man"s face curled into hideous disgust. Putting away his weapons, he swung his hands quickly through the air, almost as if forming a sealing art.  

"Everyone, please, come help!" He cried out, his face turning red as he looked back at the people behind him. Just as he finished yelling, a fierce yellow tiger appeared in mid-air.

One of the high-level skills, when a cultivator performed this seal art, they would use their own spirit power to form a fierce tiger. After it was created, though, it needed a constant input of spirit power to increase its strength.

The people behind him were stunned at first, but once they understood, their faces darkened. One by one, they started contributing their spirit power to the tiger.

In the blink of an eye, the tiger grew, radiating a yellow light. Its feet stomped powerfully in the air, and it turned its bloodthirsty gaze on Qin Mo.

The tiger rushed at him.

Confronted with the tiger, his eyes turned sharp. The longsword shook as he transferred aura from his Dantian to the blade, making it fly into the tiger"s path.

As the sword moved, a burst of purple light emitted from it. Within the light, flickers of lightning set the whole hall alight.

Blinded by the intense light, a horrible whimper from the tiger rang out across the room.

Once everyone could open their eyes again, the tiger was gone, and the sword was back in Qin Mo"s hand. Their faces paled.

Qin Mo touched the sword in his hand, promising to prepare a scabbard. Lifting his eyes to the crowd, he remained indifferent though his thin lips curled upward. "You let me win!"

He glanced over everyone in the hall, and his gaze lingered on Lin Zizheng. His lips parted, but he didn"t say a word. Lifting the hem of his robe, he sat atop the first praying mat.

The crowd"s eyes flashed as they watched Qin Mo, but no one spoke. With his strength exhibited for all to see, the hall fell silent.

A "bang" rang out, followed by Kong Xiao"s laughter. The silence destroyed, he called out, "Since no one else wants the second praying mat, refusing it would be impolite!"

Finished, he crossed the room to the praying mat.

"Humph!  Kong Xiao, you better not dream of it!" A crisp shout rang out, and the woman dressed in white chased after Kong Xiao.

When Kong Xiao didn"t stop, her face turned black. Conjuring a ribbon known as the Red Heaven Silk, she waved it through the air. As if it had a life of its own, it flew towards Kong Xiao.

Sensing the Red Heaven Silk"s attack from behind, Kong Xiao sidestepped.

The attack missed, and the ribbon changed directions to strike again.

The attack drew closer. Kong Xiao flicked open the fan in his hand and flicked it in the ribbon"s direction. An eerie green light flashed, landing on top of the Red Heaven Silk and stopping its attack.

Noticing the woman"s angry expression, he grinned and mused, "So, you"re the Yunyin Sect"s fairy, Fang Yue. How rude of me."

At Yunyin"s name, Qin Mo"s eyes s.h.i.+fted to the woman in white. Reaching foundation building some time ago, Fang Yu was the eldest daughter of the Yunyin Sect"s elder. She held a high position in the Yunyin Sect, incomparable to Liu Qingzhou.

Face flas.h.i.+ng anger, Fang Yue snorted at Kong Xiao"s ironic tone. The Red Heaven Silk began to dance again, flying in his direction.

He smiled as he approached the praying mat and ignored the ribbon aiming for him.

Fang Yue snorted again, the attack becoming more vicious.

A figure in black appeared, waving his hand and seizing the Red Heaven Silk. He blocked all of Fang Yue"s motions.

"Spirit solitude!" Fang Yue gave a heated glared in Kong Xiao"s direction. Reluctantly, she withdrew her weapon. She was no match for a spirit solitude cultivator.

When the spirit solitude cultivator entered the crowd again, Fang Yue tightly clutched the Red Heaven Silk. The Yueqing Sect"s spirit solitude cultivators wouldn"t appear here since they all explored the abandoned celestial mansion.

On the other hand, her Yunyin Sect"s two attendants were nowhere to be found. If they were present, she wouldn"t have wound up in this disadvantageous position.

Catching a glimpse of a figure heading for the third praying mat, fury flooded her chest. Tossing the Red Heaven Silk towards them, she cried, "You dare!"

As the Red Heaven Silk neared, a sword appeared and blocked it. Her eyebrows jerking upwards, she turned to Qin Mo. Angrily, she called out, "Qin Mo, what is the meaning of this?"

Translator(s): Teo
Editor(s): DarkSapphire, Empress
Proofer(s): Bet, AyN

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