Lin Zizheng"s face twisted as if black air had risen behind him. Then he smiled. "Da s.h.i.+xiong, please stop joking."

He reached out to grab Qin Mo.

Qin Mo"s gaze was cold, and he quickly retreated. Thunderbolt, in his hand, s.h.i.+fted and swiped toward Lin Zizheng. The moment the sword moved, his killing intent spiked.

A helpless smile graced Lin Zizheng"s face, and he extended his hand. A red light flashed, and a glove wrapped over his palm.

The glove glowed dark red under the sunlight.

When he moved this hand, Lin Zizheng grabbed Qin Mo"s incoming sword in his palm. He smiled a little as, with the slightest force of his hand, shattered the glint on Thunderbolt"s edge with a crisp snap.

Qin Mo paled. He didn"t expect Lin Zizheng to have increased in strength so much in so little time. To break his attack with so little effort, he had to be at Core Formation, at least.

Since Qin Mo wasn"t willing to give up, Lin Zizheng"s brow furrowed, and he swept forward, flas.h.i.+ng behind Qin Mo. He caught Qin Mo around the waist and held him tight.

Embraced like this, Qin Mo noticed Lin Zizheng was now as tall as he. His face s.h.i.+fted. A chill scattered over his body, and a sick feeling swelled in his heart.

As if sensing the resistance in his heart, Lin Zizheng"s hand waved in front of Qin Mo"s face. A strange black gas emerged from his palm and filled Qin Mo"s mouth and nose. Darkness pooled in his eyes, and he lost consciousness. He sighed a little as he closed his eyes. Worthy of the protagonist"s t.i.tle.

A satisfied smile appeared on Lin Zizheng"s face as he held Qin Mo. He reached out, intending to remove the cloak. But, as if he thought of something, he straightened the cloak from the disarray of fighting and wrapped him up in it even more tightly.

Hundreds of millions of ages ago, there was a great war between righteous and demonic cultivators. The war lasted for several years, and countless righteous and demonic cultivators died before the end. The demonic cultivators were defeated by the righteous and driven out to a boundary. The boundary was barren and full of mostly devils. This boundary was filled with devils and demonic cultivators alike, and eventually called the demon"s boundary.

The demon"s boundary is divided into upper, middle, and lower regions. In terms of strength, the upper region was strongest, and the lower region was weakest. Lin Zizheng took Qin Mo to the lower region. Many inferior demons and a few demonic cultivators with a useless cultivation base lived in this region. It divided the region into four imperial palaces north, south, east, and west. Each palace had an Imperial Lord at Soul Solitude.

Lin Zizheng had a special ident.i.ty and had his residence here. Under his residence was a complex, underground palace.

Lin Zizheng embraced Qin Mo, ignoring all the curious gazes on him, and step-by-step walked into the deepest part of the underground palace to a huge, stone house.

He gently laid Qin Mo on the bed and unraveled the cloak on him with extreme disgust towards the object. He wore the most brilliant smile of all as he looked at this face that had filled his thoughts day and night.

He stretched out his hand and carefully touched Qin Mo"s face, tracing from the eyebrows to the corner of his eyes to his chin. With only one spot left, he gently rubbed Qin Mo"s dry lips and whispered, "Da s.h.i.+xiong…"

Those lips slowly reddened under his touch, and longing flashed in his eyes. He lowered his head and dropped a shallow kiss to Qin Mo"s mouth. His voice, intense and emotional, leaked from between their lips, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, you"re mine."

After a long time, he straightened again and sat quietly at Qin Mo"s bedside. Eyes fixed on Qin Mo, the corners of his mouth curled like that of a satisfied cheetah. But, then he thought of Qin Mo"s resistance to him, and his eyebrows furrowed. He turned to leave.

Qin Mo"s thick lashes trembled, and he opened his eyes. The first thing that came into sight was a large, black stone. It stunned him. He sat upright and checked his surroundings.

He was in a stone cave with only a stone bed and a pool of water. A blue lotus flower bloomed within the pool, and the single bed was where he laid.

He completed a circuit of the cave and Qin Mo found a stone gate with enchantments laid over it.

He sighed, not understanding Lin Zizheng"s thoughts. Why didn"t Lin Zizheng do anything other than put him here? His gaze cooled. He flung his sleeves aside and returned to the bed, not wanting to think any further.

He turned and spotted the fresh spirit flower at the bedside. He took the flower in hand. The petals were white like the moon with a crescent shape in the middle that emitted strong, constant energy.

Although Qin Mo"s refining always failed, he remembered the reconds on spirit gra.s.s and spirit glowers from Liu Zhongchi"s Qiankun bag. At a glance, he could tell this spirit moonflower was perfectly normal and hadn"t been altered.

Confusion swelled in Qin Mo"s heart. What was Lin Zizheng"s motive? Not only did he not seal his power, but also left behind this spirit moonflower to help him cultivate. Was Lin Zizheng that overconfident in his strength?

His eyebrows knitted. He laid the flower back in its place. He adjusted his breathing and laid atop the bed, dividing his divine sense to keep an eye on his surroundings.

Qin Mo opened his eyes when he sensed inaudible footsteps outside. Lin Zizheng opened the enchanted gate and slowly entered. His red clothes were replaced with a common black robe, and he held a jade bowl in his hand.

"Da s.h.i.+xiong." A smile appeared on Lin Zizheng"s face when he saw Qin Mo had woken up. He dawdled to the bedside, handing over the jade bowl.

Qin Mo"s face was frosty, and he ignored Lin Zizheng"s intent. Secretly, he considered the probability of a sneak attack"s success but eventually gave up on the idea.

Straightening up, he looked at Lin Zizheng"s smiling face, and intense anger rose in his heart. He waved his long sleeve and knocked aside the jade bowl. "Scram!"

Lin Zizheng wasn"t upset. He picked up the bowl and placed it on the edge of the bed. He continued with good temper, "This vegetarian food is crude and simple. Da s.h.i.+xiong isn"t satisfied with it. It"s understandable. I"ll fix something more instead."

Lin Zizheng took the Qiankun bag from his waist. Qin Mo"s heart skipped a beat. This bag was familiar. It was the one he gave Lin Zizheng a long time ago. He noticed Lin Zizheng"s attire was styled very similar to the past.

Lin Zizheng"s expression brightened even more when he felt Qin Mo"s gaze. His fingers s.h.i.+fted, and red meat appeared in his hand. A flame appeared with a wave of his hand, and ignoring his surroundings, set it on the ground. He used his sword as a grill to roast the meat.

Qin Mo was so close to him but didn"t feel any discomfort. He didn"t feel the heat of the fire, nor did he smell pungent smoke. Only the aroma of roasted meat filled his nose.

"Da s.h.i.+xiong, here you go." He continued to smile as he handed the cooked meat to Qin Mo. His face was somewhat blurred by the fire"s haze.

Qin Mo took the meat in a trance but shook his head once he tasted it. Even if this was so similar to the original, this person was no longer that kindhearted, obedient brother. Now, he was a wolf cub, gentle-looking, but would bite him in the back.

"How is it?" Lin Zizheng looked at the meat in Qin Mo"s hand as he ate. "This is snake meat obtained from the boundary of the blue sky. How does it taste?"

Qin Mo continued to ignore his words, and Lin Zizheng stubbornly watched his every move. He noticed a stain at the corner of Qin Mo"s mouth and leaned forward to help him wipe it off.

Qin Mo stiffened and turned his head sideways, avoiding his hand. Lin Zizheng"s eyes dimmed. He remained frozen for a long time then smiled. "Da s.h.i.+xiong, have a good rest."

He reluctantly looked at Qin Mo and extinguished the fire. He turned and walked toward the door.

"Wait!" Once Lin Zizheng reached the gate, Qin Mo suddenly called from behind.

Joyfulness sprung alive in Lin Zizheng"s heart, but before he could relish in it for long, Qin Mo"s cold voice asked, "Where are Ling Yun and the others?"

With his back to Qin Mo, Lin Zizheg"s expression grew fiercer and fiercer. Blood red filled his eyes, but it slowly dispersed. His voice was frigid, "Da s.h.i.+xiong, you need not know about that."

Translator(s): Teo
Editor(s): Dark, Bet

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