A horrifying killing aura slowly rose in those scarlet eyes. The Housemaster"s lips curled into a mocking smirk as a huge black disk emerged behind him.

With a sneer and a finger movement, the black disk launched straight toward Qin Mo and Lin Zizheng. Looking at the insignificant men, the Housemaster said coldly, "It should satisfy both of you having the chance to die under the Demonic Disk."

The huge disk soared toward the sky and hovered above Qin Mo and Lin Zizheng.

Covered by the Demonic Disk, a dark light shone on them making their faces pale.

They looked at each other. Under the attack"s pressure, they found that neither of them could move a single inch.

Qin Mo nodded to Lin Zizheng, and grasped his sword, summoning light from the blade to interweave with the golden light around Lin Zizheng. In the two lights" center, an inexhaustible energy flared.

A thin palm suddenly extended from behind them, one left and one right pressing onto Qin Mo and Lin Zizheng"s shoulders.

"Neither of you are his opponents yet." The Elder Jinbi"s hoa.r.s.e voice came slowly from behind. 

A great force appeared on their shoulders following that. Under this force, they turned and broke away from the Housemaster"s control. 

Qin Mo saw the elder"s thin figure appearing unhurriedly. Strong energy emitted from his wizened body. He looked up at the Demonic Disk overhead and slightly narrowed his eyes. Then, with a shake of his sleeve robe, a brush materialized in his hand.

As the elder stepped forward, he raised the brush and golden light poured out from the tip of it.


A loud crash sounded as the brush flew out in a golden light, slamming against the disk in the sky. When touched by the golden light, the darkness around the disk suddenly faded. Under the golden brush"s fierce attack, the Demonic Disk gradually scattered in the air.

"d.a.m.ned old man Jinbi, you"re still alive?" Glaring coldly at the elder, the Housemaster recalled the black smoke in the air and retracted his original casual expression. He moved his hands behind him and clenched them tightly. 

"Hong Min, if someone as d.a.m.ned inhuman as you is still alive, why shouldn"t I be alive?" Elder Jinbi gave a leisurely smile, but his eyes revealed a restrained fear.

Hundred of years ago, he had dealt with Hong Min before he was a Housemaster. Although Hong Min"s strength was not as good as hers, it was not much different.

Now, he had seamlessly defended Qin Mo and Lin Zizheng, and swept obscurely through the Tomb Palance"s people below. He felt powerful fluctuations of nascent spiritual power from them and frowned tightly.

The Elder"s gaze fell on the altar behind Hong Min. His fingers trembled violently, and he could no longer suppress his rage.

As he stepped out, he placed pressure down on Hong Min"s body, while shouting, "Hong Min, I didn"t expect you to be this obsessed that you still want to release those evil spirits."

Hong Min"s gloomy face slowly folded up. He lifted his lips lightly with disdain on his face, "How can we small fry predict the ambitions of the great? Ordinary people like you can"t understand my grand ideal."

Hong Min"s gaze s.h.i.+fted to Old Man Wen on the altar. He murmured with burning eyes. "This moment has come at last."

The old man had already moved to the center of the stone tablet, staring at it with dead eyes. During this scene, the whole s.p.a.ce was silent, and everyone"s attention was fixed on the altar.

Suddenly, he knelt, and the boiling magma bubbled out from beneath him, and soon overflowed his knees. Where the lava pa.s.sed, red blood dripped down from him.

As if he could not feel the pain, he only trembled. Old Man Wen raised his head and smacked it into the stone tablet. In an instant, blood splashed all over the tablet, dyeing the entire thing red.

The stone buzzed and trembled violently, as a soft hum came slowly from it. In the middle of the altar, faint black smoke broke out from beneath. A ghost"s penetrating voice rang out from the center of the altar.

Qin Mo"s fists were clenched tight as he hastily extended his hands, attacking the boundary outside the altar with all of his strength. The bright light flickered between his hands, and extremely dangerous energy emanated from them as he struck the boundary head-on.

The boundary swayed with no change.

"Hahaha, success, success!" Listening to the piercing voice, Hong Min"s squinted eyes were filled with enjoyment. He raised both his arms up high as he faced upward, saying a few words in silence with his trembling lips.

At that moment, a golden light suddenly appeared and spread out from the center of the tablet. As the golden light swept through the place, the blood on the tablet dripped off quickly, and it rapidly restored its originally simple and unadorned state.


The stone tablet suddenly jolted and emitted a loud ringing bell sound. A domineering momentum came from above the stone tablet and struck straight onto the black smoke below.

The smoke seemed to encounter something so frightening that it retreated at a faster rate. The altar restored its former silence, and the only sound heard was the blood flowing from Old Man Wen.

A light flashed through before him, and Qin Mo found that the boundary seemed thinner than before. With his hands raised, he struck the boundary once more.


It fragmented as smoke ascended from the altar. Under his attack, the boundary shattered. The moment it broke, the magma on the altar returned to the bottom of the volcano.

Without thinking, he raced to the altar with the tips of his feet, and arrived beside the old man shortly.

Old Man Wen weakly leaned on the stone tablet. He had a large wound on his forehead, and the blood wouldn"t stop flowing out.

Seeing Qin Mo, the old man"s dim eyes gradually lit up. He had been controlled by the Tomb Palace earlier, losing his consciousness. But now, he was seriously injured and finally returned to his senses.

He managed to move his lips, trying to show a smile, but there was sharp pain from his body, making the muscles twitch on his face. His expression suddenly became stiff.

His lips trembled, and it took him a long time to call out, "Qin Mo."

Qin Mo"s hands trembled slightly as he quickly took out a bottle of medicinal liquid from his Qiankun bag and poured it into Old Man Wen"s mouth. The liquid rolled out from the corners and landed on his robe.

"Don"t bother." Watching Qin Mo"s mad-like movement, the old man stretched out and stopped him. The flesh and blood had disappeared from his withered fingers, leaving behind only five white bones.

Old Man Wen finally squeezed out a smile on his face, and his voice was hoa.r.s.e, "Before being controlled by the Tomb Palace, my nascent spiritual power had all vanquished, even my divine spirit is on the edge of disappearing too. Even if these injuries get healed, it would be useless."

Qin Mo"s movement paused, his whole body frozen in place. He dropped his sight to the blood on the ground and there was a moment of absolute silence.

"That"s all right, this old man has lived long enough. It"s a good thing to see Qing-er"s mother now." The old man"s eyes were blurred, and a girl in a pink dress appeared in front of him. She stood in the distance and showed him a very sweet smile.

"I have only one wish, that is… cough, cough…" The old man clutched Qin Mo"s hand with all of his strength. His breathing was a little short, "Can you call me s.h.i.+fu?"

The breeze blew Qin Mo"s long hair on his forehead, revealing his dark eyes. He waited and looked at Old Man Wen, who had an expectant expression. He steadily lowered his head, knelt on the ground, and bowed down respectfully. He spoke with no emotion in his tone, "s.h.i.+fu."

Qin Mo knelt on the ground and didn"t hear any reply. After a long time, he gradually stood up from the ground.

When he walked before the old man, his gaze fell on his gentle smile. He reached out, brushed over his eyes and whispered, "Don"t worry."

"It"s impossible. This cannot be, the stone tablet responds to his nascent spiritual power. How could his blood not break the seal?" Hong Min, who has been stagnant since the boundary"s destruction, shouted out.

Then his glare turned to Qin Mo beside the stone tablet, the scarlet color in them flas.h.i.+ng wildly. "It must be because you broke the boundary; you stopped our sacrificial ceremony. It cannot continue now."

As he finished, he stepped out and floated in mid-air. He shook his index finger in Qin Mo"s direction, and a huge light pillar appeared in the sky, falling down on him.

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