A. The head engineer; the cut-out c.o.c.k under the brake valve on the second engine should be closed and the compressor allowed to run.

209. Q. How may the engineman a.s.sist the trainman in finding a bursted hose?

A. After the train has come to a stop, the brake valve should be placed in running position; by so doing, air will be admitted to the brake pipe and cause a blow at the point where the hose is burst.


210. Q. If the locomotive brake creeps on with the automatic and independent brake valves in running position, where would you look for the trouble?

A. This is caused by the pressure chamber being overcharged or a non-sensitive feed valve allowing brake pipe pressure to vary, which in turn causes an automatic application of the brake.

211. Q. How often should the main reservoir be drained?

A. The main reservoir should be drained at the beginning of each trip.

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