"Is this everything?" Julia asked as she looked at Marcel"s suitcase. Marcel nodded after checking that he had his wallet and phone with him.

"Okay, let"s go," she said as she went into the car. Before Marcel could do anything, Mark picked up his suitcase and put it in the back of the van. Marcel helplessly watched as he got in the van, and the group of four drove away.

"Should I have gotten that haircut?" Marcel asked Julia. He hadn"t found time to get a haircut, so he had tied his hair. It was not long enough for it to be tied up neatly so he had styled it so it"d look neat even with the loose strands hanging around his face. Since he used to be a woman, he was still sensitive about his appearance.

Julia looked at him and tilted her head as she reexamined before shaking her head.

"You don"t have to, it looks very charming," she said and fiddled with her tab.

"Have you been able to contact the school?" Marcel asked Julia. He had called her the previous day after talking to Liam, who seemed excited about going to the same school that Damien did. He did not know when the two of them became so close, but Damien was the only successful person with whom Liam was acquainted with and he already made him a role model.

"I emailed them yesterday, they said they will test him before they accept him. I a.s.sume your little brother is smart seeing as Damien was confident enough to recommend that school to you," Julia said as she looked up from her tab.

"He is, I"m not worried about that. Just let me know when he is accepted so I can make the transfer for his school fees," Marcel said and put on a pair of sungla.s.ses.

"Have you checked your social media recently?" Julia asked without looking up.

"No," Marcel said and took out his phone to check his social media. He wasn"t used to having one as he had someone to manage it for him in the past and didn"t really care about it.

"Oh? They increased by this much?" Marcel said with raised eyebrows as he saw 990k appear on his followers section.

"The video was a good step, I"ll give it to you, it was a smart career move," Julia praised and displayed a rare smile.

"I just did it for money, I"m really not a dancer," Marcel answered. Marie looked at the two who were talking to each other without even looking at each other. She internally thought that they were in tune with each other.

"Mmmh," Julia answered.

"They won"t ask me to dance, right?" Marcel asked, finally lifting his head to look at Julia in question.

"They might," Julia said with a smile filled with schadenfreude. Marcel groaned in dread, but after a few seconds he put those thoughts at the back of his mind and continued to look at the posts that his fans had tagged him in.

"We"re here," Mark said after a few minutes. Marcel looked outside and saw that a few people from the filming crew were gathered outside.

"Let"s go," Julia said as she got out of the van. The two of them walked to where the director was standing with the crew and greeted him.

"Oh, he was your model?" he asked as he looked at Marcel with a smile, Marcel removed his sungla.s.ses and greeted him properly before being briefed by him about what is going to happen in the house.

"So the others have already arrived, there"s one other person who literally just left before you arrived. You will introduce yourselves in the house, then you"ll be given further instructions. There will be nine other people, and no, there won"t be an elimination, but the most popular people with the audience will receive the most benefits at the house," the director explained. He drawled on for another two minutes and Marcel nodded intermittently to show that he was paying attention.

"Here is the address for the house, it"s just down the street, you can walk there with the crew," the director said. Marcel understood that that was his chance to make an impression with the audience as it will be part of the first episode that will air.

He took the small piece of paper and wrote the address in his phone as he knew that would be his home for the next month before handing it over to Julia.

"So, do I go now?" Marcel asked as he looked at the people that were around him.

"Are you prepared?" Julia asked as she took a picture of the paper. She was too lazy to type it down.

"Of course," Marcel said with a devious smile as he put on his gla.s.ses. The director stared at him slack-jawed as his impression for those few seconds differed greatly from how he looked at the audition.

"Heh, good luck. I"ll make sure not to miss an episode. Call me if you need anything at all if you can"t reach me call Marie or Mark," Julia said in reminder.

"Mmmh, bye" Marcel said and waved at the other two managers who waved back at him.

"Shall we?" he asked the cameraman and went ahead to drag his suitcase behind him with the phone in his hand as he casually searched for the house.

"Why do I feel like there will be trouble? He acted like he was not aware of how good looking he was in the audition" the director commented.

"Trust me, he is fully aware of how attractive he is," Julia said as she looked at Marcel who was walking away.

"With a face like that, wouldn"t you know?" Julia turned to ask the director who ended up laughing at himself. He just realised how good of an actor Marcel actually was at that moment.

Marcel walked seemingly carelessly, but he looked fantastic on camera. The cameramen even wondered if he was doing it on purpose as they were silently following him while filming. Marcel arrived at the front of the house where he was going to be staying for a month and looked up at it. He smiled as he saw that he was going to be staying at a very modern house before he walked in.

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