Once he was done with answering the questions that he was being asked by the director. Before he asked to leave, Marcel interrupted the production team"s discussion.

"Excuse me," Marcel said to gain their attention.

"What is it?" the director asked.

"Umm, so I noticed that this is the only thing in the fridge," Marcel said and lifted the bottle to show it to them. The director felt his face turn blue from frustration but he couldn"t lash out at him anyway.

"You will be updated regarding this matter soon," the director answered while failing to maintain the smile that he had had on his face.

"Don"t be mad at me Mr. Director, I"m still growing so I get hungry quite frequently that"s why I had to ask," Marcel said as he was leaving the room. He felt like if he pa.s.sed up this chance to tease the director it would be too bad. Shouldn"t matters regarding food be the first thing they tell them about?

After Marcel got out of the room, her phone vibrated in his shorts. He pulled out his phone and read the message that they had received. Shortly after, one of the people from the production crew came out with a debit card. He looked around the living room trying to decide who he should give it to before handing it to the oldest member who was Jeremy.

"So are we going shopping?" Chloe shouted her excitement as she ran down the stairs with Lauren following silently behind her.

"It seems so, let"s wait for everyone else to come down so we can decide on what we"ll be having for the get-together dinner later," Jeremy said as he placed the card on the coffee table in front of him. In the next few minutes the rest of the members came and they started discussing what they should eat later.

"I"ve been craving lobsters," Chloe mumbled and everyone turned to look at her with raised eyebrows. 

u003cWho is this young miss?u003e Marcel asked Avian as he held back his laugh.

[She is indeed a young miss] Avian confirmed and Marcel was stumped by the bit of information he just learned.

"What do you want to eat?" Jeremy said as he decided to ignore Chloe"s suggestion. Most of them shrugged their shoulders and Alistair gave a response that really frustrated Marcel.

"I"m okay with anything, I"m not picky," Alistair answered. Marcel closed his eyes to stop himself from glaring at him.

"Big brother, why don"t we just have a barbeque?" Marcel suggested once Jeremy looked to him for a suggestion.

"That"s a good idea," Jeremy said with a smile, finally someone who knew what they wanted to eat.

"Anymore suggestions?" Jeremy asked but was met with silence.

"Does anyone want to go shopping with me?" Jeremy asked and Marcel immediately asked to go, and surprisingly Micah also volunteered to go. Since she was the last to arrive, she felt that she had missed out on the part where they were all getting familiar with each other.

"Okay then, lets go. Is there anything else you want?" Jeremy asked as this was their chance to go shop.

"Laundry soap, also air fresheners, dish was.h.i.+ng soap…" a whole list of things came out of Alistair"s mouth that left everyone"s mouth was just left hanging open.

"I think you should come along, otherwise I won"t be able to remember anything," Jeremy said to Alistair and left before giving him a chance to respond.

Alistair wanted to tell him that he could just write him a list but he couldn"t say much about anything since the person himself had already left. So he had no choice but to follow them to the garage.

The four of them got in the car and after a lot of urging from Jeremy, Marcel sat in the front with him. Jeremy felt that Marcel was easier to get along with, maybe because he was the youngest in the house, but he couldn"t help but feel at ease with him.

"Do you know how to drive?" Jeremy asked when the silence in the car was getting suffocating.

"I don"t know how to," Marcel answered honestly.

"I learned but I don"t have much experience," Micah answered. Marcel smiled when he heard her talk, if he had a voice like hers in his past life he would have been stuck playing one type of role. Her voice was very sultry and even he had a hard time controlling his expression. Jeremy cleared his throat before asking Alistair the same question.

"Mmh, I know," Alistair answered. Marcel could only smile at his quiet roommate who acted like talking was a ch.o.r.e.

Jeremy continued asking them questions so that the atmosphere in the car didn"t get awkward until they arrived at the grocery store.

Jeremy took a trolley and Alistair took another one. They didn"t need to ask him why he took another one because they knew he would want to separate the cleaning products with the food products. Marcel went with Jeremy to shop for food, and left Micah with Alistair. Alistair went ahead to look for cleaning products without waiting for her, he was okay whether he had someone accompanying him or not.

As they shopped for food, they didn"t just get meat but Marcel bought vegetables and some potatoes and spices that he had mentally wrote down. In this case, Avian was reminding him on what he was supposed to get. They were also being followed by the production crew so Marcel tried not to be too excessive with the purchases. Jeremy acted like an older brother who would follow along with whatever he wanted to buy. He was not an expert cook anyway so he did not have much of an opinion until the reached the isle where the alcohol was displayed.

Marcel left this task to Jeremy and once they were sure they had gotten everything they would need, they went to check out their items. They found both Alistair and Micah there together with the camera men that had followed them. For some reason they looked exhausted as they stood there diligently recording the pair.

"What happened?" Marcel asked one of them as Jeremy was unloading the items he got from the trolley.

"Why are you all so tall? He was walking with a destination in mind so it was really hard to catch up with him the whole time," the camera man whispered to Marcel and Marcel could only laugh helplessly at the man who was significantly shorter than they were and was very obviously out of shape as well.

"If you go on a diet during filming, maybe you might lose weight," Marcel said thoughtfully as he walked away from the camera man with a smile. He knew he wouldn"t be able to retort back as he was still filming and he would mess up the footage if he did. He finally felt what his director had experienced when he had been teased by Marcel earlier.

Marcel helped Jeremy and Alistair unload and pack the items in the big shopping bags that were provided by the supermarket before Jeremy paid and the four of them left the supermarket. As they were loading the back of the car Jeremy said something to Alistair and Alistair nodded without a word. Marcel looked at them curiously but did not say anything as he went to sit on the front seat once more before seeing that rather than Jeremy, Alistair took the wheel.

"You"re driving back?" Marcel asked but did not receive a response. Alistair did not bother answering such an obvious question. He smoothly maneuvered the car out of the parking lot and drove them back home.

The car was silent on the whole way home now that Marcel and Jeremy had been separated and were paired off by people who were not talkative in the first place. Jeremy thought that switching places would help with the content for the episode but he quickly realised that it was his mistake. He had overestimated himself and had underestimated his housemates. 

When Alistair parked the car, Marcel jumped out like the hounds of h.e.l.l were going after him. He could not bear to be in the car for a second longer. It was too suffocating in there.

The guys carried the things into the house and the other members helped them organize things in the pantry while others went to take the cleaning products to their respective locations. Adrian went outside to prepare the barbeque as the girls prepared salads and mashed potatoes to have later. The other guys were preparing the meat for barbequing and since they were all working together to make the dinner happen, they all had to talk to each other.

Without their knowledge, this event served to bring them even closer to each other than they were before. Marcel noticed this almost immediately since the house was not as quiet as it had been earlier. He smiled happily as he continued to help everyone. He was looking forward to see how things were going to play out once everyone was even more relaxed later.

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