_Q._ Did he come there once, or oftener, within your memory?
_A._ Twice.
_Q._ Who brought him?
_A._ I do not know that any body brought him in particular, he came to dine there as a visitor.
_Q._ With whom?
_A._ Not with any body in particular; invited by the Honorable Basil Cochrane.
_Q._ Was that upon days when Mr. Cochrane Johnstone and Lord Cochrane were there?
_A._ Mr. Cochrane Johnstone and Lord Cochrane dined there once; Lord Cochrane did not the second time?
_Q._ As far as you could observe, did Lord Cochrane and Mr. Cochrane Johnstone appear to be acquainted with the Baron De Berenger, or to be then first introduced to him?
_A._ They appeared to be acquainted with him.
_Cross-examined by Mr. Topping._
_Q._ Can you tell us what time this was?
_A._ In January the first time, and the next in February, but I cannot say what day.
_Q._ You live with Mr. Basil Cochrane?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ He is related to Lord Cochrane?
_A._ Yes, he is uncle to Lord Cochrane.
_Q._ And Mr. Basil Cochrane having a dinner party, Baron De Berenger was one of the party, and Lord Cochrane another?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ And Mr. Cochrane Johnstone another?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ Did the dinner party consist of any other?
_A._ Yes, the first time, Admiral Cochrane (Sir Alexander), his lady, and some more ladies and gentlemen.
_Q._ Was that the day Lord Cochrane dined there?
_A._ Yes, it was.
_Q._ Then upon another occasion, Mr. Basil Cochrane having a diner party, Mr. Cochrane Johnstone formed one of the party, and Baron De Berenger another?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ Was there an indiscriminate mixture of ladies and gentlemen again then?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ And Lord Cochrane was not there?
_A._ He was not.
_Q._ You have been asked whether Baron De Berenger and Lord Cochrane and Mr. Cochrane Johnstone appeared to be acquainted--did Baron De Berenger appear to be acquainted with Admiral Cochrane?
_A._ I cannot say.
_Q._ You were merely a servant attending at table?
_A._ Yes.
_Cross-examined by Mr. Richardson._
_Q._ From the conversation that pa.s.sed, did you understand whether Baron De Berenger was going to America to serve under Admiral Cochrane.
_A._ I did not.
_Mr. Barnard Broochooft sworn._
_Examined by Mr. Bolland._
_Q._ You are Deputy Marshal of the King"s Bench?
_A._ I am clerk to the Marshal of the King"s Bench.
_Q._ Do you know Baron De Berenger?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ Was he, during the latter end of the last year, and the beginning of the present, a prisoner in the King"s Bench?
_A._ Yes.
_Q._ How long had he been confined there?
_A._ I think from the latter end of the year 1812.