WITNESS.--"I cannot. I forget them."

Sir EDWARD.--"Now I am going to ask you a direct question, and I ask you to be careful in your reply. Were you and Burton ever taken to Rochester Road Police Station?"


Sir EDWARD.--"Well, was Burton?"

WITNESS.--"I think not--at least, he was not, to my knowledge."

Sir EDWARD.--"Did the Birmingham gentleman give to Burton a cheque for 200 drawn in the name of S. Denis or Denny, your own name?"

WITNESS.--"Not to my knowledge."

Sir EDWARD.--"About two years ago, did you and someone else go to the Victoria Hotel with two American gentlemen?"

WITNESS.--"No, I did not. Never."

Sir EDWARD.--"I think you did. Be careful in your replies. Did Burton extort money from these gentlemen?"

WITNESS.--"I have never been there at all."

Sir EDWARD.--"Have you ever been to Anderton"s Hotel and stayed a night with a gentleman, whom you threatened the next morning with exposure?"

WITNESS.--"I have not."

Sir EDWARD.--"When did you go abroad with Burton?"

WITNESS.--"I think in February, 1892."

Sir EDWARD.--"When did you last go with him abroad?"

WITNESS.--"Last spring."

Sir EDWARD.--"How long were you away?"

WITNESS.--"Oh! about a month."

Sir EDWARD.--"Where did you stay?"

WITNESS.--"We went to Nice and stayed at Gaze"s Hotel."

Sir EDWARD.--"You were having a holiday?"


Sir EDWARD.--"Which you continued with business in your usual way?"

The witness did not reply.

Sir EDWARD.--"What were you and Burton doing at Nice?"

WITNESS.--"Simply enjoying ourselves."

Sir EDWARD.--"During this visit of enjoyment you and Burton fell out, I think."

WITNESS.--"Oh, dear, no!"

Sir EDWARD.--"Yet you separated from this Burton after that visit?"

WITNESS.--"I gave up being a bookmaker"s clerk."

Sir EDWARD.--"What name did Burton use in the ring?"

WITNESS.--"Watson was his betting name."

Sir EDWARD.--"Did you blackmail a gentleman at Nice?"


Sir EDWARD.--"Are you sure there was no quarrel between you and Burton at Nice?"

WITNESS.--"There may have been a little one, but I don"t remember anything of the kind."

Mr. Grain then put some questions to the Witness.

Mr. GRAIN.--"Did you go to Scarbro" about a year ago?"


Mr. GRAIN.--"Did Burton go with you?"


Mr. GRAIN.--"What was your business there?"

WITNESS.--"I was engaged professionally. I sang at the Aquarium there."

Mr. GRAIN.--"Did you get acquainted while there with a foreign gentleman, a Count?"

WITNESS.--"Not acquainted."

At this moment Mr. Grain wrote a name on a piece of paper and handed it up to the witness, who read it.

Mr. GRAIN.--"Do you know that gentleman?"

WITNESS.--"No, I heard his name mentioned at Scarborough."

Mr. GRAIN.--"Then you never spoke to him?"

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