Exogamous septs or clans--_Pa.s.sim_. See especially Bhaina, 3, Brahman, 8, Chadar, 1, Dahait, 2, Dangi, 2, Gond, 12, Gowari, 3, Halba, 4, Jhadi Telenga, 2, Karan, Katia, 2, Kawar, 3, Kewat, 2, Khond, 3, Korku, 3, Kunbi, 5, Kurmi, 4 and Appendix, Lodhi, 4, Mahar, 5, Maratha, 4, Panwar Rajput, 6, Rajput, 4, Savar, 3, Intro., 48, 69

Extortionate practices of Bards--Bhat, 7

False bride, custom of--Dhobi, 2

Fasting for the crops--Kunbi, 7, Oraon, 22; other fasts--Jain R., 13, Thug, 18

Female palanquin bearers--Kahar, 3

Festivals--Gadba, 3, Gond, 53, Khond, 10, Maratha, 7, Oraon, 20, 21, Parja, 7

Fighting, methods of--Gosain, 9, Khond, 7, 8

Fights of animals--Kasai, 21

Fishing--Dhimar, 8

Flowers--Mali, 3, 4, 10

Folktales--Korwa, 11

Food--Baiga, 8, Bania, 17, Bharia, 7, Brahman, 21, Gadba, 5, Gond, 68, Kawar, 12, Khond, 9, Kol, 18, Kolta, 4, Korku, 10, Kunbi, 21, Kurmi, 40, Lodhi, 9, Mina (or Deswali), 4, Muhammadan R., 30, Parsi R., 18, Rajput, 8, Tiyar, Intro., 85, 88; leavings of food--Dhimar, 10

Foreign religions, adoption of--Mahar, 10, Mehtar, 16

Forest ascetics--Jogi, 5

Fosterage--Ahir, 7

Funeral priest--Kurmi, 26

Furniture--Baiga, 7, Kunbi, 20, Kurmi, 36

Games and pastimes--Kamar, Mal, Pardhi, 7, 11

Ganja (Indian hemp)--Kalar, 10, 11

Ganpati, worship of--Bania, 14, Koshti, 5; legend about--Kunbi, 16

Gardening--Mali, 10, Intro., 28

Ghasi Das (legends and teachings of)--Satnami S., 2, 3, 4

Ghosts, beliefs about--Bhat, 10, 11

Gipsies, origin of--Kanjar, 2

Girls dedicated to temples--Kashi, 2, Waghya

Goats and sheep--Dhangar, 5, Gadaria, 6

G.o.ds, att.i.tude towards the--Garpagari, 4; making contracts with the--Mehtar, 8

Going away ceremony (or Gauna)--Halba, 9, Katia, 3, Lodhi, 6, Panwar Rajput, 8

Gold, sanct.i.ty of--Sunar, 7; washing for--Sonjhara, 8

Gondwana--Gond, 2

Govind Singh, Guru--Sikh R., 3

Graveyards--Bohra, 4, Kurmi, 23

Grazing cattle--Ahir, 19

Greeting--See _Address, methods of_

Grinding grain--Kanjar, 9

_Gur_ or sugar, the sacred--Thug, 16

_Guru_ or spiritual preceptor--Bairagi, 13, Daharia, 3

Hailstorms, averting--Garpagari, 1, 4

Hair--Gond, 63, Jogi 7, Manbhao 3, Nai _pa.s.sim_

Hair-cutting--Nai 3

Halal (sacrifice) rites of Muhammadan,--Atari 4, Kasai 3

Hanuman, the G.o.d--Garpagari 3, 4, Kunbi 12

Haveli, meaning of--Kurmi, 3

Heber, Bishop--Swami Narayan S. 3

Hindu R., aversion to--Satnami S. 7. See _Religious Beliefs_

Holi Festival--Bania 16, Gond 54, Khairwar 9, Mannewar

h.o.m.os.e.xual practices--Hijra

Horoscopes--Prabhu 1

Horse--Maratha 7

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