[65] Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Bawaria.

[66] _Sirsa Settlement Report._

[67] It would appear that the Gujarat Vaghris are a distinct cla.s.s from the criminal section of the tribe.

[68] _Bombay Gazetteer_, _Gujarat Hindus_, p. 514.

[69] Art. Bawaria, quoting from _North Indian Notes and Queries_, i. 51.

[70] _Bombay Gazetteer_, _Hindus of Gujarat_, p. 574.

[71] Gunthorpe"s _Criminal Tribes_.

[72] _Criminal Cla.s.ses in the Bombay Presidency_, p. 151.

[73] Gunthorpe"s _Criminal Tribes_, art. Badhak.

[74] _C. P. Police Lectures_, art. Badhak.

[75] Art. Bawaria, para. 12.

[76] _Criminal Cla.s.ses in the Bombay Presidency_, p. 179.

[77] Kennedy, _loc. cit._ p. 208.

[78] Kennedy, _loc. cit._ p. 185.

[79] This article is partly based on a paper by Munshi Kanhya Lal of the Gazetteer office.

[80] Sir B. Robertson"s _C.P. Census Report_ (1891), p. 203.

[81] _Punjab Census Report_ (1881), paras. 646, 647.

[82] _Nasik Gazetteer_, pp. 84, 85.

[83] Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Bahna.

[84] The word Achera is merely a jingle put in to make the rhyme complete.

Kachera is a maker of gla.s.s bangles.

[85] This article is based largely on a monograph by the Rev. J. Lampard, missionary, Baihar, and also on papers by Muhammad Hanif Siddiqi, forest ranger, Bilaspur, and Mr. Muhammad Ali Haqqani, B.A., Tahsildar, Dindori. Some extracts have been made from Colonel Ward"s _Mandla Settlement Report_ (1869), and from Colonel Bloomfield"s _Notes on the Baigas_.

[86] In Bengal the Bhumia or Bhumij are an important tribe.

[87] Colonel Ward"s _Mandla Settlement Report_ (1868-69), p. 153.

[88] _Sh.o.r.ea robusta._

[89] Jarrett"s _Ain-i-Akbari_, vol. ii. p. 196.

[90] Colonel Ward gives the bride"s house as among the Gonds. But inquiry in Mandla shows that if this custom formerly existed it has been abandoned.

[91] Forsyth"s _Highlands of Central India_, p. 377.

[92] The Great G.o.d. The Gonds also worship Bura Deo, resident in a _saj_ tree.

[93] Opened in 1905.

[94] _Mandla Settlement Report_ (1868-69), p. 153.

[95] _Notes on the Baigas_, p. 4.

[96] Mr. Lampard"s monograph.

[97] Farthings.

[98] This article contains material from Sir E. Maclagan"s _Punjab Census Report_ (1891), and Dr. J. N. Bhattacharya"s _Hindu Castes and Sects_ (Thacker, Spink & Co., Calcutta).

[99] _Dictionary_, s.v.

[100] Sir E. Maclagan"s _Punjab Census Report_ (1891), p. 122.

[101] _Memoir of Mathura._

[102] _Hindu Castes and Sects_, p. 449.

[103] Lit. the birth on the eighth day, as Krishna was born on the 8th of dark Bhadon.

[104] Mr. Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Vallabhacharya.

[105] _Hindu Castes and Sects_, p. 457.

[106] From _laskkar_, an army.

[107] This paragraph is taken from Professor Wilson"s _Account of Hindu Sects in the Asiatic Researches_.

[108] This article is based on papers by Mr. Habib Ullah, Pleader, Burhanpur, Mr. W. Bagley, Subdivisional Officer, and Munsh Kanhya Lal, of the Gazetteer office.

[109] This legend is probably a vague reminiscence of the historical fact that a Malwa army was misled by a Gond guide in the Nimar forests and cut up by the local Muhammadan ruler. The well-known Raja Man of Jodhpur was, it is believed, never in Nimar.

[110] The _ghat_ or river-bank for the disposal of corpses.

[111] _Madras Census Report_ (1891), p. 277.

[112] _Ibidem_ (1891), p. 226.

[113] _Ethnographic Notes in Southern India_, p. 16.

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