[259] Cunningham"s _Archaeological Survey Reports_, xx. p. 24.

[260] _Ibidem_.

[261] General Cunningham"s enumeration of the _pals_ is as follows: Five Jadon clans--Chhirkilta, Dalat, Dermot, Nai, Pundelot; five Tuar clans--Balot, Darwar, Kalesa, Lundavat, Rattawat; one Kachhwaha clan--Dingal; one Bargjuar clan--Singal. Besides these there is one miscellaneous or half-blood clan, Palakra, making up the common total of 12 1/2 clans.

[262] Ibbetson"s _Punjab Census Report_, para. 582. Sir D. Ibbetson considered it doubtful, however, whether the expression referred to the Mina caste.

[263] Major Powlett, _Gazetteer of Alwar_.

[264] _Asiatic Studies_, vol. i. p. 162.

[265] Quoted in Dowson"s _Elliott"s History of India_, iii. p. 103.

[266] Dowson"s _Elliott_, iv. pp. 60, 75, 283, quoted in Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_.

[267] _Census Report_ (1881), para. 582.

[268] _Tribes and Castes of the N.W.P._ art. Meo.

[269] _Rajasthan_, i. p. 589.

[270] _Archaeological Reports_. vol. xx. p. 26.

[271] _Tribes and Castes of the North-Western Provinces_, vol. iii. p. 496.

[272] Baden Powell"s _Land Systems of British India_, vol. iii. p. 116.

[273] _Punjab Ethnography_, p. 289.

[274] _Brief View_, p. 43.

[275] Crooke, _loc. cit._

[276] This article is partly based on papers by Mr. Gopal Parmanand, Deputy Inspector of Schools, Saugor, and Mr. Shamsuddin, Sub-Inspector, City Police, Saugor.

[277] _Brief View_.

[278] _Bombay Ethnographic Survey Draft Monograph on Jingar_.

[279] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, art. Mochi.

[280] _Eastern India_, vol. iii. p. 105.

[281] Rajendra Lal Mitra, _Indo-Aryans_, vol. i. pp. 222, 223.

[282] _Ethnology of Bengal_, p. 326.

[283] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, art. Bind.

[284] Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Bind.

[285] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, _loc. cit._

[286] The clever writer referred to in the preceding line.

[287] Breast-cloth.

[288] This article is mainly compiled from papers by Mr. Hira Lal and Babu Gulab Singh, Superintendent of Land Records, Betul.

[289] _Berar Census Report_ (1881), p. 158.

[290] _Butea frondosa_.

[291] _Phyllanthus emiblica_.

[292] This article is compiled from papers by Mr. Chatterji, retired E.A.C., Jubbulpore; Professor Sadashiva Jairam, M.A., Hislop College, Nagpur; and Mr. C. Shrinivas Naidu, First a.s.sistant Master, Sironcha, Chanda; and from the Central Provinces District Gazetteers.

[293] Mr. Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes,_ art. Nai.

[294] _Tribes and Castes_, art. Nai, para. 5.

[295] The following account is largely taken from Mr. Nesfield"s _Brief View of the Caste System_, pp. 42, 43.

[296] _Eighteenth Century Middle-Cla.s.s Life_, by C.S. Torres, in the _Nineteenth Century and After_, Sept. 1910.

[297] _Private Life of an Eastern King_, p. 17.

[298] _Ibidem_, p. 107.

[299] _Private Life of an Eastern King_, p. 330.

[300] In the _Balaghat District Gazetteer_.

[301] D.B. Pandian, _Indian Village Life_, under Barber.

[302] Quoted in Malcolm"s _Sketch of the Sikhs, Asiatic Researches_, vol. xi., 1810, p. 289.

[303] Quoted in Sir D. Ibbetson"s account of the Sikhs in _Punjab Census Report_ (1881).

[304] _Sketch of the Sikhs_, _ibidem_, pp. 284, 285.

[305] Professor Blumners, _Home Life of the Ancient Greeks_, translation, p. 455.

[306] _Golden Bough_, 2nd ed. vol. iii. p. 370.

[307] Hendley, _Account of the Bhils_, _J.A.S.B._ vol. x.x.xiv., 1875, p. 360.

[308] _Bombay Gazetteer_, _Hindus of Gujarat_, p. 528.

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