[523] Compiled from papers by Mr. Mulchand, Deputy Inspector of Schools, Betul; Mr. Shams-ul-Husain, Tahsildar, Sohagpur; Mr. Kalyan Chand, Manager, Court of Wards, Betul; and Kanhya Lal, clerk in the Gazetteer Office.

[524] Hoshangabad Settlement Report (1867), p. 60.

[525] History of the Sikhs, p. 15, footnote.

[526] Ibbetson"s Census Report (1881), p. 297.

[527] Nagpur Settlement Report, p. 24.

[528] Mr. Lawrence"s Bhandara Settlement Report (1867), p. 46.

[529] Bombay Gazetteer, Satara, p. 106.

[530] See article on Kunbi.

[531] Bhandara District Gazetteer, para. 90.

[532] Bhandara Settlement Report.

[533] Ibidem.

[534] Subordinate revenue officer.

[535] Tribes and Castes of Bengal, art. Bhumij.

[536] The Mundas and their Country, p. 400.

[537] Linguistic Survey, Munda and Dravidian Languages, vol. vi. p. 7.

[538] Tribes and Castes of Bengal, art. Munda.

[539] Tribes and Castes of Bengal, p. 15.

[540] Introduction to The Mundas and their Country, p. 9.

[541] Introduction to The Mundas and their Country, p. 9.

[542] Garha is six miles from Jubbulpore.

[543] The Mundas and their Country, p. 124.

[544] Rasmala, i. p. 113.

[545] Two baskets slung from a stick across the shoulders.

[546] Dalton, Ethnology of Bengal, p. 166.

[547] Dalton, p. 152.

[548] November, January and February.

[549] Tribes and Castes, art. Munda.

[550] Thuiya, Bhuiya is a mere jingle.

[551] J.A.S.B., No. 1 of 1903, p. 31.

[552] Dalton, ibidem.

[553] Mr. B. C. Mazumdar"s Monograph.

[554] Roy, ibidem, p. 428.

[555] The Mundas and their Country, p. 121.

[556] Linguistic Survey, vol. iv., Munda and Dravidian Languages, p. 27.

[557] This article includes some extracts from notes made by Colonel Mackenzie when Commissioner of Berar, and subsequently published in the Pioneer newspaper; and information collected for the District Gazetteers in Yeotmal and Wardha.

[558] Papers relating to the Aboriginal Tribes of the Central Provinces, p. 10.

[559] Ibidem, Editor"s Note.

[560] Linguistic Survey, vol. iv., Munda and Dravidian Languages, p. 561.

[561] India Census Report (1901), p. 287.

[562] Hunter"s Imperial Gazetteer, art. Kolamallai hills.

[563] Based partly on papers by Mr. Bihari Lal, Naib-Tahsildar, Bilaspur, and Mr. Aduram Chaudhri of the Gazetteer Office.

[564] For further information the articles on Sansia and Beria may be consulted.

[565] Andropagon Schoenanthus.

[566] Gunthorpe, loc. cit.

[567] Ibidem, p. 49.

[568] Kitts, loc. cit.

[569] Ind. Ant. iii. p. 185, Satara Gazetteer, p. 119.

[570] Lyall"s Berar Gazetteer, pp. 103-5.

[571] Kathiawar Gazetteer, p. 140.

[572] Crooke"s edition of Hobson-Jobson, art. Koli.

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