[159] _Ibidem_, para. 484.

[160] _Balaghat District Gazetteer_, para. 59.

[161] Mr. Napier"s _Bhandara Settlement Report_, quoted in article on Kohli.

[162] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, art. Mali.

[163] _Brief View of the Caste System_, p. 15.

[164] _La Cite antique_, 21st ed., p. 181.

[165] _The Antiquity of Oriental Carpets_, Sir G. Birdwood (Society of Arts, 6th November 1908).

[166] The derivations of chaplet and rosary are taken from Ogilvy"s _Dictionary_.

[167] _Balaghat District Gazetteer_ (C.E. Low), para. 59.

[168] _Ibidem, loc. cit._

[169] _Balaghat District Gazetteer_, para. 59.

[170] _Hindu Castes_, vol. i. p. 327.

[171] _Balaghat District Gazetteer, loc. cit._

[172] This article is based on papers by Mr. Shyamacharan, B.A., B.L., Pleader, Narsinghpur, and Pyare Lal Misra, Ethnographic clerk.

[173] Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes of the N. W. P. and Oudh_, art. Mallah.

[174] This article is based on papers by Mr. Hira Lal and G. Padaya Naidu of the Gazetteer Office.

[175] _Papers on the Aboriginal Tribes of the Central Provinces_, p. 6.

[176] Rev. A. Wood in _Chanda District Gazetteer_, para. 96.

[177] This article is compiled from notes on the caste drawn up by Colonel Mackenzie and contributed to the _Pioneer_ newspaper by Mrs. Horsburgh; Captain Mackintosh"s _Account of the Manbhaos_ (India Office Tracts); and a paper by Pyare Lal Misra, Ethnographic clerk.

[178] _Berar Census Report_ (1881), p. 62.

[179] Dattatreya was a celebrated Sivite devotee who has been deified as an incarnation of Siva.

[180] _Berar Census Report_ (1881), p. 62.

[181] This article is based partly on a paper by Mr. Achyut Sitaram Sathe, Extra a.s.sistant Commissioner.

[182] P. 389.

[183] See also separate article Mang-Garori.

[184] _Berar Census Report_ (1881), p. 147.

[185] _Lectures on the Criminal Tribes of the Central Provinces_, p. 79.

[186] _Cynodon dactylon_.

[187] Dr, Murray Mitch.e.l.l"s _Great Religions of India_, p. 63.

[188] From a note by Mr. Hira Lal.

[189] Times Press, Bombay, 1882.

[190] Kennedy, _Criminal Cla.s.ses of the Bombay Presidency_, p. 122.

[191] _Lectures on some Criminal Tribes of India_.

[192] This pa.s.sage is quoted by Mr. Gayer from the Supplement to the Central Provinces Police Gazette of 24th January 1905.

[193] Hutton"s _Thugs, Dacoits and Gang-robbers of India_ (1857), pp. 164-168, quoting an account by Captain Barr.

[194] This article is based on papers by Rai Sahib Nanakchand, B.A., Headmaster, Saugor High School, and Munshi Pyare Lal Misra of the Gazetteer office.

[195] _Brief View_, p. 30.

[196] The _tazias_ are ornamental representations of the tomb of Hussain, which the Muhammadans make at the Muharram festival.

[197] This article is based on a note furnished by Mr. M. Aziz, Officiating Naib-Tahsildar, Sironcha.

[198] From a glossary published by Mr. Gupta, a.s.sistant Director of Ethnology for India.

[199] Generally the paternal aunt"s son.

[200] _Ba.s.sia latifolia_.

[201] Sir H. Risley"s _India Census Report_ (1901), Ethnographic Appendices, p. 93.

[202] P. 48, footnote.

[203] _Nasik Gazetteer_, _ibidem_. Elphinstone"s _History_, p. 246.

[204] The proper spelling is Bhosle, but Bhonsla is adopted in deference to established usage.

[205] _Bombay Census Report_ (1901), pp. 184-185.

[206] _Rajasthan_, i. 269.

[207] _Ibidem_, ii. 420.

[208] _Sholapur Gazetteer_, p. 87.

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