[409] _Berar Census Report_ (1881), p. 135.

[410] _Bombay Ethnographic Survey_, art. Pardhi.

[411] _Jungle Life in India_, pp. 586-587.

[412] _Peasant Life in Bihar_, p. 80.

[413] See Jerdon"s _Mammals of India_, p, 97. The account there given is quoted in the _Chhindwara District Gazetteer_, pp. 16-17.

[414] _Private Life of an Eastern King_, p. 75.

[415] _Private Life of an Eastern King_, pp. 69, 71.

[416] _Private Life of an Eastern King_, pp. 39-40.

[417] _Bombay Ethnographic Survey_, _ibidem_.

[418] This article is based on papers by Mr. Panda Baijnath and other officers of the Bastar State.

[419] By Dr. Cornish.

[420] _Linguistic Survey_; vol. ix, p. 554; vol. ii. part ii. pp. 434 ff.

[421] In the article on Gond it is suggested that the Gonds and Khonds were originally one tribe, and the fact that the Parjas have affinities with both of them appears to support this view.

[422] _Eugenia jambolana_.

[423] Hareli, _lit._ "the season of greenness."

[424] Nawakhani, _lit._ "the new eating."

[425] _Folklore as a Historical Science_ (G.L. Gomme), pp. 191, 192.

[426] Based princ.i.p.ally on Mr. Crooke"s article on the caste in his _Tribes and Castes of the North-Western Provinces and Oudh_.

[427] Quoted in Mr. Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Bhar.

[428] Art. Pasi, para. 3.

[429] Art. Bhar, para. 4.

[430] A pulse of a black colour (_Phaseolus radiatus_).

[431] These sentences are taken from Dr. Grierson"s _Peasant Life in Behar_, p. 79.

[432] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, art. Pasi.

[433] The following pa.s.sage is taken from Mr. Crooke"s article on Pasi, and includes quotations from the _Sitapur_ and _Hardoi Settlement Reports_.

[434] _Lectures on Criminal Tribes of the Central Provinces_.

[435] The word Rakshabandhan is said to mean literally, "the bond of protection." Another suggested derivation, "binding the devil,"

is perhaps incorrect.

[436] The historical account of the Pindaris is compiled from Malcolm"s _Memoir of Central India_, Grant-Duff"s _History of the Marathas_, and Prinsep"s _Transactions in India_ (1825). Some notes on the modern Pindaris have been furnished by Mr. Hira Lal, and Mr. Waman Rustom Mandloi, Naib-Tahsildar, Harda.

[437] _Memoir of Central India_, i, p. 433.

[438] _Indian Antiquary_, 1900.

[439] _Transactions in India_, 1813-23, by H.T. Prinsep.

[440] _Maratha and Pindari Campaigns_.

[441] The above is compiled from the accounts given by Prinsep and Malcolm.

[442] That is when Malcolm wrote his _Memoir_.

[443] This account is copied from Prinsep"s _Transactions_.

[444] _Memoir_, ii. p. 177.

[445] _Rajasthan_, ii. p. 674.

[446] Malcolm, ii. p. 177.

[447] The Pindari"s childhood is recalled here, _vide_ poem.

[448] Pamphlet published in connection with the Ethnographic Survey.

[449] _A Prabhu Marriage_, p. 3 _et seq._

[450] _A Prabhu Marriage_, pp. 26-27.

[451] _Bombay Ethnographic Survey_, art. Prabhu.

[452] _Bombay Gazetteer_, ix. p. 68, footnotes.

[453] _Hoshangabad Settlement Report_ (1807), p. 60.

[454] _Nagpur Settlement Report_.

[455] _Settlement Report_.

[456] Preserved b.u.t.ter.

[457] _Tribes and Castes_, art. Raghuvansi.

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