[558] Mr. Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Parihar.

[559] _Early History of India_, 3rd edition, p. 389.

[560] _Ibidem_, p. 413.

[561] _Imperial Gazetteer_, art. Bali.

[562] _Rajasthan_, ii. pp. 16, 17.

[563] _Ibidem_, i. p. 81.

[564] _Ibidem_, ii. p. 37.

[565] _Ibidem_, ii. p. 35.

[566] _J.A.S.B._ (1909), vol. v. p. 167.

[567] _Imperial Gazetteer, loc. cit_.

[568] Bhandarkar, _loc. cit._ p. 180.

[569] The following extracts from the history of the clan are mainly taken from the article on Udaipur State in the _Imperial Gazetteer_.

[570] _Rajasthan_, pp. 222, 223.

[571] Forbes, _Rasmala_ i. p. 400.

[572] _Rajasthan_ i. pp, 398, 399. The death of the young princess was mainly the work of Amir Khan Pindari who brought pressure on the Rana to consent to it in order to save his state.

[573] If the Chalukyas were in the Deccan in the fourth century they could not have originated from the Hun and Gujar invaders of the fifth and sixth centuries, but must have belonged to an earlier horde.

[574] _Some Problems of Ancient Indian History_, by Dr. Rudolf h.o.e.rnle, _J.R.A.S._ (1905) pp. 1-14.

[575] _Tribes and Castes, s.v._

[576] _Ibidem_, art. Soiri.

[577] Mr Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Tomara.

[578] _Early History of India_, 3rd edition, p. 386.

[579] Elliot, _Supplemental Glossary, s.v._

[580] Mr. Crooke"s _Tribes, and Castes,_ art. Tomara.

[581] See also article Jadum for a separate account of the local caste in the Central Provinces.

[582] _Early History of India_, 3rd edition, p. 434.

[583] Based on the accounts of Sir H. Risley and Colonel Dalton and a paper by Pandit G.L. Pathak, Superintendent, Korea State.

[584] _B. G. Poona_, Part I., p. 409.

[585] _An Account of the Origin and Present Condition of the Tribe of Ramosis_ (Bombay, 1833; India Office Tracts. Also published in the _Madras Journal of Literature and Science_.)

[586] This paragraph is mainly compiled from the _Nasik_ and _Poona_ volumes of the _Bombay Gazetteer_.

[587] _Ficus glomerata_.

[588] _Eugenia jambolana_.

[589] _Calotropis gigantea_.

[590] _Bauhinia racemosa_.

[591] _Poona Gazetteer_, part i. p. 425.

[592] _Tribes and Castes_, art. Rangrez.

[593] _Peasant Life in Bihar_, p. 101, footnote.

[594] Temple and Fallon"s _Hindustani Proverbs_.

[595] Based on Sir H. Risley"s account of the tribe in the _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, and on notes taken by Mr. Hira Lal at Raigarh.

[596] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, vol. ii. App. I.

[597] _Saccharum spontaneum_.

[598] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, art. Rautia.

[599] This article is based princ.i.p.ally on an account of the Sanaurhias written by Mr. C.M. Seagrim, Inspector-General of Police, Indore, and included in Mr. Kennedy"s _Criminal Cla.s.ses of Bombay_ (1908).

[600] Crooke"s _Tribes and Castes_, art. Sanaurhia.

[601] _Criminal Cla.s.ses of Bombay Presidency_, pp. 296, 297.

[602] Sleeman"s _Reports on the Badhaks_, p. 327.

[603] Mr. Gayer"s _Lectures on some Criminal Tribes_.

[604] _Report on the Badhak or Bagri Dacoits_ (1849), p. 328.

[605] J. Hutton, _A Popular Account of the Thugs and Dacoits and Gang-robbers of India_ (London, 1857).

[606] This article is based almost entirely on a description of the Sansias contained in Colonel Sleeman"s _Report on the Badhak or Bagri Dacoits_ (1849). Most of the material belongs to a report drawn up at Nagpur by Mr. C. Ramsay, a.s.sistant Resident, in 1845.

[607] Sleeman"s _Report on the Badhaks_, p. 253.

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