[708] Sleeman, p. 196.

[709] P. 91.

[710] P. 67.

[711] P. 100.

[712] _Orpheus_ (M. Salomon Reinach), p. 316.

[713] _Tribes and Castes of Bengal_, art. Turi.

[714] _North Arcot Manual_, i. p. 216.

[715] _Indian Antiquary_ (1879), p. 216.

[716] This article is compiled from papers by Mr. W.A. Tucker, Extra a.s.sistant Commissioner, Bhandara, and Mr. B.M. Deshmukh, Pleader, Chanda.

[717] Buchanan, _Eastern India_, i. p. 186.

[718] Rand = widow or prost.i.tute.

[719] The term Kunwar is a t.i.tle applied to the eldest son of a chief.

[720] _Bombay Gazetteer_, vol. xviii. p. 185.

[721] _Nagpur Settlement Report_, p. 27.

[722] This article is partly based on a paper by Pandit Pyare Lal Misra, ethnographic clerk.

[723] Vol. xx. pp. 189-190.

[724] _Bombay Gazetteer_; vol. xxii. p. 212.

[725] _Madras Census Report_ (1891).

[726] _Madras Census Report_ (1901).

[727] _Bombay Gazetteer_, vol. xxi. pp. 170, 171.

[728] _Tribes and Castes of Southern India_, art. Korava.

[729] _North Arcot Manual_, p. 247.

[730] _Ind. Ant._ vol. iii., 1874, p. 157.


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