Early in the morning, Master Shiro was trained Ichiro on how to use a sword properly,

Ichiro used a wooden sword first to strengthen his arm and wrist that wooden sword is not an ordinary sword it"s sacred heavy and sharp that can cut a tree or even a big rock. At first, Ichiro was hard to lift the sacred wooden sword. The ancestors of Master Shiro said "once you use that sacred wooden sword properly you can use the greatest Honōnoken and other powerful sword that is the sword flamming when you swing properly and forcefully"only one of master Shiro student was successfully to swing that sacred wooden sword. Ichiro can"t lift the sword even he tries many times, The master thought it was too early for Ichiro to use a sword. Master Shiro try another training and he said to Ichiro.

"To lift that sacred wooden sword Ichiro try the basic training of swordsman "

"What is that training master? tell me"

"You need to accomplish that in 2weeks, push up 500 times, sit up 500 times, squats 400 times, and run 10km, a day"

"huh Wtf its hard master"

"You said you will do everything you can save your family, What kind of att.i.tude is that Ichiro? "

"yes ill do that master for my family "

"that"s the spirit Ichiro go do the training"

Ichiro starts the training he does what the master said, he train and train day by day, he didn"t stop in training. Master Shiro is happy because he finds again a kid like her first student. Ichiro accomplished the training exactly two weeks, Master surprised on Ichiro.

"master Shiro i"m done, what"s next master "

"I didn"t expect Ichiro that you accomplished that training, I said thats basic but its really hard training you impressed me, my boy"

"Thank you, master, for your compliment"

"You deserved it Ichiro, Now try to lift and swing that Sacred wooden sword"

"okay master "
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Ichiro try to lift that sacred wooden sword and when he swing that sword he accidentally cut the big tree in mount semeru.

"Ow master I"m so sorry about that"

"it"s fine Ichiro,the important is you success to lift and swing that sacred wooden sword "

"Yes, master I"m surprised that I can swing this sword it"s not heavy unlike before, what happen master?"

"Its the result of your hard training and dedication to succeed and save your family"

"thank you, master, for train me"

"your a great kid Ichiro, remembred the sword that I give you that the Honōnoken one of the powerfull sword, tomorrow I will show the power of that sword

Master Shiro go inside the hut and cook hot pot for Ichiro and eat at the same time.

"Do you like the hot pot that I cook "

"yes master I like it thank you for the meel"

"Be prepared tomorrow Ichiro, because tomorrow you will try to release the power of Honōnoken"

And Ichiro didn"t hear what master because he slept already

To Be continued ...

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