The capital is located in the north of the Yanhuang Republic. The weather is pretty warm in May. And when the night falls, the capital becomes more beautiful. The city is filled with neon lights illuminating the streets. Some people"s jobs only start at night.

It was already 9:30, Qi Yue who had been sitting in the train for 27 hours straight breathed a sigh of relief. He was almost scared witless in the first few hours, if he got caught that was it, game over.

After getting on the train, Qi Yue"s mood was relatively relaxed. For him, the word Tibet was unknown grounds. It was a mysterious place. He only knew that there was a location known as the Potala Palace.

At first he wanted a decent seat to his destination, but he discovered that there was only a sleeper train; you only got a choice between a premium and normal bed. After hesitating a bit, he chose the premium beds. He paid 800 yuan from 20.000 He just transferred to his card.20.000 yuan was the biggest wealth he ever had.

Entering the compartment he stepped on a yellow soft carpet. The small room was decorated in a manner to sooth the traveling stress. Above his head was hanging a light-saving bulb, very bright yet not excessive. He never experienced such luxury as this; in fact it was his first time travelling or even leaving the capital (Beijing).

According to the train manual this trip will take 48 hours of traveling. However Qi Yue had high expectations, he couldn"t wait to see the snowy mountains, and see if what he read in the novels was the same as reality.

The sleeper train"s rooms were made up of four people. Qi Yue was the first to climb the compartment and find his position because he was worried about being caught. He looked at beds next to him and there was a women. At least it won"t be a lonely trip.

As the number of people in the compartment gradually increased it became noisy. He couldn"t hold his excitement anymore and peeked at the women from his upper bunk bed. That woman got his interest.

In the next bed laid a woman neither too old nor too young, she had a graceful figure. Qi Yue eyes were glued to her body, scanning her from top to bottom, as any pervert would do. However he paid great attention to her beautiful face, after all its one of the most important things in a woman.

Although many eyes were glaring at him for his l.u.s.tful observation, however he had done it many times a few eyes couldn"t change his behavior. After all it wasn"t a crime to appreciate a woman"s body.

At this moment a white dressed girl was pa.s.sing in the hallway. She had a suffocating charm, she wore white expensive sneakers and skirt that only reached her snowy white knees. She wore a big-neck shirt on top that matched her beautiful angelic face. Her body was perfectly balanced.

"DAAAAMN, the body of a demoness and the face of an angel. If could have her I"m willing to live ten more years, or even die in year, living ten more years is better I get to enjoy other women" the pervert"s eyes never left her body that started heading his way.

His heart started beating faster and faster, and his breathing got rugged. He started worrying his saliva will drop to the ground. What interested him the most is that this girl had no companion.

The girl in white finally came to the room where Qi Yue was sitting. Her footsteps paused for a little bit when She accidently made eye contact with that pervert in front of her. His heart trembled with made a wish "pleaaase sit in this compartment with meee !!!"

The white girl looked at Qi Yue gazing at her. She seemed to be entertained. She smiled and nodded to Qi Yue. "Hey uncle, h.e.l.lo, is your eyes sick? I have eye drops here."

It was one painful sentence to a self-proclaimed handsome young boy. Especially after a break up, it can easily shatter his self-confidence, especially in public. When he heard the word uncle he almost dropped from his bed.

“My eyes are just fine, do I look that old to you ?" As he spoke, Qi Yue jumped from his bed and subconsciously touched his face. Sure, he had not had a shower for at least a week, but he had shaved his beard. For a lazy and poor person like him, it"s not easy to shower. And although his white jeans had some tears and wears it was still decent. He specially combed his hair neat before getting in the train, he was still confident. He jumped down and greeted her.

The girl blushed for a bit while looking at the young man taller than her and said "sorry, I didn"t see clearly, however it"s possible to get dry eyes as you grow older, I study medicine"

She was so pure; she looked like a sheep in front of the big bad wolf Qi Yue. His heart was almost singing from joy looking at such cute girl, if he missed his chance it would be a big loss.

"Do you suffer from alt.i.tude sickness? No that shouldn"t be the case we"re not yet in the mountains." The white girl looked at Qi Yue with worry.

“NO! I"m a very strong healthy young boy.” Qi Yue rushed to the white girl to show off his arm muscles that were almost invisible.

The white girl smirked and said “how come you"re drooling? I guess I have to trouble this strong uncle, I mean big brother to help me put my luggage up"

Qi Yue quickly wiped his saliva and helped the girl settle in her bed.

The white girl sorted out her clothes and carefully put it into the upper bunk. It turned out that she had the upper bunk bed just like Qi Yue. He was even more excited because he got to her white body laying on the bed. And he started to fantasize about her. How good would it if there was no gap between the beds. One big bed with this beauty is to die for. She was many times prettier than Nana. "G.o.d please let my virgin life come to an end"

The white girl leaned on her quilt, and looked curiously at the lost Qi Yue “My name is Shuiyue, what about you?”

Qi Yue suddenly woke up from his daze, and quickly climbed back to his bed; he tried to put on a self-righteous look and said: “My name is Qi Yue, what a twist of fate; we both have the Yue character in our names"

Shuiyue smiled and said: “Why are you going to Tibet? Let me guess, I"m guessing you have very good career. Looking at the way you dress you should be popular, so maybe an artist?"

“Oh, yes, yes, I am an artist.” When I heard the artist word, Qi Yue"s mouth was agape, but he was rotten to the core, a true rogue. He acted as if nothing was wrong and went with the flow. After all in the last years he was only relying on his thick face and tricks to survive.

"Really! What luck?! What kind of art do you do? Can you tell me? I didn"t expect that I will meet an artist in this trip to Tibet. It"s my pleasure."

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