Perfect tattoo 2 (part 1)

After all, she never intended to hurt Qi Yue, but the previous kind of situation was special; however it could be considered self-protection. Yet she still felt bad about that hooligan, how could she face him now. Whenever she remembered his hand squeezing her she would turn red.

She gently put away the silver needles she prepared to heal him and sighed. She stood up with a bitter smile on her face. He really left a deep first impression on her, even though it was messy and unintentional. no matter what happened in the future she wouldn"t forget him. She was caught in his net.

If this was a normal yang injection and natural body absorption she could predict when he will wake up and in what situation. However, things took an unexpected turn and left her in awkward situation, how will she explain this to the train staff. But suddenly Qi Yue twitched and moaned.

This little movement scared her out of her wits, that boy was laying there with his chest naked, she quickly tried to put his shirt back on him, for a normal girl to move a man"s body would be a great burden but not to Shui Yue. Despite that, she was nervous looking at the sweat soaked shirt.

Qi Yue"s was feeling very strange. When he received the stacking palm art he only felt a faint heat going from shoulder all the way to his head before fainting. In this coma, a weird dream appeared again, but this time he was not flying. Nor did he see the giant golden building, but was in a huge cauldron.

There were raging flames around him, as the hot fire continued to pour into his body from every corner from all directions. The heat was the only thing that Qi Yue could feel. Every tiny bit of fire caused a pain that could shake his very soul. He wanted to ask for help but no sound came out of his mouth as the pain ravaged his body.

Just when Qi Yue started giving up, there was a faint chill in his heart, like water waves swaying at every corner of the body. When the cold pa.s.sed, he suddenly felt that he wasn"t in a fatal position anymore. The scorching heat faded quickly. No, it seems that it is in harmony with its own body. The burning and coolness seemed to be neutralized. After the dual sensation faded, all that was left was a strange and wonderful feeling. Whenever the cold and heat clashed and disappeared only confort followed.he felt bliss after pain.

Soon everything faded; the flames, the cauldron. He slowly regained his consciousness and had sense of his surroundings.

When he opened his eyes, he was greeted by soft touch of the sun through the wagon"s window. Coupled with the heat of the soft bed he never felt such bliss. He felt as if he merged with nature itself.

He looked at Shui Yue beside him and asked "What happened to me?? Why did I suddenly faint again?"

"How would I know, maybe it was because you haven"t fully recovered, maybe it"s the alt.i.tude sickness" she answered with a blush.


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