Shui Yue stopped and looked at Qi Yue deeply. “I think, we have to part ways here. My father has a friend who is a doctor in Lhasa. He will pick me up, and then I will go to their hospital for an internship. It"s a bit special at our school, so I"m going to an early internship until the end of August, and then I"m going back to Beijing. I really want to do more for the Tibetans here. If there is a chance, maybe we will meet in Beijing. Let"s hope we meet again.” After saying this, her face naturally showed a radiant smile. He could feel her kindness deep in his heart.

Tinged with a touch of sadness, he knew this girl have no avarice in her heart; she clearly admired him in a way. "Maybe call me later, why not?"

With a smile as gentle as a lily flower she said. "There is a chance we will meet again» she turned around and picked her big expensive luggage case. She never looked back.

Qi Yue stood in the same spot and kept watching Shui Yue and the man waiting for her disappearing into the crowd before snapping out of his daze. "What happened to me? Do I really like her? NO, I"m only tempted by her curves"

He took out a bent cigarette from his pocket and put it in his mouth; however his lighter failed to ignite. Oxygen was too scarce in this alt.i.tude for lighters to functions normally.

With nothing else to do he picked the rat"s phone and dialed his number.

"Hey it"s me Qui Yue"

"Boss where are you now?!" The kid"s voice was full of worry and sprinkle of surprise.

Qi Yue looked around and took his simple baggage to a corner and sat on it “I have already arrived in Tibet. How is your situation? Is Yan Xiaoyi dead?”

The rat smiled bitterly: “The guy"s life is as hard as a c.o.c.kroach. My dad sent someone to inquire. He didn"t die. He was moderately concussed. He is still in the hospital. He swears to get revenge on you and will never let you go. You still have to hide for a few more days. Wait for things to calm down and come back.”

Qi Yue breathed a sigh of relief. With no murder he could still avoid troubles with the police “Well, brothers don"t say thank you, what about your dad? Is it difficult for you?”

“Nothing, I"m just locked up. Boss, you know that Yan Xiaoyi"s family is a bit of a force. My dad is trying to diffuse the situation. You can rest a.s.sured, I"m not in a bad situation as you imagined" He naturally would not tell Qi Yue, because of this incident, he was beaten by a beggar, and was transferred to a well-regulated aristocratic boarding school, and no longer have the opportunity to come out.

"There"s is not much to be said man, take care bro"

They"ve been brothers for years now; he owed him a big favor that he will never forget.

Where should I go now? Qi Yue was lost. Tibet is definitely unknown ground for him. He has no friends here. He can"t even tell the difference between the southeast and the northwest. He hesitated for a while before patting his own bag. He had More than 10,000 yuan. He made his choice.

At night, the radiant streets of Lhasa looks gorgeous, but when Qi Yuegang came out of the station, he was once again shocked, because not far behind these glowing streets stood a golden behemoth that resembled the golden scorpion in his dreams.

Where is that? After a simple inquiry, Qi Yue quickly got the answer, which is the Potala Palace, the most mysterious and highest holy place in Tibet. Under the dark night, the Potala Palace was more attractive than ever.

Looking at the magnificent Potala Palace, Qi Yue seemed to hear a voice calling to him. His eyes somewhat blurred. He lost control over his body. He hurried to the streets of Lhasa and took a taxi. Not even bothering about his empty stomach he went directly to the fortress.

The steps in front of the Potala are line-shaped from high to low. From the bottom up, it"s even more splendid from there. When Qi Yue stood at the foot of the mountain, the summoning call disappeared. The scene from his dream appeared again, but this time it was real.

"Isn"t it beautiful here?" A gentle voice sounded not far from Qi Yue. It was a very kind tone. And because it is an authentic Beijing dialect, not a Tibetan language, Qi Yue understood it immediately


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